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Gamestop stores will not exist as a physical location by 2017-2018


Galloping Ghost Arcade
agreed 100% Pig Of The Hut. I used to work for them for many years and I'm really glad I don't anymore (for many reasons). As internet connections in the US get up to speed (pun intended) with the rest of the world, everything will be digitally distributed.

As a former gamestop employee, the pressure is tremendous to secure pre-order sales and subscriptions/discount cards, and it drives customers away. Those in gamestop's corporate offices did nothing except ask us to push harder...I wonder why? They just want the $$$, they figured the customer would always be there. They were wrong.

Unfortunately, those of us who enjoy the social aspect of gaming are becoming more and more scarce...people would rather shit-talk online behind a keyboard rather than meet like minded gamers and treat them respectfully.


Just a thought, give it a honest answer, do you legit, wait for an album and go to the store every time your favorite artist releases their album, so you can feel the physical sentiment of having a disc in your car every time you drive, or home, or anywhere.

Also, it's been said there might be plans of owning an actual box, if you desire it. Of course it's money, people work crunch times for this shit. And it'll save consumers money.
For music, Hell yes, especially underground Metal Bands. I show my appreciation to these bands by purchasing their albums. The New Alice In Chains CD "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" is comming out in May, thats a must buy for me


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Blockbuster still exists. They've had to change their business around and work deals out with distributors to where they receive some films before Redbox or Netflix...but it still exists.

Movie theaters. In the age where movies can be downloaded with the click of a button, found streamed for free, the aforementioned Netflix and Red Box...major motion pictures are still earning millions at the box office.

Honestly, I don't like the idea of everything going digital. With the secondary market of used games, some break was given to the consumer. However, if everything is digitally distributed by the company...we're looking at potentially more atrocious acts by triple A gaming.

Pre-ordering DLC and On-Disc DLC exist now...imagine if you had to digitally purchase a game, then buy the DLC written into the code that you can't access without a gaudy season pass. Companies like EA will do this. It seems to be that going completely digital will enable developers to engage in even more terrible business practices than they already do.
For music, Hell yes, especially underground Metal Bands. I show my appreciation to these bands by purchasing their albums. The New Alice In Chains CD "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" is comming out in May, thats a must buy for me
I think that might be in the minority.


Coward Character User
i use comcast

I pay $60 a month

I have zero cap
and a 36 down and 8-10 up

Att and verizon internet phones have caps but not my comcast internet

Now if you pay like 19.99 a month for internet then ok you get what you pay for but most internets at hoe do not have caps
Here in Canadia Land the average is 80g - 150g limit for home internet. If you want a no-cap ultra high speed (250 D/L 150 U/L iirc) it costs like $100+ and it isn't even available in most areas -_- Internet in Canada needs to step it up pls ;_;


TYM White Knight
Here in Canadia Land the average is 80g - 150g limit for home internet. If you want a no-cap ultra high speed (250 D/L 150 U/L iirc) it costs like $100+ and it isn't even available in most areas -_- Internet in Canada needs to step it up pls ;_;
Dear god this. We bought our house in November and were shocked to find out the only "high speed" service in our area was and get this: 1.5mb down, and .5 mb up.

Re-read that.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
This idea is just dumb, and the companies do not realize how unprepared a lot of the world is for something like this.

I guarantee it, Nintendo will have the best-selling console a second generation in a row.


Dojo Trainee
As a former gamestop employee, the pressure is tremendous to secure pre-order sales and subscriptions/discount cards, and it drives customers away. Those in gamestop's corporate offices did nothing except ask us to push harder...I wonder why? They just want the $$$, they figured the customer would always be there. They were wrong.
I'm kind of curious what pressures are put on gamestop employees. I don't think my local guy is doing it right....maybe that's why I'm cool w/ giving him my business. The guy at my local store just ask if there is anything we want to pre-order today whenever I buy something, usually the answer is no and that really the end of it. We otherwise make casual conversation about random stuff while at the register.
I don't like where this is going, kinda removes the nostalgia. also what if your ps4 breaks? will all your games be lost? or are the games connected to your psn account? what if psn gets hacked?


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Rumors, bro. Rumors.
let us hope so....i don't want fuggin a scene from my games to end up like this. "Raiden we have to stop metal gear!!" "Yeah, we'll stop it once and for all...But first, lets see what new deals Pizza Hut has for us this week ! :D" ......-.-


Galloping Ghost Arcade
I'm kind of curious what pressures are put on gamestop employees. I don't think my local guy is doing it right....maybe that's why I'm cool w/ giving him my business. The guy at my local store just ask if there is anything we want to pre-order today whenever I buy something, usually the answer is no and that really the end of it. We otherwise make casual conversation about random stuff while at the register.
According to his district manager and corporate, he's probably doing it wrong. When I was there we were ranked on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis and a big percentage of your raise was determined on your "sales performance" of pre-orders/used games/game informer subscriptions.

