I actually laughed when it was announced that this was going to be the way for the 8th game to get in. Laughed becaus eI know the majority of gamers are cheapasses.
But seriously though, let's just get Super Turbo off of that list cause you know damn well they will be doing a second Tournament of Legends anyway. Games that have definitely have no shot at winning are VF5FS, SC5, Vampire Savior, Third Strike, CvS2 and Blazblue.
Guilty Gear is not going to win because it's basically a free win for any Japanese player. hey have the R update and are basing it on their play. It would not be fair to American/other countries who play it. although this wouldn't be the first time of this happening obviously. And besides, I'm pretty positive a lot of that fanbase(aswell as the BB community) will be there to support P4A instead.
The DoA community would rather stay home and do tournaments online anyway so we can count them out.
It will be hard for PS All Stars to get in considering the ridiculously large fanbase of the Smash community. Make fun of them all you want, but those same kids can easily convince their parents to donate to a great cause. Hell, they support their kids playing those games competitively so why wouldn't they help with this?
We know the majority of the FGC will try to get Divekick in just because. However, let's see if they are willing to actually put in the money which we know probably will not happen.
And then there is Injustice. Obviously this sit will support it to no end. But again, can we all honestly put in that much amount of money towards this goal? I can already guarantee a shit load of threads for donation drives to get players from other countries here for MK9 alone.