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Community Quit Smoking Project


Nightwolf of the galaxy
are the vaporizers the same as the electric cigs so something different?
Try the E-cigs. Its a 50-50, some people love them, others (like me) hate them. There are brands that have ones with different amounts of nicotine, so you can start with the high one and go down.

As far as I know a vaporizer is used for something other than cigarettes. There are some E cigs where you buy this "juice" that you put into the the cig and I suppose it "Vaporizes" it, but if you go to a smoke shop and ask for a vaporizer you will get something totally different.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Try the E-cigs. Its a 50-50, some people love them, others (like me) hate them. There are brands that have ones with different amounts of nicotine, so you can start with the high one and go down.

As far as I know a vaporizer is used for something other than cigarettes. There are some E cigs where you buy this "juice" that you put into the the cig and I suppose it "Vaporizes" it, but if you go to a smoke shop and ask for a vaporizer you will get something totally different.
cheers man.

ps.yea i know about the other kind alright lol ;)


1 2 3 drink
Those e-cigarettes dont work for shit, yeah it keeps u from smoking...for a while, but still there is nicotine in that makes it addicting, and trust me, u get tired really fast lurking from that elektric cigarette.


EX Ovi should launch
Smoking is pretty difficult to quit properly. I know my mum went from smoking 20 a day for over 20 years to 0 in the space of 2 weeks taking Champix. They stop your nicotine cravings and withdrawals and effectively stops your body from being able to enjoy nicotine/smoking.

Not an exaggeration when i say she was being sick if i came home smelling of smoke, after only a week of the 12 week course, so it might be worth a look for you guys wanting to quit.

One day i might persist with quitting but that day is not today, good luck to all!


xbl-OBS trustinme
i quit for 18 months about 6 years ago but started again,wish i hadnt now tbh. i used patches they worked a treat for me as long you dont kep them on during the night,man those fucked up dreams! lol

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
My father was a smoking machine, according to him and my mother, he used to smoke a lot, even after my two old brothers were born.

When i was born, i got diagnosed with bronchitis at the age of 4, the doctor said its because my father was a smoker, so my lungs were bit more sensitive. I dunno if what the doctor told him is true or not, but since then my father stop smoking and he is alive and well today, and i'm forever proud of him for taking such decision, carry on and be able to totally quit smoking one of the finest reason to praise him has my #1 hero.
And to those who dunno, my father is a true Chess mastermind, National champion of the 80's on his time and recently remember on a magazine as
"Agostinho Adão Domingos, one of the 1st chess champions in Angola being entitled as (Master)" which is what other chess players call him today Mestre Adão or as i should say in English "Master Adam"
In 22 years my father have never touched a cigarette ever again.

So i will say only this, everyone that can surpass himself and be able to let go vices that should make them killed one day, like, Smoking, Drinking or anything else, its a true hero. I dunno how inspirational this message is, i can assure you its 100% true, my father was a smoker, but he quited smoking 4 years after i was born, this is something i shall never forget. If he can, so then anyone can ^^

My Man James Fink AKA jamessmk, i'm pretty sure you can do this bro, you got my like on the facebook page, so you know i'm rooting for you and lend you my pride and strengh to help you quit smoking ^^


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
There is nothing more annoying than a bunch of NON-SMOKERS lecturing about how "the fact that it kills should be reason enough"...it is incredibly difficult to quit. If you dont or have never smoked it'd be nice to not hear from you. I used to be the same pretentious type of dude UNTIL I got addicted and now I realize how hard it is to quit...


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
My dad smoked, he died.

My mother smokes, shes slowly going.

James, you don't deserve this, quit now so the next generation of MK players can get put on blast.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
I started smoking when I was 13 years old and quit when I was 28 (2years ago, god i'm old), IT CAN BE DONE!!! I feel better and am happy to not stink, and not to have that nag all the time. I still miss it when I drink or when I really need to get away, but for the most part I never think about it.

One thing to say to quitters, it can be done, but you have to have a reason for yourself. You cant lie to yourself about your reason or do it cause someone wants you to, its gotta be real.

My tip that worked for me when quitting, hard candy. Shit like sprees, sweet tarts, lemmon heads, warheads, I would chew the hell out of those things, hell on my teeth, but in the long run really helped my overall health.

The other thing to know, for some people, myself included, is that you expect the first couple days to be hard and then it gets easier, most people expect this. But what I didnt expect was the feeling after a few weeks. I got really bad anxiety after 3 weeks of quitting, panic attacks the whole nine yards (maybe too much candy lol) that anxiety lasted for a little while a couple months, before I started processing it better, after all I had been training body to use those chemicals since puberty... so, the unexexpected anxiety was bad for a while, but just like the shock after the first few days, it got better with time. I'm sharing this not to scare people, but just maybe shed light on something that happened to me in case it happens to you too, dont panic, it gets better.

I hope this thread gets packed full of people that quit. It can be done.

-cheers :)

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


Get staffed bro
There is nothing more annoying than a bunch of NON-SMOKERS lecturing about how "the fact that it kills should be reason enough"...it is incredibly difficult to quit. If you dont or have never smoked it'd be nice to not hear from you. I used to be the same pretentious type of dude UNTIL I got addicted and now I realize how hard it is to quit...
It's usually ex smokers that are the worst for this.

I can't even understand how people can afford to smoke here in the UK. It's something like £7 for a pack of 20 these days. That's around £200 a month for a 20 a day smoker! It's a filthy, unhealthy, expensive, controlling addiction that we'll cringe about and wonder how it was ever even legal 100 years from now.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
It's usually ex smokers that are the worst for this.

