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Green Lantern the movie is awesome


I just want to state this. A lot of reviews I've read, a lot of people I've heard say GL the movie is bad. Don't remember why, because I don't care. This movie is the only hero movie I've watched more than once, besides Spawn. Besides the childish attitude of Hal Jordan, this movie has maturity, great acting (especially Sinestro, master incarnation), great story and presentation. Also the girl of Lantern is a feminine, bold woman that empowers and inspires her man and not some desperate damsel in distress that's not even worthy of fighting for.
Overall a great movie and, if not for the careless Jordan, it would've been a classic.
Oh yeah, waiting for the sequel where Sinestro kicks ass.

Tim Static

Prinz this has nothing to do with IGAU, so Im moving it. Also, please format your signature picture to be sized 450x150 or smaller. Thanks.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I was extremely excited for this movie and when I finally saw it, I was extremely disappointed by the childish behavior of Ryan Reynolds' portrayal of Hal Jordan... It literally ruined the movie for me.

The writers for this movie should be shot for making Hal Jordan a fuck-up loser in the beginning of the movie.


I was extremely excited for this movie and when I finally saw it, I was extremely disappointed by the childish behavior of Ryan Reynolds' portrayal of Hal Jordan... It literally ruined the movie for me.

The writers for this movie should be shot for making Hal Jordan a fuck-up loser in the beginning of the movie.
Yeah, Hal was a piece of shit in the movie, the rest was awesome.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I just want to state this. A lot of reviews I've read, a lot of people I've heard say GL the movie is bad. Don't remember why, because I don't care. This movie is the only hero movie I've watched more than once, besides Spawn. Besides the childish attitude of Hal Jordan, this movie has maturity, great acting (especially Sinestro, master incarnation), great story and presentation. Also the girl of Lantern is a feminine, bold woman that empowers and inspires her man and not some desperate damsel in distress that's not even worthy of fighting for.
Overall a great movie and, if not for the careless Jordan, it would've been a classic.
Oh yeah, waiting for the sequel where Sinestro kicks ass.
Its the worst piece of shit ive ever seen

Its like watching a turd in a punch bowl at a wedding............awkward


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I like Ryan for other roles but while I enjoyed the GL film and still think there's worse out there (The Hulk, Electra, DareDevil, FF, Batman & Robin etc) I think they should have gotten someone else to play Hal and the script to be fair wasn't his fault, whoever wrote Hal being a loser, screw up at that point in his life was retarded...but hey, that's hollywood for ya...all about their own ideas and making money over staying true to the original concept (be it comics or video game)


If they didn't have 4 different directors trying to make a name for themselves it probably could've been a good movie. They cut so much shit out/put in stupid shit (hot wheels car) and because of that the transitions between scenes is really awkward. Also didn't help they shoehorned a relationship and made the main focus of the movie on Earth. They should've gone the route of the animated series and just stayed in space 24/7 and had Hal and Sinestro be buddy cops.


Galloping Ghost Arcade
it was ok for what it was...Ryan Reynolds is cool becauase he's not only Green Lantern and Dead Pool, he is also Van Wilder.


Play Monster Hunter!
If they didn't have 4 different directors trying to make a name for themselves it probably could've been a good movie. They cut so much shit out/put in stupid shit (hot wheels car) and because of that the transitions between scenes is really awkward. Also didn't help they shoehorned a relationship and made the main focus of the movie on Earth. They should've gone the route of the animated series and just stayed in space 24/7 and had Hal and Sinestro be buddy cops.
Training day in space.
Loved first flight.


Training day in space.
Loved first flight.
The training sequence on Oa in the movie was pretty cool. Then it lasted for all of 5 minutes then Hal goes back to Earth and doesn't even talk with Sinestro or Kilowog. Shit was silly. They could've taken any of his origin stories like Emerald Dawn and just went with that. Plenty of Earth time but also lots of Space time and it even has a moral lesson of not getting drunk behind the wheel!


Come On Die Young
I don't mind Ryan Reynolds as an actor overall. But this movie was complete shit.

They make this confused plot where they try to develop two villains, making one only semi-interesting and then having Parallax so there's cool CGI. Of course they forget about developing the great personalities and stories of the other GLC members involved and try to make the movie SpidermanButGreenLanternInstead.

Despite that, I'll watch a sequel because there's always hope for improvement if they take a different approach.


Neutral Skipper
The only good thing about this movie was Mark Strong as Sinestro. Just sucks that when Green Lantern actually gets a decent movie he probably won't be in it.