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We have any political people in here? Rapists Rights


I already question the integrity of our government, the legislatures better not allow these to pass.


A prop on the stage of life.
I don't follow politics that much, but wasn't there the same deal about a robber breaking into someone's house and getting attacked by the owner's dog and then sueing the owner or some crap?


My blades will find your heart
I hate to throw a whole party under the bus, but SOME republicans have their priorities EXTREMELY out of line.

But yes, Paul Ryan is in general a lying manipulative asshole.

Edit: If it didnt pass under W., I highly doubt it will pass under the Obama administration. Here's hoping anyway.


Purple balls covering the screen
It makes me sad that people feel the need to legislate their personal ethics into politics. This isn't even a political question. What's worse is that most people think it is.


My blades will find your heart
Thats the real poison in our society.
Not gonna lie, while I respect everyones right to worship and think religion does some good, some of the worst injustices in our society are indirectly because of religious beliefs.

Which is really sad because half of them dont even come from the bible/insert holy book, just a bunch of old ass dudes trying to push their own agendas.

Tim Static

Not gonna lie, while I respect everyones right to worship and think religion does some good, some of the worst injustices in our society are indirectly because of religious beliefs.

Which is really sad because half of them dont even come from the bible/insert holy book, just a bunch of old ass dudes trying to push their own agendas.
yup, exactly!


Master of Quanculations
It really is scary. And funny at the same time. Right wing radicals have completely highjacked conservative politics. The republican party is completely unrecognizable these days. Just look at the gun debate. Even when a huge majority of americans support better gun control policy, the tea party and their "news" network Fox are trying to pass off the idea that "we need assault weapons in case we need to use them against the US military under a fascist dictator" as conservatism. That extremist shit has nothing to do with conservative politics, but they want you to think it does. Crazy gun fetishes, complete bans on abortion access, freaking out about "the gay agenda", trying to ban evolution from schools... that shouldn't be what "conservative" means. But they've completely warped the word. And they'll just keep going crazier and crazier, shouting out conspiracy and tyranny, while they continue to lose the support of real people, and they'll never win another presidential election again. And our whole process will be worse for it, because since they've gone so far off the edge of extremism, we don't have a viable second option anymore, so there's no real policy debate going on.


Worst Injustice Player
Just look at the gun debate. Even when a huge majority of americans support better gun control policy, the tea party and their "news" network Fox are trying to pass off the idea that "we need assault weapons in case we need to use them against the US military under a fascist dictator" as conservatism.
Banning assault weapons will not make anyone safer. More people are killed with knives than assault rifles.


Worst Injustice Player
You know right wing extremists, the tea party & the NRA have gone too far when this happens...

Oh come on. It's bullshit that the President has armed guards guarding him considering his gun control stance. Here's another guy acting like the "child-loving" politician. How original.


Master of Quanculations
Banning assault weapons will not make anyone safer. More people are killed with knives than assault rifles.
Good point. Lets let everyone buy guns that fire 60 rounds a minute, with 100 bullet magazines. Hell, why not throw in a grenade launcher? If grenades were legal, I bet there would still be more stabbing deaths a year than grenade deaths. So since that's the argument that matters, let's do it! Whatever people want! Freedom! America yeah!

You fool. I'd like to see someone try to hit 70 people in a movie theatre with a knife.


Worst Injustice Player
Good point. Lets let everyone buy guns that fire 60 rounds a minute, with 100 bullet magazines. Hell, why not throw in a grenade launcher? If grenades were legal, I bet there would still be more stabbing deaths a year than grenade deaths. So since that's the argument that matters, let's do it! Whatever people want! Freedom! America yeah!

You fool. I'd like to see someone try to hit 70 people in a movie theatre with a knife.
Oh my GOD. If we ban assault rifles people will just import them from other places anyway. It's crazy how cocaine is illegal and people are doing that. What else do you want banned? Handguns?


Master of Quanculations
Oh my GOD. If we ban assault rifles people will just import them from other places anyway. It's crazy how cocaine is illegal and people are doing that. What else do you want banned? Handguns?
Nope. I think you should be allowed to legally own a handgun. No large magazines. Non semi automatic hunting rifles, and shotguns. Everything else should be illegal unless you are police or military.

And your argument that people will just obtain things illegally can be applied to anything ever. Anything illegal can still be obtained. But if you do obtain it and you're caught, you go to jail. That's the point. Killing people is also illegal. But that doesn't stop some people. When they get caught killing people, they go to jail. Sometimes people get away with it. So, I guess we should just not make murder illegal, cause people will do it anyway if they really want to!

And don't compare guns to drugs. Drugs is a matter of personal freedom with your own body. Assault weapons are instruments of death. No one walks into a school and kills 20 kids with cocaine.


Master of Quanculations
Are you serious?

Not everyone who owns an assault rifle kills has the intention of going on a shooting spree, but people who make the choice to do so will be punished.
*else. Corrected. Everything else besides those basic firearms with low ammo capacity should be illegal for citizens to own.