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General/Other Join the Core against Green Lantern


We have no issues w the arrow

We only wish to install fear and pain amongst all who are the green lantern

Arrow is bitchin' but if we get word arrow as a whole has joined forces w lantern then the shit will hit the fan

FTR the yellow core allows wishes to install fear and pain to Ryan Reynolds and Blake lively
Really... you're gonna kick those 2 while they're down, considering their movie flopped?

RR is Deadpool anyways, that merc gets bodied in umvc3 as it is. Ryan Reynolds is no threat to you.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM

I vote to immediately deputize all Sinestro Corps. members on this forum; they clearly know how to moderate.

Also, as someone whose allegiance lies with the Bat I feel, because of our mutual predilection for employing fear as a weapon, we should explore a joint venture.
I like this guy