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Nine inch nails officially returns- my 2013 is complete


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
yay, not to much industrial metal around anymore so glad to see one of the greats return! now i just wish strapping young lad would reform :(


My blades will find your heart
The thing I love the most about NIN is when people do drum covers for their songs. Covering drum machines is pretty entertaining.

Tim Static

The thing I love the most about NIN is when people do drum covers for their songs. Covering drum machines is pretty entertaining.
You do know Trent's always had live drums for live shows (my friend from high school Jerome actually played with NIN for a while), and in the past, Trent has recorded live drums (even had Grohl do it too) to use as samples on NIN records.

Sent from The Turk


My blades will find your heart
You do know Trent's always had live drums for live shows (my friend from high school Jerome actually played with NIN for a while), and in the past, Trent has recorded live drums (even had Grohl do it too) to use as samples on NIN records.

Sent from The Turk
Well of course. Not for the perfect drug though, which is what I had just seen covered before I posted that.


There will never be another downward spiral unfortunately.

But if you haven't seen NIN live you're missing a pretty amazing experience

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
There will never be another downward spiral unfortunately.

But if you haven't seen NIN live you're missing a pretty amazing experience
There will never be another downward spiral unfortunately.

But if you haven't seen NIN live you're missing a pretty amazing experience
There shouldnt be

what makes Every NIN album so great is its nothing like the previous one

A lot of people complain that they want another TDS but making another TDS would tarnish the original and defeat its purpose.

Each album is time related piece in terms of himself and where he is at in his life. I honestly expect something a little more up beat and not so negative this time out

edit: On a completely different note and somewhat same is it just me or anyone else noticed that Marilyn Manson makes THE WORST music when hes not with someone? However when he's banging some hot trash his music is the best ever.


There shouldnt be

what makes Every NIN album so great is its nothing like the previous one

A lot of people complain that they want another TDS but making another TDS would tarnish the original and defeat its purpose.

Each album is time related piece in terms of himself and where he is at in his life. I honestly expect something a little more up beat and not so negative this time out
PHM and TDS were just a cut above the other albums in my opinion they had stronger feels to them.

Although I didn't mind With Teeth as far as newer NIN is concerned. Trent is the definition of an Artist, so I'm always interested to hear his work. I'll be giving the new stuff a listen.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
PHM and TDS were just a cut above the other albums in my opinion they had stronger feels to them.

Although I didn't mind With Teeth as far as newer NIN is concerned. Trent is the definition of an Artist, so I'm always interested to hear his work. I'll be giving the new stuff a listen.
TDS and The fragile are most definitive albums of nin


Awesome band that reminds me of an awesome time. Great music that also influenced great games like doom and quake.

I'll always remember when I found the nin logo in e4m1.