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Injustice is in a weird situation...

Alright, Injustice is a new IP, which means, right off the bat is has no "real" foundation or fan base. It's trying to build it's community off of Capcom, MK/rest of the FGC.

From the looks of it, it looks like Capcom players are interested in Injustice genuinely [Gootecks, Yipes, ChrisG (will play Green Arrow), Dieminion, etc]

MK players will be picking it up, but, not sure if all top MK players are [IIRC some are stubborn and will only play MK, which applies to the overall community].

With the announcement of PS4 and the next gen Xbox, which can be assumed will release in November/Fall, the general lifespan of Injustice can last about 7 months+, while everyone transitions to the next generation, which in turn means, the online community is effected, which in turn effects the offline scene too as it's trying to build a offline scene with existing (who know if existing players will even stick with the game) and bring in new people.

So, what can the community or Injustice do? Really hate this game to just, not shine because of unfortunate circumstances. I mean, the game is good, it has everything going for it, but, it really needs a strong start IMO for it not to like be left in the dust with all this shit happening.


Administrator and Community Engineer
DC Comics has a bigger fanbase than any of the fanbases you listed. Also consider that the lifespan of the PS2 went well into the following generation, and people aren't going to immediately stop playing this generation's top games because a PS4 comes out.

Adoption takes time; if Injustice is a great game it'll be fine.
DC Comics has a bigger fanbase than any of the fanbases you listed. Also consider that the lifespan of the PS2 went well into the following generation, and people aren't going to imediately stop playing this generation's top games because a PS4 comes out.
Ya, I forgot to list DC, but, like I said, not sure how long they'll hang on.


Blue Blurs for Life!
If your concern is that the PS4 won't support PS3 products and PSN services, I don't see it being a problem. PS2 has supported PS1 games, PS3 has supported both...I'm sure the trend will continue and no-one will have any problem transitioning to the next generation. But the big question is how successful the new consoles will be.

If I'm not understanding your concerns, elaborate.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Are we sure that these consoles are even really going to be out that soon. Just because they are announced doesn't mean they are going to happen right away.
If your concern is that the PS4 won't support PS3 products and PSN services, I don't see it being a problem. PS2 has supported PS1 games, PS3 has supported both...I'm sure the trend will continue and no-one will have any problem transitioning to the next generation. But the big question is how successful the new consoles will be.

If I'm not understanding your concerns, elaborate.
No not that, it's just a split in communities. I know it'll most likely support it, and, it's just not strictly PS4, some models don't even support backwards right?

"Xbox LIVE functionality for original Xbox games has been discontinued. You can, however, play system link between original Xbox and Xbox 360 consoles"

Just thinking, lol, I wanted a discussion, wonder what route will happen in this gen. IMO, when 360 came out, first gen died within Summer time fully.


A prop on the stage of life.
The console won't mean squat if there aren't any (good) games on it. LBSH when a new console comes out the launch games are mediocre at best (see Rune for ps2). It will take time to fix bugs and other issues that come with releasing a new console.


Administrator and Community Engineer
If your concern is that the PS4 won't support PS3 products and PSN services, I don't see it being a problem. PS2 has supported PS1 games, PS3 has supported both...
Newer Ps3's (like mine) don't support Ps2 games. But a couple of points on this:

1) When the PS3 first came out, it was super expensive, lagged behind the PS2 and Xbox in sales, and took a long time (and a couple of price cuts) to become a 'household system'.

2) Sony has been aggressively shifting their stance in favor of downloadable content purchased from PSN, including several AAA titles as of late. What this means, is that they might end up making some ported PS3 games available for purchase eventually through the online store, even if the system isn't directly compatible right away.


If your concern is that the PS4 won't support PS3 products and PSN services, I don't see it being a problem. PS2 has supported PS1 games, PS3 has supported both...I'm sure the trend will continue and no-one will have any problem transitioning to the next generation. But the big question is how successful the new consoles will be.

If I'm not understanding your concerns, elaborate.
Sony might think twice about backwards compatability for the ps4 after the originals were hugely expensive because of having the actual chipsets for the psx and ps2 in addition to the 4 usb ports. The next generation they took out the backwards compatability in favour of emulation software but that was badly received as some games would not play properly or at all. So now we have no backwards copatability and 2 USB ports. :mad:


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
It takes about 2 years for any new console to take off in terms of software library. If there are no exclusive fighting games on it then they wont be used for tournies anyhow and exclusive cast like Cole and Pacman aren't allowed in tournies anyhow.

Game won't suffer at all and by the time next gen has taken seat and folks ARE needing to move on in consoles for tournies they can always special edition with few more things.
DC fanbase is huge! I've been reading comments of people who don't even play fighting games, and they love the whole idea of the game. This could introduce a new wave of people to fighting games like MK9 did.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Also I forgot to mention -- the popularity of the Arkham Asylum and Arkham City games is a direct setup for this.

DJ L Toro

An announcement is happening on Feb 20, i say wait for that before jumping to conclusions about the release. You can follow all ps4 oficially released media on psuni.com


The Best.
Theres definetly the possibility that ed has been hiding something up his sleeve and when the PS4 comes out, might make one for that. Like a complete edition you know?


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
MK players will be picking it up, but, not sure if all top MK players are [IIRC some are stubborn and will only play MK, which applies to the overall community]
Or rather, some expect others to play the game upon the basis that it's also made by NRS. LBSH, you don't see Tekken players sectioning off and promoting TekkenZaibatsu with Soul Calibur stuff because it's "also made by Namco". lol

And for the record, EVO officials used the Dreamcast for Capcom VS SNK 2 and Marvel 2 up until 2007 I believe, next generation hardware isn't gonna stop the current agenda of the FGC dead in it's tracks.


With the announcement of PS4 and the next gen Xbox, which can be assumed will release in November/Fall, the general lifespan of Injustice can last about 7 months+, while everyone transitions to the next generation, which in turn means, the online community is effected, which in turn effects the offline scene too as it's trying to build a offline scene with existing (who know if existing players will even stick with the game) and bring in new people.
Not true.. SSBM is proof of this..

New Consoles wont effect us at at all really because Injustice is not the only fighting game that's gonna be put in that situation. I think you are thinking to far ahead.. Before any of that it starts with the FGC in general supporting the game. (Not just Capcom and MK because the scene is bigger than just these two franchises). If you are talking from a competitive standpoint then the answer is simple.. Just support the game. The more people support the more the butterfly effect will kick in.


cr. HP Master
I think we're just trying to conjure up problems at this point. I don't expect next gen consoles to be released until next year sometime. If the game has a big enough following, people surely won't care to have 360's and PS3's readily available. I doubt a new MvC will be launched with next gen consoles and I don't see people worrying about MvC being out of date.