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Ban lifted on women in combat


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
Necroing this thread. As soon as I finish high school I'm either enlisting in the Marines, or finally committing to delayed into delayed enlistment to BUD/S. For what that's worth.

I do not think women should serve in combat roles. I've thought a lot about this, and it is just a bad choice. First of all, these are fucked up people. My best friends, family, you name it that have served are damaged. And fucked up in some of their morals and decision making. Now you want to stick a couple of women into a barracks with these guys? It's a guarantee that because of this the sexual abuse and rape rates will increase dramatically.

And you have to do everything to the women you do to the men, and you have to have them eat, breathe, and shit together. If you don't, you don't build comradery. It makes the women outsiders, and if one of them gets shot in Iraq and is laying in the street bleeding out, who is going to risk their lives to them out? I know I wouldn't. You can bleed out or get double tapped, I'm going to complete the mission. And women's standards should be raised to that of the men for expected tests and PT, as well as mental and physical treatment.

The issue of what is going to be done to the women by the enemy has already been touched on more than accurately.

I absolutely do not want women in SF. Do not add additional factors to operations of the nature that SEALs, Rangers, Green Berets, MARSOC and the likes carry out. Fortunately, I cannot fathom women making the training requirements for something like the SEALs where there is a 96% attrition rate for absolute top of the line men. Goldfish and Ninj had great points, where are equal but not identical. If one does, then I give her props for being a BAMF but I still don't want her going on these types of operations.

Also, a policy for pregnancy needs to be put in place. If a women doesn't want to get deployed/redeployed and gets knocked up, now her platoon is down a soldier with a very important job. If multiple women follow suit, the company is fucked. Some sort of plan needs to enacted here because war sucks and many women will try and be sneaky to get out of it. Many men would too if they could, not trying to bad mouth women, but do not allo them to disadvantage their brethren because of fear.

And lastly, because I could rant on for days, the possible draft associated should never be allowed to go through. Not only is it retarded to force people into service, but I don't want Susan the beauty queen turned soccer mom covering my six and freezing up when a kid who kinda-sorta looks like her son has an AK pointed at the back of my head. Selfish I know, but I want her to be as prepared to kill for me as I am ready to kill for her. It's this way with men as well, as much as I love my best friend I would never willingly have him covering my back in a breach and clear. It's just exaggerated due to the natural and healthy differences between the make up of men and women.

I love women. I love equality and freedom, and any women certainly deserves it. I love it so much so that I'm willing to die for it. But keep women in the rear with the gear.
I respect your right to serve and your choice to do so...
But I just have to say... Please don't enlist... Just go to college... If you dont have money than save up and treat the struggle to get ahead like a personal war... Why go die for some rich politicians?
Take this quote: "My best friends, family, you name it that have served are damaged. And fucked up in some of their morals and decision making."... Now really think about that... Is that what you really want for your life? You only get one life in this world... Why go through it "damaged"...
I am not trying to be rude or anything so please dont take this the wrong way...


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
He's cute
Funny that the only reason you're allowed to say that is because those thugs fight for your rights, cum guzzler.
Wait dude don't diss Bill Hicks this guy is a freaking genius...
Also remember since the advent of the Nuclear Bomb the only thing Soldiers do now is take over "other country's"...
Back when we were the good guys we stopped a country[Germany and Japan] from going around the world and bombing sovereign nations like we do nowadays...

Mr. Mileena

I agree Enenra, go to college or work.
We are at war for petroleum at the moment, when our country itself is what needs attending to.


Go to hell.
Lol I love this argument. If it weren't for them we'd be speaking Russian!

Why so defensive anyway?
If you thought real hard, maybe even had your special ed teacher draw you a picture, you'd probably figure it out.
I respect your right to serve and your choice to do so...
But I just have to say... Please don't enlist... Just go to college... If you dont have money than save up and treat the struggle to get ahead like a personal war... Why go die for some rich politicians?
Take this quote: "My best friends, family, you name it that have served are damaged. And fucked up in some of their morals and decision making."... Now really think about that... Is that what you really want for your life? You only get one life in this world... Why go through it "damaged"...
I am not trying to be rude or anything so please dont take this the wrong way...
I am not taking it the wrong way from you, at all. It's a personal choice with consequences I'm ready to accept. College isn't an issue, I'm a decent football player and I do MMA on top of a 32 ACT score. Being Special Forces is just something I've always dreamed of and have a genuine chance of achieving as long as I don't have a medical breakdown. A whole slough of shit I could tell you about my love for America and apple pie and Jesus... But I'll spare you. It's just my choice.
Wait dude don't diss Bill Hicks this guy is a freaking genius...
Also remember since the advent of the Nuclear Bomb the only thing Soldiers do now is take over "other country's"...
Back when we were the good guys we stopped a country[Germany and Japan] from going around the world and bombing sovereign nations like we do nowadays...
He's funny as hell. And no we don't fight wars that are simple good and evil anymore, I agree. But there is always something, or someone, worth fighting for.

edit Mr. Mileena


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
He's funny as hell. And no we don't fight wars that are simple good and evil anymore, I agree. But there is always something, or someone, worth fighting for.

edit Mr. Mileena
Well we need level headed people in the spec ops and you sir seem very intelligent and level headed. So best of luck to you during hell weak and what not... But I am sure you will make it with the level of dedication you have... So be safe...


