GGS to:
BigMilk it was great to see you again. Playing you and not getting completely bodied really gave me validation for all the work i've put in. was the set we played in losers 2-0 or 2-1?
Showtime i'm still laughing about how you said "good try bro." real talk though it was good to meet you.
KH Royale there needs to be a "best personality in the MK community" award for you man, it was good bullshitting with you and our games were amazingly fun. cant wait for
greguu to get our match up. For now i'm considering you my equal (because as far as i can tell we are), but if you dont keep leveling up at a high rate like you said you have been i'll go super saiyan 2 and good luck homie
IceColdEdge thanks for running the tournament. it was good to mee you and play some casuals.
@Preaux good casuals man, sorry if my salt bothered you.
@tar nasty i dont think you're on here but you should be, lol
@Starcharger good to meet you. Next time we need to play some matches on asus instead of that bigscreen.
thanks for coming out everyone. had people from dallas, houston, san antonio, arkansas, and 2 regions of louisiana. If i missed anyone let me know, because this tournament had some sick representation. There's a lot of people that i didnt play that i need to sometime soon.