Since others are giving multiples lol, i will too:
Super Tecmo Bowl, Double Dribble, Pro Wrestling, Air Fortress, California Games, Bad Dudes, Bases Loaded series, Batman, Double Dragon, Blades of Steel, Blaster Master, Bubble Bobble, Burger Time, RC Pro-Am, Contra, Duck Hunt, Mario games, Zelda series, Punchout! (both versions), Duck Tales, Excitebike, Golf, Hoops, Ice Hockey, Jack Nicholas Golf, Jaws, John Elway Quarterback (game was broke as fuck lmao), Jordan vs Bird, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Marble Madness, Super Off Road, NARC, Operation Wolf, Paperboy, Ring King, Roger Clemens MVP Baseball, Skate or Die!, Super Dodge Ball, TMNT, TMNT II: The Arcade Game, TMNT: Tournament Fighters, Tetris, Tetris 2 & Urban Champion
Yes, i cheated and used a list of all the games released for NES. I had all of these at some point, or played regularly at friends, etc.