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Hitboxes and You

I have no clue if this was a feature that Capcom implemented, but if not, can the community pull of a project like this for Injustice? Or, is everyone planning to just eyeball the data...​
If the hitboxes are similar to MK9's this won't really be necessary for Injuctice. Marvel's hitboxes are visually inconsistent with what your actually seeing. Basically saying that they aren't accurate with the character's model in a lot of cases.

No fighting game I've ever played have hitboxes that are 100% accurate with the sprite/model, but it would be a pretty cool project.

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
If the hitboxes are similar to MK9's this won't really be necessary for Injuctice. Marvel's hitboxes are visually inconsistent with what your actually seeing. Basically saying that they aren't accurate with the character's model in a lot of cases.

No fighting game I've ever played have hitboxes that are 100% accurate with the sprite/model, but it would be a pretty cool project.
MK's hitboxes are weird as fuck aswell i say this would be good