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Ban lifted on women in combat


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
No they didn't. If you had money, you could avoid the draft... grad school, law school, deferments for "missionary" work, etc.
many kids with deferments went to college then straight into officer training.. then into the jungle... they may have been leading the men, but they were leading them straight into battle...


I don't agree that women should be able to be "infantry men" or in the front lines of combat. I'm also completely against women in the military. The media and all the equal rights propaganda has skewed perceptions on gender roles. We live in a society where men have become housewives and women have become the breadwinners. Biologically, women are inferior beings both physically (weaker) and mentally (more emotional). Men should be the ones protecting the women and children of a nation, not women. I don't understand all these women that want to be equal to men or what their agenda is.


My blades will find your heart
I don't agree that women should be able to be "infantry men" or in the front lines of combat. I'm also completely against women in the military. The media and all the equal rights propaganda has skewed perceptions on gender roles. We live in a society where men have become housewives and women have become the breadwinners. Biologically, women are inferior beings both physically (weaker) and mentally (more emotional). Men should be the ones protecting the women and children of a nation, not women. I don't understand all these women that want to be equal to men or what their agenda is.
1800s called, they want you back.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I don't agree that women should be able to be "infantry men" or in the front lines of combat. I'm also completely against women in the military. The media and all the equal rights propaganda has skewed perceptions on gender roles. We live in a society where men have become housewives and women have become the breadwinners. Biologically, women are inferior beings both physically (weaker) and mentally (more emotional). Men should be the ones protecting the women and children of a nation, not women. I don't understand all these women that want to be equal to men or what their agenda is.
Wow. Just wow.

I mean. I'm a guy. And even I can't help but feel offended for women at this. It is almost as if you are totally afraid of women having more power and being allowed to do the same things you are.
Women have just as much right to fight for their country as men. If they want to fight, are willing (and capable) of going through the training, meet physical demands, learn to use guns and put their lives on the line then let them. I really hate this mentality some people have that because a few women failed to pass the test or a few solider who happen to be female ended up in some bad situations that suddenly all women can't do it. Yes cause we've never had men who couldn't pass the test or male soldiers who never fucked up.

I'm not saying just let them in because they are women, I'm saying let them in if they have proven they can keep up. If someone can't keep up being a women has nothing to do with it, it just means that individual couldn't do it. We didn't suddenly stop having men serve and just replace them with machines cause a few guys couldn't pass.

Anyone can lift heavy shit after they've been through the training the military puts you through. You might not be able to before going in but they're gonna build you up and try to make sure you can once you get out. And hand to hand combat? Not UN-heard of but I'm pretty sure most of our fighting is done with weapons like guns, tanks and jets so if they have good aiming they can probably take down a lot of opposing forces pretty fast. Heck some of our snipers ARE women.

Plus both genders seem to be good at different combat roles, turns out women have better eyes for being a sniper because they see further and because their extra X chromosomes let them see more shades of color so they see through camouflage better, while men see in the dark better thanks to the Y chromosomes. Men generally have 30% more muscle so they can lift heavy shit while while women generally have a 30% higher pain resistance so they're less likely to go in shock and die when shot or stabbed (makes sense, giving birth is fucking painful so they'd need the resistance). So really wouldn't it make more sense to have the best of both worlds? Both genders have their own advantages and disadvantages and working as a team can do a good job of helping each other work around their disadvantages.

An army with the advantages both genders bring to the table is more powerful then army with just only men or women serving.

It's funny that this is still a debate today in the more "civilized", "enlightened" and "hi tech" age. Countless ancient civilizations have allowed women to join their ranks after they've passed training. They weren't common but they were there, fighting with the men. We have women who are in the police and have put themselves in harms way like any male cop would to protect us from crooks and arrest/kill them yet we still argue about if they should/can fight when several have already proven themselves and made it in. They've gone through the same training as the men and some of them passed with flying colors. Anyone of them could easily snap our necks in half like the men.

TLDR version: Just do with them that you always did with the men, let the ones who pass the training join and fight, they've proven they are willing to fight up to and including putting their lives at risk. If you refuse to let someone in refuse them because they as an individual couldn't meet the demands, not because of their gender.


Closer to the coffin, but still kicking..!
The biggest problem with females on front lines is this...
1. They would have to be required to take Birth Control pills that make them skip their menstrual cycle. So that if at any given time this occurs the blood and pain will not put others at risk in combat.
2. All female units would not be allowed to mingle with male solders for two reasons, A. males have an innate psychological response to attempt to help a female who is in distress that could impair a male's judgment in heated combat situations. B. The sexual desires and possible situations leading to Rape accusations and occurrences becomes a very big problem.
These are things I don't think were explored fully when this congressional judgment was passed into law. Not that I wouldn't dig seeing a female Rambo but in reality it has a low probability of happening.
The biggest problem with females on front lines is this...
1. They would have to be required to take Birth Control pills that make them skip their menstrual cycle. So that if at any given time this occurs the blood and pain will not put others at risk in combat.
2. All female units would not be allowed to mingle with male solders for two reasons, A. males have an innate psychological response to attempt to help a female who is in distress that could impair a male's judgment in heated combat situations. B. The sexual desires and possible situations leading to Rape accusations and occurrences becomes a very big problem.
These are things I don't think were explored fully when this congressional judgment was passed into law. Not that I wouldn't dig seeing a female Rambo but in reality it has a low probability of happening.
Truth be told I have a feeling that is probably whats gonna end up happening for the most part, the men and women being kept in sperate units.

