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[May 24, 2013] UFGT9: Guts (Road to EVO 2013) (Rosemont, Illinois)

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I know of at least one person who's going to be riding with me to this... barring any unforseen problems. This tourney will more than likely be bigger than FR last year or even MLG Dallas.
Umm, I am 80% making this, unless something happens in my life that I can't make it. I'd like to share a hotel room PM if you wanna talk, never done this before.
xbox please! PS3 has been shown time and time again to be inferior for a multitude of reasons. Last year's event was held on 360 and everything went great.


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
I am playing the same games as you Semi Evil Ryu ... I am gong to need to get my injustice stick dual modded though... Also geuss what guys? I am going to win a few matches cause I am practicing alot... So be ready...

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
The xbox version is a billion times smoother.

Having said that my converter only works when it wants to so PS3 please lol


Administrator and Community Engineer
I'd assume all the Xbox-based competitive MK players have PS3 adapters or PS3-compatible/dual modded pads/sticks.. But will all the PS3 players have Xbox compatible gear?

It's hard enough just to get people to pay hotel, not to mention buying and adjusting to new equip :p


I'd assume all the Xbox-based competitive MK players have PS3 adapters or PS3-compatible/dual modded pads/sticks.. But will all the PS3 players have Xbox compatible gear?

It's hard enough just to get people to pay hotel, not to mention buying and adjusting to new equip :p
I haven't made a decision yet, but I want you to know that I think what you've just said he is a really gross double standard and I don't like it.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I haven't made a decision yet, but I want you to know that I think what you've just said he is a really gross double standard and I don't like it.
Not sure what you mean; I'm only asking based on the reality of what people currently own, and are likely to pay for -- not based on how I think things should be ideally.

I own the game for both systems :)


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Xbox is the better system for sure. BUT!, we all been playin on ps3 so why go for a change now. Especially since EVO (and this is a road to EVO tournament) is on PS3. Then this should be too. I would suggest banning wireless or having a sync station. Nothin more annoying than someone interrupting a match.

This is the road to EVO tournament I have my eye on as we'll as CEO. It's close to my bday and I will be done with school for the semester as well.


Come On Die Young
If you already had it on xbox there once and it went smoothly I don't see why it shouldn't be that way again.

I probably won't be there but I also want revenge for having to use a converter at every MK tournament I've been to since I use an Xbox pad, despite playing on a superior system for the game.

GGA Dizzy i understand that you+others have been training on ps3's the majority of the time and are used to any discrepancies, but there are other players who don't have the luxury of owning both systems and have always trained on xbox. your argument is similar to (though the reverse of) the BenQ issues we had with mlg. most players shouldn't have many problems warming up on them to adjust their timing accordingly if necessary.

the only real argument for ps3's being the tournament standard has been because it's the evo standard. everything else is, as keits kinda said, a double standard by the ps3 players due to xbox players having to deal with ps3's at tournaments most of the time. in the end, it's not THAT big of a deal considering this was done last year with no issues that i'm aware of, but it's like arguing against using asus monitors if we have been using hp's or some shit at most tournaments.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
If you already had it on xbox there once and it went smoothly I don't see why it shouldn't be that way again.

I probably won't be there but I also want revenge for having to use a converter at every MK tournament I've been to since I use an Xbox pad, despite playing on a superior system for the game.

GGA Dizzy i understand that you+others have been training on ps3's the majority of the time and are used to any discrepancies, but there are other players who don't have the luxury of owning both systems and have always trained on xbox. your argument is similar to (though the reverse of) the BenQ issues we had with mlg. most players shouldn't have many problems warming up on them to adjust their timing accordingly if necessary.

the only real argument for ps3's being the tournament standard has been because it's the evo standard. everything else is, as keits kinda said, a double standard by the ps3 players due to xbox players having to deal with ps3's at tournaments most of the time. in the end, it's not THAT big of a deal considering this was done last year with no issues that i'm aware of, but it's like arguing against using asus monitors if we have been using hp's or some shit at most tournaments.
bro hug