I can't even understand how people can afford to smoke here in the UK. It's something like £7 for a pack of 20 these days. That's around £200 a month for a 20 a day smoker! It's a filthy, unhealthy, expensive, controlling addiction that we'll cringe about and wonder how it was ever even legal 100 years from now.
Ugh...you sound like a frail little elitist. Thank you for proving my point...


Get staffed bro
Ugh...you sound like a frail little elitist. Thank you for proving my point...
Frail? Which part am I wrong about though?

I know how hard it is to quit, its not surprising as they're specifically designed to be addictive. Having lost a Grandmother to lung cancer, no I'm not particularly tolerant with regards to cigarettes.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Frail? Which part am I wrong about though?

I know how hard it is to quit, its not surprising as they're specifically designed to be addictive. Having lost a Grandmother to lung cancer, no I'm not particularly tolerant with regards to cigarettes.
Are you an EX-smoker? If not, you aren't really helping anyone here. Just because you lost a grandmother to lung cancer, doesn't mean you can empathize with even ONE smoker... just sayin'.


Get staffed bro
Yes I'm an ex smoker but that's irrelevant. I never found it particularly hard to quit but obviously that's not true of everyone.

The whole idea that you cannot have empathy unless you are, or have been in the same position as someone else on any position is an odd one. Empathy yes, true understanding of the difficulties, perhaps not.

Are you trying to quit yourself?


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Yes I'm an ex smoker but that's irrelevant. I never found it particularly hard to quit but obviously that's not true of everyone.

The whole idea that you cannot have empathy unless you are, or have been in the same position as someone else on any position is an odd one. Empathy yes, true understanding of the difficulties, perhaps not.

Are you trying to quit yourself?
Sorry....I didn't mean to come off as sounding mean or having an "odd" point of view. I just somehow fell into the trap of smoking...I'm def. trying to quit considering I love playing sports and running in general. I hate it.


Get staffed bro
Sorry....I didn't mean to come off as sounding mean or having an "odd" point of view. I just somehow fell into the trap of smoking...I'm def. trying to quit considering I love playing sports and running in general. I hate it.
No worries dude its obviously a point of contention for you. I have a fairly good idea of how hard it is but never really suffered it myself, so from that perspective I know what you mean with regards to your comment on empathy.

Only last night I was in a pub with my friend who is trying to quit by using one of those vapor electric things, which wasn't helped by his 'friends' offering him a 'real' cigarette. As it it isn't hard enough.

Good luck if you're trying to quit and if you're well into sports (like me!) then just focus on the benefits it will have, not to mention the cost savings!

DJ L Toro

It's usually ex smokers that are the worst for this.

I can't even understand how people can afford to smoke here in the UK. It's something like £7 for a pack of 20 these days. That's around £200 a month for a 20 a day smoker! It's a filthy, unhealthy, expensive, controlling addiction that we'll cringe about and wonder how it was ever even legal 100 years from now.
lol "ex smokers are the worst... yeah i'm an ex smoker." Real talk though good shit on quitting. It's an expensive addiction anywhere both for health and money reasons, but that's true anywhere in the world and if you're addicted you'll find a way to fill that craving. that's what makes it tough.
Honestly i dont think it matters who the most annoying is. anyone who is not helpful is generally annoying whether they be fact machines, people who want to put a picture of a tombstone on every pack, elitist ex smokers, or the fool that says they can quit anytime they want to (even if it's true).
I smoked for over ten years and quit in November 2012. My wife quit too, earlier than I. She credits chewing gum. Chewing lots of gum. She wanted a cigarette, she popped some game.

One thing that helped me was learning how much it f---s up your teeth. Yeah, lungs, heart, and all that, but smoking actually messes up your teeth really bad. Not just that it stains your teeth, it changes the cellular structure of your gums and makes your teeth fall out. Maybe you can hang with yellow teeth, but how about no teeth?


Get staffed bro
lol "ex smokers are the worst... yeah i'm an ex smoker." Real talk though good shit on quitting. It's an expensive addiction anywhere both for health and money reasons, but that's true anywhere in the world and if you're addicted you'll find a way to fill that craving. that's what makes it tough.
Honestly i dont think it matters who the most annoying is. anyone who is not helpful is generally annoying whether they be fact machines, people who want to put a picture of a tombstone on every pack, elitist ex smokers, or the fool that says they can quit anytime they want to (even if it's true).
lol the irony huh. I think ex smokers are the worst as they don't realise just how it bad smoking is until they're free from it, and they then chastise anyone for falling into the same trappings. They're proud of quitting and rightly so.

Here's a list of yummy ingredients. Mmmmm...

Ammonia: Household cleaner.
Arsenic: Used in rat poisons.
Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber.
Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid.
Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas.
Cadmium: Used in batteries.
Cyanide: Lethal poison.
DDT: A banned insecticide.
Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals.
Lead: Poisonous in high doses.
Formaldehyde: Used to preserve dead specimens.
Methoprene: Insecticide.
Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics.
Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs.
Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India, in 1984.
Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element.

DJ L Toro

lol the irony huh. I think ex smokers are the worst as they don't realise just how it bad smoking is until they're free from it, and they then chastise anyone for falling into the same trappings. They're proud of quitting and rightly so.

Here's a list of yummy ingredients. Mmmmm...

Ammonia: Household cleaner.
Arsenic: Used in rat poisons.
Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber.
Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid.
Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas.
Cadmium: Used in batteries.
Cyanide: Lethal poison.
DDT: A banned insecticide.
Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals.
Lead: Poisonous in high doses.
Formaldehyde: Used to preserve dead specimens.
Methoprene: Insecticide.
Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics.
Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs.
Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India, in 1984.
Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element.
people pretty much already know this and yet it's still a struggle to quit. That's why the point of this page is support and not shoving it down people's throat that cigarettes are the worst thing the devil ever did to them.