Kanaida (MK9 Dashboard for android)
I'm not so sure women + heat + battle is such a good idea. The heat alone is a sure fire way to give themselves away just by smell alone. Around corners even. Then add rape to the mix and you just end up with easy targets... On the other hand they might serve as diversions here and there. If they're gonna send in women, they better send in sheeva lol.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
If you think women shouldn't be in the front lines because they wouldn't be capable of fighting as well as a dude...well...here.

Women are just a capable of killing as a man.


Go to hell.
If you think women shouldn't be in the front lines because they wouldn't be capable of fighting as well as a dude...well...here.

Women are just a capable of killing as a man.
The issue isn't capability. And the inherent flaw in your argument is you are using exceptional cases to demonstrate your point.

The issue is situations like a 5'6", 140 pound woman carrying a 12 pound gun and 80 pounds of gear in the Afghan sun. She cannot keep pace with a 6' 220lb man in the same situation, and if she is slowing down the unit, she is of no use and if she doesn't get herself or her squad killed and becomes too big a liability... Well, accidents happen all the time in the desert.

Sure a woman can pull a trigger, and she can pull it well. But it's hard for her to be a worthy trade of a male counterpart. Women are just made differently, and this situation requires a certain build. There will always be exceptional cases, but that's not a reason to implement game changing policy in a warzone.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
The issue isn't capability. And the inherent flaw in your argument is you are using exceptional cases to demonstrate your point.

The issue is situations like a 5'6", 140 pound woman carrying a 12 pound gun and 80 pounds of gear in the Afghan sun. She cannot keep pace with a 6' 220lb man in the same situation, and if she is slowing down the unit, she is of no use and if she doesn't get herself or her squad killed and becomes too big a liability... Well, accidents happen all the time in the desert.

Sure a woman can pull a trigger, and she can pull it well. But it's hard for her to be a worthy trade of a male counterpart. Women are just made differently, and this situation requires a certain build. There will always be exceptional cases, but that's not a reason to implement game changing policy in a warzone.
Are you serious? That is an extreme ass comparison. And a 140lb woman is very capable of carrying that shit. I've known girls that put dudes to total shame in the physical department and could carry that no sweat. You underestimate the fuck out of the gender that gave birth to you.

Even if they cannot initially do that, they would be TRAINED to do this. They wouldn't be thrown into war totally unprepared.

There's nothing exceptional about my example in the first place. Just a pure demonstration.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
The reason there is no draft is not so much that we wont tolerate it, as it is the fact that rich people's children used to have to fight in the war when we had one...
No they didn't. If you had money, you could avoid the draft... grad school, law school, deferments for "missionary" work, etc.


Go to hell.
Are you serious? That is an extreme ass comparison. And a 140lb woman is very capable of carrying that shit. I've known girls that put dudes to total shame in the physical department and could carry that no sweat. You underestimate the fuck out of the gender that gave birth to you.

Even if they cannot initially do that, they would be TRAINED to do this. They wouldn't be thrown into war totally unprepared.

There's nothing exceptional about my example in the first place. Just a pure demonstration.
Extreme ass comparison? Didn't realize a war zone wasn't extreme.

Sure she can. And she can do better than most men. However, I'm talking about other Marines/Rangers/Airborne/whatever. Can your average female marine keep up with your average male marine? It has yet to be seen and I certainly have my doubts. It's just hard to move at the pace of a 6', 200 pound person in phenomenal shape when your are 5'6, 140 pounds and in phenomenal shape. And now you have these woman also contending with men of this size and intensity in CQC, where she is at an extreme disadvantage.

A few truly exceptional women will make great additions to a combat platoon. But we are opening the floodgates, and the average female marine isn't a suitable replacement for the average male marine when heading into a combat situation.

I also have to ask if most people are actually ready to hear about a woman getting raped, tortured, and her head chopped off? It's going to be a really big deal because Americans aren't ready to hear about gruesome things happening to their women.

I think of it like the movie Aliens, if I got Vasquez put in my squad I'd feel safer already. But the average female I know, even the ones are who are debating joining the military, would not be my first choice to have watching my back. That's not sexist, I just think the first time they saw one of their buddy's head get blown off they would freeze up and be completely useless. All my opinion, and you have yours, but every veteran and active duty member I've talked to has a similar opinion to my own. And in this context, their opinion holds much more weight.


|| Seven ||

Here is a video of the world's strongest woman losing to some average guys. Women will never be as strong as men because they are not built to be. But a woman with a gun can beat a 100 men, and because we're talking about the military and the women will probably be equipped with machine guns, I think they'd do fine against men.