Knowing our government's lack of originality they'd probably call the all female ones the "Amazon unit" and the all males ones the "Hercules Unit".

While not quit Rambo, I do have a family friend who joined the Marines after giving birth. Before she always had her husband lift the furnaiture cause she couldn't do it. Every since she came back she does it her self now. I've asked her what it was like in the Marines and she said it was tough, some days were better then others but she had some fun blowing shit up at the target range when they taught her how to use a Grenade Launcher. She got to meet some interesting people. Of course she did have to deal with harassment from a few guys who thought she and several other women shouldn't be there but she did no better or worse then the guys who passed.

Overall she did good, thought it was a positive experience and said she'd answer the call in a heart beat for deployment.


I don't care who dies for my freedom or for this chunk of land on Earth that people are 'proud of.' male or female. As long as it's not me.

Point is I'm not very patriotic in any way and fully support this, I'd support it even if I was. I don't see why they wouldn't be able to; and for anyone who doesn't agree, it's not like we're losing more men over it in positions anyways, so why do you care?
I imagine if the situation was reversed a lot of men would feel insulted even down right pissed off if they were told they can't fight even though they want to not because they lack skill but because of bullshit reasons like "testosterone can cause men to do dangerously stupid things without thinking and put their whole unit at risk".

The "funny" thing? It kinda already happen except it was less about sex and more about race. There was a time where it didn't matter if you were a men, if you were any color other then white it was harder to get in because people would argue back and forth rather not a colored men should be allowed in and all sorts of bullshit reasons were made like "oh whites are better fighters" "they wouldn't know how to use a gun as well or follow orders well because they are 'primitive' to us" or this classic little gem "they shouldn't be given a gun cause then once they get a taste of power they've revolt against white men".

That's pretty much what's happening today only this time the cause of the debate has been changed from race to gender. And last time I looked a penis doesn't pull a trigger on a gun, a finger does so who cares about the contents of someone's underwear as long as they can come out of the training and can, you know, aim and shoot.

Right now the people saying they can't/shouldn't be in the army are doing the same thing some of our great, great whatever grandfathers were doing when they said none-whites should not be in the army.

Not giving them a chance. How about we actually give them a chance and see how it turns out and if it all goes to shit then you can say it doesn't work.


First of all, I'm not afraid of women being more of anything than I am. I'm not a sexist or trying to offend women in any way. I love women. I just view women as the fairer sex and was brought up that way. I seriously cannot accept a woman engaging in physical and violent combat against a man or vice versa. It's wrong and sends the wrong message to society. I understand that women want to be independant and should be but I believe the line should be drawn somewhere. I for one won't ever tolerate the sight of a man and woman engaging in a physical fight. My instinct to protect the woman kicks in.
I think not letting someone in who passed with flying colors and wants to fight and is willing to risk their lives simply because they are women says more about us then it would if we did let them in.

That's part of the problem. Society has treated women as someone who must be protected and can't defend themselves for so long that some people actually believe it's the result of evolution and not double standards. Men on the other hand, men are the "expendable gender". Society expects men to fight. But when there's an attack the untrained men are not fighting, they run away just like the women and children.

Men don't fight wars. Trained soldiers fight wars. If you're not in the army or air force or whatever then odds are you are not gonna stay and fight, you're trying to flee out of the cross fire because you're a civilian. Yet if you're a women you're expected to need help from men even if you are a trained soldier.

Things would probably be different if we hadn't done that for almost all of human history. Who knows, we probably wouldn't even be sitting her having this talk.


Closer to the coffin, but still kicking..!
I don't care who dies for my freedom or for this chunk of land on Earth that people are 'proud of.' male or female. As long as it's not me.

Point is I'm not very patriotic in any way and fully support this, I'd support it even if I was. I don't see why they wouldn't be able to; and for anyone who doesn't agree, it's not like we're losing more men over it in positions anyways, so why do you care?
Why do you live in the USA? If you don't care or have any kind of pride for the country you live in then your just a leech IMO. If it wasn't for those people who died in wars then you my friend would be a SLAVE or worse to another dictator/communist country. So stop trolling and grow up!


Why do you live in the USA? If you don't care or have any kind of pride for the country you live in then your just a leech IMO. If it wasn't for those people who died in wars then you my friend would be a SLAVE or worse to another dictator/communist country. So stop trolling and grow up!
I'm not trolling and am fully aware of it all. I respect people who fight for their country and who have fought for my freedom so don't get the two mixed up; my very own brother served 2 terms in Afghanistan. I pay taxes so saying I'm a leech doesn't really work but you bet your ass that if this country fails (which it is) I'll be the first to pack my bags and leave without losing sleep over it.