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We have any political people in here? Rapists Rights

Tim Static

Oh come on. It's bullshit that the President has armed guards guarding him considering his gun control stance. Here's another guy acting like the "child-loving" politician. How original.
Congrats. With a single post, you've proved your completely ignorant on the topic. Find out who the guy is in this video, research his history and his relationship with the President. THEN come back to discuss this. Until then, gtfo.


Worst Injustice Player
Congrats. With a single post, you've proved your completely ignorant on the topic. Find out who the guy is in this video, research his history and his relationship with the President. THEN come back to discuss this. Until then, gtfo.
I know who Chris Christie is.... how does that change anything?


Master of Quanculations
I've never understood the argument of "Plenty of people have assault weapons and don't intend on going on killing sprees." As if this argument specially applies to assault weapons. If it was legal to buy Rocket Launchers, there would be plenty of people who had them that didn't intend on blowing up huge groups of people. And somehow that means it should be legal to buy them? These are weapons that are perfectly made for mass death. Who cares that people can "use them responsibly"? A line has to be drawn on dangerous death dealing weaponry.


My blades will find your heart
I've never understood the argument of "Plenty of people have assault weapons and don't intend on going on killing sprees." As if this argument specially applies to assault weapons. If it was legal to buy Rocket Launchers, there would be plenty of people who had them that didn't intend on blowing up huge groups of people. And somehow that means it should be legal to buy them? These are weapons that are perfectly made for mass death. Who cares that people can "use them responsibly"? A line has to be drawn on dangerous death dealing weaponry.


Worst Injustice Player
I've never understood the argument of "Plenty of people have assault weapons and don't intend on going on killing sprees." As if this argument specially applies to assault weapons. If it was legal to buy Rocket Launchers, there would be plenty of people who had them that didn't intend on blowing up huge groups of people. And somehow that means it should be legal to buy them? These are weapons that are perfectly made for mass death. Who cares that people can "use them responsibly"? A line has to be drawn on dangerous death dealing weaponry.
I'm just saying the majority of gun deaths are from handguns anyway. People are acting like the majority of deaths are from mass murdering nerdy teenagers with assault rifles because that's all you hear about on CNN.

I bet you an assault weapons ban will do DIP FUCKING SHIT and people will still be getting shot all every single day.

Tim Static

I know who Chris Christie is.... how does that change anything?
Thus making your comment ring even louder with stupid...
I'm just saying the majority of gun deaths are from handguns anyway. People are acting like the majority of deaths are from mass murdering nerdy teenagers with assault rifles because that's all you hear about on CNN.

I bet you an assault weapons ban will do DIP FUCKING SHIT and people will still be getting shot all every single day.
Its a step. When a bomber tries to sneak a bomb in his shoe at an airport, everyone has to remove their shoes to get on a plane. Yet, 31 school shootings SINCE Colombine and yet no change in gun regulation. Makes perfect sense, right?

Civilians do not need assault rifles period. NRA rednecks claims its for hunting. Why do you need an assault rifle for a deer? Is it shooting back? Shit, if women & gays were using assault rifles in deadly shootings, assault rifles would have been banned yesterday. Period.


My blades will find your heart
I'm just saying the majority of gun deaths are from handguns anyway. People are acting like the majority of deaths are from mass murdering nerdy teenagers with assault rifles because that's all you hear about on CNN.

I bet you an assault weapons ban will do DIP FUCKING SHIT and people will still be getting shot all every single day.
You are sort of right.

However, the problem with assault rifles is that they can kill a lot of people really quickly. JUST BECAUSE IT DOESNT HAPPEN THAT OFTEN, DOES NOT JUSTIFY IT'S LEGALITY. And if you think it does, then tell that to the 7 parents whose kindergartners were all shot down with one.

Here's a question:

People say that you want guns to protect yourselves from the government right? ut lets think about this...What are assault rifles going to do against trained militiamen with high tech weaponry, tanks, drones, and helicopters. You really think your AR-15 is going to stand up against a tank?

I dont really care if people have handguns or regular rifles. That is your right. My only wish is that we get proper documentation on all firearms purchased, mental health checks for those who by them, and maybe even require a class to teach you how to properly store your guns and not shoot yourself on accident. But that is in a perfect world.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Most of you are familiar with Paul Ryan

And here's why this lunatic couldn't get elected:

Paul Ryan's new piece of legislation contains "...a section that will allow a rapist to sue his victim in order to stop her from getting an abortion, specifically if she were trying to get an abortion in a state that allows them while he lives in a state that does not."


I just wanted to quote the original thread to remind people of the point. If you feel you need an ak47 to defend yourself from the british or russians or whomever, has nothing to do with the fact that a woman has complete and total control over what she does with her own body.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


My blades will find your heart
I just wanted to quote the original thread to remind people of the point. If you feel you need an ak47 to defend yourself from the british or russians or whomever, has nothing to do with the fact that a woman has complete and total control over what she does with her own body.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo
Most of us already established this. But yeah, republicans get ridiculous sometimes.


Worst Injustice Player
I just wanted to quote the original thread to remind people of the point. If you feel you need an ak47 to defend yourself from the british or russians or whomever, has nothing to do with the fact that a woman has complete and total control over what she does with her own body.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo
Paul Ryan is a douche. We get it.

And Zoidberg that's fair. We all know how successful the previous assault weapons ban was.


My blades will find your heart

Some very interesting food for thought here. Just because the ban didnt work in the U.S. does not mean that it does not work.

Other than colombia and mexico(Which have a huge amount of gun deaths due to cartels and the like) Most countries with a assault weapons ban have under 1,000 gun deaths per year(1/9th of our statistic). The ones that ban all firearms(Like the U.K.) had less than 100 deaths. So this whole "Criminals will smuggle them in anyway" is a bullshit argument, because although they might, it would drastically reduce the number of gun related deaths(But I think that is overboard, and am not in support of that).

But the MOST interesting thing to me was Germany. Germany is like us, you can own assault rifles, handguns and shotguns. But their death count is only 247 as opposed to our 9,470 gun related deaths. So what is the difference?

"Semi automatic or assault weapons are for sport shooting only. Strict requirements force proof of membership in a shooting society and demand registration with the police. A German with the proper licensing can obtain the pictured AR-15, or many other semi automatic rifles."

So with PROPER LICENSING and PROPER DOCUMENTATION gun deaths would probably be lowered drastically. The problem is not that people are getting guns, it's that people are getting guns that have no background check or mental health check(Which they have in new zealand, which averages 7 gun deaths per year) and people owning guns to "Protect us from the guvenment".

I know a lot of people are scared about "Gun Control", but the reality is it is less about taking guns away, and more on restricting who actually has access to them.


cr. HP Master
I find this whole debate interesting. It's a complicated matter, that needs a lot of thought. Personally, I think we should have the right to own firearms, but not assault rifles etc. etc. Handguns, shotguns, yes. Are you going to hunt with an assault rifle? No, most people feel the need to own one because they feel a since of impending doom. I can go to Wal-Mart right now and purchase a shotgun and have it in my hands at the end of the day. Do I think that is right? Not at all. I've purchased a few firearms before so thats why its easier for me, but I believe the laws should be stricter. To purchase a shotgun or rifle I believe a thorough back ground check and a permit to hunt large/small game should be presented. The laws on hunting is another sensitive topic, but a losing battle to most.