This guy looks kind of tuff...
So with the the growing number of Houston players making it out to casuals for MK9, we have really grown into a good scene all around and with many of us jumping over to Injustice once it is released upon us, I had a couple of ideas to hype the game and scene up.
The Houston scene has grown substantially. From only being 2 of us (me and Devil Jim, as well as prospic for the most part ) back in EVO 2011 days. And growing right after with strong players such as Showtime , FCP/EMP SCAR , KH StarCharger , @Shanxter , KH Royale , @KH King David, KH_Seraph , Matt, @captainJFA , etc.
As well as new players who have just joined us...such as Digit , Courtney, And Javon.
With the players we have now, I believe Kombat Houston will be a dominate force once Injustice drops in the tournament scene.
First is doing a 24-hour stream of the game! All day casuals with all the Kombat Houston players present (around 15 players for sure). This will get people to view some nice competitive gameplay of the game, as well as see a various number of characters, new playstyles, and set-ups since the game will be new.
I was considering doing this on release date...but for a few reasons, I've decided to make it for a later date.
Since we already have Kombat Network's Injustice For All stream event. as well as the tournament that weekend, I would rather everyone get together and watch one stream.
Another reason is that the game will be very new to everyone and there's no point of people watching us learning moves and combos and getting a feel for the game when they too will be doing the same thing on the release date.
So with this in mind, I'm looking at a date some time after the release (maybe 2 weeks to give us all time to learn things about our characters).
The date will be posted as we come closer to release date so we can all plan a day to make it happen and take care of work schedule , school , etc.
I would also like to invite players from around the Texas area to come down and participate with us. This includes the Dallas crew, San Antonio crew, even the Louisiana crew...and of course get GamerBlake90 to come down as well and play, level up, and even commentate with us.
Other ideas are also in the air, but we will wait till a time closer to the release date to announce them. This may include giving away prizes (Injustice copies, shirts, posters, etc.) to viewers and even a sort of grand prize towards the end of the stream.
Also maybe a free Injustice tournament from the players in attendance in order to add some hype overall.
Naturally, the stream will be on the Kombat Houston twitch page @
So make sure to follow us there as well as my Twitter on for all updates as they come!
Let me know in the comments below if this sounds like a good idea. Suggestions and concerns are also welcome.