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The NEW Dallas/Fort Worth Players List.


My blades will find your heart
at its best my salt has called kung lao literally every single racial slur, homophobic slur, derogatory term for female body part, included factually incorrect frame data, amor claims (except that laos and kitana's armor are terrible, that's true), etc. at my best I GO OFF. Chris Thomas can testify to this.
i even sometimes improvise stories as to why they're so terrible. those are fun
He also calls Baraka braindead, when he plays Kenshi :p


Former Divine Power Abuser
Awww someone misses me. Thanks for hosting midnight, was overdue for offline. Online salt had me feeling emo but yesterday ended that. Two-One aka Two-Wins, you shall never forget this great day. Cherish it, use it as motivation for when you receive your chance at redemption. Online blasphemy cannot save you lol. GGs bro


Underaged Beast
right right mike. cause its offline where there is so much lag xD its okay to be free man. we dont judge in dallas xD maybe in houston ^.^


RTSD All Day. I'm going in. No Vaseline.
not enough room for another sub main, son.
And did I mess it up? Looks right to me....

I'll fix it tomorrow
Lol, ill tell you what. I'll play you for the sub zero spot.. Or whoever. Just put RexyWrecks though.. As for mains, you can put anyone.