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Players who run to Stages and think they are good


You know what im talking about here. Those players who run to choosing a stage after they get out played and lose and then act like they have skill. I was beating this guy pretty convincing in two games then he left and sent me and invite so when I went to join all the times we played were on that stupid Shang Tsung throne room that is so dark and he was a Noob player. I had to adjust my TV on highest brightness setting and it still was not enough because it was difficult to see Noobs shadows and his character in general. Needless to say I did lose the overall matches but what annoyed me most was he said "GGs better luck next time" as if it was my fault for losing when he bitched and ran to a stage advantage for his character...

Why do players who run to stages think they are good when they can't win in a fair fight on a even playing field? All respect gone for losers who do that. Sorry had to rant but it pisses me off and I needed this. What do you guys think?


Yes I am a little mad because players who have no life resort to this sort of thing - it takes the fun out of the game.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I'm sure you will also say taking steroids is all fair game and a win is a win if some guy won a competition that was supposed to be all natural...

I was gonna make some reply to this, but then I just sat here thinking whether or not you're Alice in wonderland, or through the looking glass, and my mind just did a brain fart and now I'm back here.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I'm sure you will also say taking steroids is all fair game and a win is a win if some guy won a competition that was supposed to be all natural...
Stage Selection isn't banned unless it's Hell, Streets, or Kratos stage.

I think you need to change the kontrast on your TV not just the brightness.

I know on Xbox things are darker for some reason, in which kase make sure you adjust everything to kompensate for this.


I was gonna make some reply to this, but then I just sat here thinking whether or not you're Alice in wonderland, or through the looking glass, and my mind just did a brain fart and now I'm back here.
Look my point is players shouldnt be using outside sources (stages OR steroids for my other example) to gain a unfair advantage in a fight or competition. No matter how you cut around that is boils down to border line cheating some may argue


kung lao swag walker
People for years have been using the battleground as an advantage. Why are you so upset that you lost because of your inability to deal with the problem. Ancient armies would try to gain high ground and fight their enemies with their backs to the sun. This forced their enemy to look up and be blinded by the suns light. Home field advantage for football teams. I think you should just take it as a loss, and get over it. My brother has no trouble seeing noob on that stage though and he is actually legally blind


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
But dude, you play Liu Kang, and spam combos. #getdafukoudaheerwivdisply2winbullsheeit


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Though I see your point and it is a valid argument, but I have to side with the majority here. When playing the game one must utilyze every tool that they can exploit and use to their advantage. The environment is one place that can be used as well. This is why there is a pratice mode, if you haeve issues facing off with Noob on that paticular stage then you need to face off with the AI on that stage for a little while until this is no longer a problem to you. You have to take the time understand each character's weaknesses and their stregnths.. One of Noob's stregnths is that he can be a diffucult opponent to see at times on the darker arenas, though this can be frustrating it is a challenge to overcome and it will make you a better player in the long run. Pateince is the key factor here, not wether or not your oppenent is cheap. I hear that said constantly and I all I ever think when soneone claims to call me cheap or other characters in the game cheap is that no matter what character used against you they can be overcome one way or another, there is no trully godlike caharcter that is unbeatable. I am not a great player of the game I am still learning, but when it comes to losing, instead of thinking that your oppenent was cheating or being cheap, you must think how did they win, what did I do wrong and how can I correct the problem. Losing makes you better, it forces you to re-evaluate how you play the game.

I am an avid Warhammer 40k player and I am pretty decent at the game, but the way I learned was by being able to look back at when I lose, there is a common phrase with those of us that play WH 40k, which is KNOW THY ARMY, KNOWTHY ENEMY'S ARMY!!! Good luck on overcoming this hurdle and just don't consider losing as losing consider it a learning experience. While online there are very few matches I can blame on lag and the arena I fight in, it is all me and now I must do my best to understand what to correct for the future.