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Whats your Fighting Archetype?


I don't play Runescape
"Tyler plays ☆fabulous☆ characters who grab everything and inspire fanfic."

Well, Cyrax IS fabulous and I do command grab a lot. But fanfic?

Cyrax, the yellow cyborg ninja, was sitting down in the New York apartment he shared with his girlfriend Sonya Blade. He drank beer, his "fuel", as he watched whatever was on ESPN.

As soon as Cyrax was done chugging half of his beer down his mouth vent, Sonya Blade came up behind her boyfriend; and for the most part, she looked horrible. Her eyes were blackened and she had some bruises on cheek from the beating Cyrax had given her back in Edenia.

"Cyrax, we need to talk," Sonya told her robotic boyfriend.

"Shut up, bitch," Cyrax cursed his lover in his robotic tone. "I'm trying to watch TV."

Sonya growled at her boyfriend's disrespect. Cyrax hardly called her by her name; he usually used the words "bitch", "whore", "slut", and "woman" to address her and she was sick of it.

Sonya decided to take a stand for once by taking the remote and muting the TV.

"I am not a bitch and I will not shut up!" Sonya yelled. She would regret it because Cyrax shot out of his seat with all his rage.

There's more, but do you really wanna see it?
EDIT: Holy shit, I'm reading the rest now, it's about how Cyrax and Sonya are in an abusive relationship. With Cy as the abuser


Goldfish plays girly characters who have stupid assists and are popular but bad.

I am officially scared.


My blades will find your heart
Zoidberg747 plays waifish characters who are motivated and inspire fanfic.
Learned a new word

Edit: DJ L Toro

"PSUNI OBS DJ L TORO plays loud characters who mash on projectiles and inspire rage."

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
PND_Ketchup plays manly characters who 50/50 you to death and are their waifu.
PND_Mustard plays manly characters who have day long combos but go under the radar.
UsedForGlue plays stylin’ characters who have FAIR DAMAGE but go under the radar

2/3 Unless you count half of the description on Ketchup, Sektor is his waifu

A F0xy Grampa plays gimmicky characters who DP everything and inspire fanfic.
i2 Gaug3 plays girly characters who mash on projectiles and are their waifu.
PND Omega K plays badass characters who grab everything and inspire rage.

This ones my favourite... Mr_Swizzer

'Mr Swizzer plays creepy characters who take no skill and win for free'

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
"Wonder_Chef plays waifish characters who mash on projectiles but go under the radar."

waifish? apparently that means abandoned?

I honestly have never even heard that word before.


My blades will find your heart
PND_Ketchup plays manly characters who 50/50 you to death and are their waifu.
PND_Mustard plays manly characters who have day long combos but go under the radar.
UsedForGlue plays stylin’ characters who have FAIR DAMAGE but go under the radar

2/3 Unless you count half of the description on Ketchup, Sektor is his waifu

A F0xy Grampa plays gimmicky characters who DP everything and inspire fanfic.
i2 Gaug3 plays girly characters who mash on projectiles and are their waifu.
PND Omega K plays badass characters who grab everything and inspire rage.

This ones my favourite... Mr_Swizzer

'Mr Swizzer plays creepy characters who take no skill and win for free'
A F0xy Grampa plays creepy characters ho take no skill and win for free.

You have your favorite :p


I don't play Runescape
"Wonder_Chef plays waifish characters who mash on projectiles but go under the radar."

waifish? apparently that means abandoned?

I honestly have never even heard that word before.
a. A homeless person, especially a forsaken or orphaned child.
b. An abandoned young animal.
2. Something found and unclaimed, as an object cast up by the sea.


"True Menace plays boring characters who encourage mashing and win for free. "

damn smh..


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Type in Tom Brady. It will not disappoint.

16 bits one may be the best though.


PND_Ketchup plays manly characters who 50/50 you to death and are their waifu.
PND_Mustard plays manly characters who have day long combos but go under the radar.
UsedForGlue plays stylin’ characters who have FAIR DAMAGE but go under the radar

2/3 Unless you count half of the description on Ketchup, Sektor is his waifu

A F0xy Grampa plays gimmicky characters who DP everything and inspire fanfic.
i2 Gaug3 plays girly characters who mash on projectiles and are their waifu.
PND Omega K plays badass characters who grab everything and inspire rage.

This ones my favourite... Mr_Swizzer

'Mr Swizzer plays creepy characters who take no skill and win for free'
I bet you didn't even run mine through the thing.