I'll just leave this here:



Man of Tomorrow
I'm kind of curious what pressures are put on gamestop employees. I don't think my local guy is doing it right....maybe that's why I'm cool w/ giving him my business. The guy at my local store just ask if there is anything we want to pre-order today whenever I buy something, usually the answer is no and that really the end of it. We otherwise make casual conversation about random stuff while at the register.

Some people don't give in to the pressure and won't push sales on customers unless a manager is there or something. One time I was there when the manager was there I bought my PS3 and Marvel 3 and the clerk asked me 5 times during the transaction would I like to preorder Mortal Kombat and he'd run down what I would get for it. Then, when he went to the back real quick he had another clerk assist the person behind me and the entire time they were talking about the preorder bonuses of Mortal Kombat to each other as some type of sly tactic. Needless to say I did not buy MK from them.

Other times I'd go it'd literally be "will that be all" and that's about it. Hell, one time I picked up KoFXIII at like 8 at night a week after release and me and the clerk were talking about fighters during the transaction and he gave me the preorder bonus soundtrack despite me not preordering the game.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Just a thought, give it a honest answer, do you legit, wait for an album and go to the store every time your favorite artist releases their album, so you can feel the physical sentiment of having a disc in your car every time you drive, or home, or anywhere.
Go to the store? Amazon, man.


Man of Tomorrow
According to his district manager and corporate, he's probably doing it wrong. When I was there we were ranked on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis and a big percentage of your raise was determined on your "sales performance" of pre-orders/used games/game informer subscriptions.

I'll just leave this here:


My friend worked at Gamestop and said that if someone returned a game to you, regardless if you sold it to them or not, they would put a mark on your record.


Cold day in hell...
i agree w the CDs being better cause we grew up on it, I have over 350 CDs and a guitar student asked me honestly and almost in an offended way...."Whats the purpose of having that shit" she owned me bad cause i realized i had no good answer in 2012

Times always be a changing
I'm the same way about CDs. I don't just want a file on my computer if I like a band or artist I want the physical copy complete with the book and artwork. However I'm aware most people are not like that anymore and I'm probably just like that because I'm pretty obsessive when it comes to music. As far as games go the market is clearly heading that direction. Look at the success of Steam for PC users. Convenience will almost always win out. I hope the option of having physical copies remains though. I wouldn't mind having a lot of games I'm just going to play a couple times as downloads but for my favorites I would like to still be able to obtain a physical copy to keep. In a sentimental sense the upcoming generation will miss out on a couple little things like getting out an old box full of games and digging through the memories. Idk about anyone else but personally I love taking a day every now and then to go through my boxes of NES and SNES games. I suppose newer gamers could scroll down the download list but somehow that just doesn't seem the same. Again though that's just me and I'm sentimental.


Shadow Priest
Downloading games has it's Pros and Cons.

Biggest Con, There is no refund. No more testing the game out to see if you like it or not. Normally, it if sucks I take the game back. Now:

*Buy/download a $60+ game
*Turns out to be trash.
*Reenact one of the GameFly commercial.
There's this fine ass girl at my GameStop, nice body and short. I wanna get her number, but than it'd be like hella weird, I went to her when I bought Cod, and she was chill that's it. I might do it though, if she's there for Injustice.
Downloading games has it's Pros and Cons.

Biggest Con, There is no refund. No more testing the game out to see if you like it or not. Normally, it if sucks I take the game back. Now:

*Buy/download a $60+ game
*Turns out to be trash.
*Reenact one of the GameFly commercial.
You'd be crazy to think if there isn't any Demos man.


Umm, it'll be like recovering a gamer-tag, you can't have simultaneous gamer-tags running on 2 separate consoles at once. You don't have to lug anything.

Do you guys still buy CDs? Not saying it's obsolete, but..

Just a thought, give it a honest answer, do you legit, wait for an album and go to the store every time your favorite artist releases their album, so you can feel the physical sentiment of having a disc in your car every time you drive, or home, or anywhere.

Also, it's been said there might be plans of owning an actual box, if you desire it. Of course it's money, people work crunch times for this shit. And it'll save consumers money.
Yes I do actually, but I guess I am in the minority now...


You'd be crazy to think if there isn't any Demos man.
Still having the game "digital" is just not the same as having a hard copy, I don't feel like I actually own the game if it is digital. And what if your system suddenly PERMANENTLY crashed and the harddrive-system info could not be recovered? You would be quite shit out of luck and money.
Still having the game "digital" is just not the same as having a hard copy, I don't feel like I actually own the game if it is digital. And what if your system suddenly PERMANENTLY crashed and the harddrive-system info could not be recovered? You would be quite shit out of luck and money.
What if your computer blue screen'd and died that had all of your iTunes information on it? Apps, music, movies, etc.