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General/Other Join the Core against Green Lantern

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

This is movement against Green Lantern

Join the Yellow Core that looks to install fear and pain into green Lantern and all that supports him.

It's time to retaliate against his breaker combos, a tier status and good boy attitude and dominate w evil and fear.

All those who play w lantern or support hreen lantern will be the primary targets of the yellow core.

We are watching all of you - Fear the yellow core

Sinestro is born

The official Yellow Core team:
Pigestro ( Pig Of The Hut )
MortySINfeld ( MortySeinfeld )
Karestro ( Karried )
Crmestro ( CRUM )
Sin Gauge ( @PND i2 Gaug3 )
Cubanestro ( SomeCubanGuy )
Prinz Sinister ( Prinz )
Scarnestro ( @FCP/EMP SCAR )
EvilSinestro ( EvilNonsense )
Cruzestro ( Cruz )
SinPhere ( Chaosphere )
Construct The Mayo ( Under_The_Mayo )
Seanestro ( Seapeople )
Killin Natzees ( Killin Natzees )

Enemies of the yellow core (those who use green lantern in any way):
Tom Brady (MKDC)

Imposter Frauds
DJ L Toro aka Benedict Toro


Administrator and Community Engineer
Shouldn't we be fighting against Green Arrow instead? No one is afraid of Green Lantern at this point :D

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Well, I feel bad for GL mains now.

Can't wait to see some Sinestro gameplay.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
I'm going to try him.

I was originally interested in GL more, but he looked really boring (but good) in his battle arena vid.


TYM White Knight
While I still cant completely commit to green lantern until I see the rest of the cast, it looks like I may brighten your darkest nights.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Hahah, that would be amazing. Pig if you add Arrow to the Green Core I'm in.

Core? Corps? Whatever.
We have no issues w the arrow

We only wish to install fear and pain amongst all who are the green lantern

Arrow is bitchin' but if we get word arrow as a whole has joined forces w lantern then the shit will hit the fan

FTR the yellow core allows wishes to install fear and pain to Ryan Reynolds and Blake lively


xbl-OBS trustinme
that hitler peado wannabe hasnt got anything on aquamans trouser snake.all hail captain piss the king of watersports!

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
This thread has made me want to be a part of the movement.

I play Grundy does that help?

Depending on your answer Pig Of The Hut I might add Forehead boy to my list of tryout chars