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Community Quit Smoking Project


Diamond Dust
I started smoking very young because I was able to buy cigarette packs from vending machines while living in Japan. In college, I got a job as a "cigarette girl" for Camel, and basically handed free ("promotional") cigarettes out at bars and clubs in Vegas. One of the perks of the job was getting endless free cigarettes.

I got up to 3 packs a day. One day found myself short of breath. A coworker rushed me to the hospital, and they took some xrays of my chest. The doctor told me that I was pre-asthmatic due to my smoking, and that if I continued I would be in real trouble.

I quit cold-turkey that day, and haven't had a cigarette since. That was August 23, 2006 (I can't believe I remember the date).

I chewed gum...lots and lots of gum. All day, every day, for nearly a year. It really got me through. Not nicorette gum. Rather, I chewed that weird green chicklet gum from Trader Joes, though I know people who have had success with nicorette and will not discourage its use. I just didn't myself.

The mental aspect is the hardest, particularly the hand to mouth gesture. Play with a pen if you have to, it helps.

If I can do it, you can too!!! :) GOOD LUCK!
people pretty much already know this and yet it's still a struggle to quit. That's why the point of this page is support and not shoving it down people's throat that cigarettes are the worst thing the devil ever did to them.
Agreed. I've smoked since 19 (25 now) and my wife is a non-smoker. She tells me a lot "just quit, dont u kno what's in those things? Y dont u just quit?" Yea not helpful.

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DJ L Toro

Agreed. I've smoked since 19 (25 now) and my wife is a non-smoker. She tells me a lot "just quit, dont u kno what's in those things? Y dont u just quit?" Yea not helpful.

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But real talk if you want to quit you can. It's a matter of overcoming the addiction and believing in yourself. sounds corny as hell but it's true. addiction only works because it makes you think you cant beat it when you can.
But real talk if you want to quit you can. It's a matter of overcoming the addiction and believing in yourself. sounds corny as hell but it's true. addiction only works because it makes you think you cant beat it when you can.
No I understand that. Longest I've made it is 3 months. Then the stresses of life found me again.

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Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
My uncle is currently using a vaporizer and he hasnt smoked a cigarette in 2 years and is about to drop the vap permanently. same for my friend jef, but i think he likes the flavors in the vap.
@0-beef_supreme-0 you have used a vap right, what're your thoughts on it?
Works great for me. We have a local shop here that sells all the stuff and they are very cool and make sure to take a personal interest in your quitting endeavors. So in that, I am blessed. I fell off the wagon a couple times early on, but now I am smoke free. Just started to bring the nicotine level in my juice down as well. It's different, I won't lie, and takes some will power to actually use the vape like you would a cigarette ( ie. not hitting it all the time but rather when you crave). But yes,it's working for me.

For those who care, I use the JoyTech E-Go. And even with the cost of the juice/atomizers, I am still saving money vs smoking by the fuck ton.

DJ L Toro

Works great for me. We have a local shop here that sells all the stuff and they are very cool and make sure to take a personal interest in your quitting endeavors. So in that, I am blessed. I fell off the wagon a couple times early on, but now I am smoke free. Just started to bring the nicotine level in my juice down as well. It's different, I won't lie, and takes some will power to actually use the vape like you would a cigarette ( ie. not hitting it all the time but rather when you crave). But yes,it's working for me.

For those who care, I use the JoyTech E-Go. And even with the cost of the juice/atomizers, I am still saving money vs smoking by the fuck ton.
thanks beef, when i quit it was before the whole ecig/vape thing got big so i couldnt really say from experience, just from what my uncle who is finally quitting after 35 years could tell me.

DJ L Toro

No I understand that. Longest I've made it is 3 months. Then the stresses of life found me again.

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Oddly enough stress is what made me quit, lol. I was like 1 month smoke free and got really stressed out and smoked one like i used to (in like 4 seconds...) I've never been so nauseous in my life. That was my last cig.

But real talk if you're willing to give it another go you've got a community that's got your back. If you get stressed you can talk it out or use alternatives that someone on here can recommend like a vape or gum or patches or whatever. my favorite response to stress is to work out because it releases natural dopamine.
Yeah, I'm no anti-smoking crusader. I haven't said anything to anybody about quitting smoking until this thread. If big boys and girls want to smoke, so be it, what do I care? Yet, for me it was the right time. In mid-November of 2012 I realized I was pushing 40 years old and I also had to spend 24 hours on a plane where I couldn't smoke. I seized the opportunity to quit. It actually doesn't take long before the cough goes away. It doesn't take too long before the smell of the smoke is nasty. Before that yellow junk on the inside of the index and middle fingers goes away. You get past that initial hump and it gets way, way easier. Drink a lot of water to flush that crap out.

Earlier this week, before I even saw this thread, I was thinking about how happy I am to have stopped. I don't dwell on it, it was more realizing that weeks had gone by without even thinking about smoking at all that made me happy. Also, how much mental energy I used to spend thinking about smoking, not just smoking, but thinking about smoking. Planning to get somewhere early so I could have a cig before a show or whatever, counting my cigarettes to make sure I had enough to get me through wherever I wanted to go, all that cognitive effort so I could breathe dirty air on purpose. Not being able to pay attention to the end of a movie because I was dying for a smoke. It just had dawned on me how nice it was to be off that leash, unchained.

Also, one of the things was just the amount of time smoking too. Figure a pack a day, 20 cigarettes, say you just take 3 minutes to smoke a cigarette. That's a whole hour out of every day. Add in the time spent swinging by the store to pick up a pack, that crap adds up. You know you'd make a special trip out to the store just for a pack if you are running low. Think how much more Mortal Kombat you can play, not taking the time to smoke, not taking time to think about smoking.

DJ L Toro

i quit for 18 months about 6 years ago but started again,wish i hadnt now tbh. i used patches they worked a treat for me as long you dont kep them on during the night,man those fucked up dreams! lol
Are you willing to give quitting another try?

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
zaf hell yeha man! I am super stoked for you brother. I know we all smoked a hell of a lot. I remember how many breaks we all took at MLG dallas.. No more! Good shit my friend