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All Good Things Must End (Reflection by w1nter barz)

Hey everyone, for people that don’t know . I have finally returned to Canada and now will be going back to school to finish my degree. I decided to focus on school more and push aside mk for a long while. I will not be entering tournys in 2013 except maybe Toronto regionals or majors to support my scene. Maybe go to casuals just to say hi to my Canadian friends. I will be back when I finish school and get a full timr job but I just wanted to take the time to thank all the friends I made in NYC for making my internship fly too too fast. Also wanted to thank people I met in tournament for making my experience in tournaments that much better.

J360 and KT Smith - Thanks for seeing me before I left. Also thanks for all the fun times at VSM. Special thanks to J360 for all his tips and ideas regarding cyrax. Without you, I would have never been able to make my cyrax what it was in tournaments.

Maxter CD jr and CRAZY DOMINICAN – Thanks for the hospitality I would receive from you guys and your mother when I came over for casuals. Special thanks for letting me spend thanksgiving dinner with you guys and your family. Also thanks for all the sessions. Sessions helped me a lot. Even when cd jr would talk trash. I do wish I could have beaten your jax in tourney once though and also maxter in dallas…..jerks.

REO and Tom Brady- Reo, thanks for all the kabal help and all the fun times me, you soup and gamma would have during casuals. Your trolling knows no limit and is unmatched by anyone else in the community. However, I will never understand how you can troll people to the point of being pissed but then be so defensive when being trolled back. Was finally great to hang out with one of the guys I met through kaillera lol. Tom, thanks for trying to talk to MLG about the keyboard and the other things you had done for me. I still remember from the on the edge tournament where you said “let the game develop”. I tried to incorporate that idea of patience into my gameplay best I could. Both you guys are awesome.

Gamma and Insuperable – Was great times at tournaments and casuals. I think I did a good job at giving you guys the knowledge to handle the cyrax matchup. Thanks for the fun times and special thanks for soup making damn and mann officially a part of my vocabulary.
@Riu48 – Thanks for all the sonya experience. You are also a very cool guy in my book and damn you for taking me out at nec13 lol.

@ClaudeVonStroke – Thanks for all the times I would stay over at your place after redbank or when I would come over for casuals. You are funny as hell and without you, I would have never known how good cluckuchicken was. Thanks for also showing me around Princeton and screw you for making me break my fast at Hooters lawl.

rev0lver – Casuals at your place were too fun. Talking about the mk community while playing made it all better. It was great leveling up together and for both of us to get out of pools at evo was extra dope. I know for a fact your tourney placements do not reflect your true skill and hopefully soon you will show it like you should’ve after evo.

Shock summoning , 9.95 , @DarkRob – It was great to finally play the old school mk community in umk3 , though I think I never got to play rob though …sadface. Thanks shock and summoning for all the fun times at redbank or at your workplace. Thanks phil for the cookies and I had a blast at your 24 hour charity stream. Also thanks to Dark Rob for the casuals we had in mk9.

@JamesMk - You are one of the most interesting person I have ever met(Top 5 for sure ). Your ability to move forward after partying hard or drunk amazes me. I guess it would be tough for me to get out of generation p. Awell, thanks for all the fun times also. Your ability to criticize anything you don’t like and overall humor made vsm nights go by too fast.

@Rapzilla – Thanks for the casuals at your place and the barbecue you had. Another cool guy in my book

Cibernetico and Shadow Zero Kyo – Omg, all the stupid discussions we would have in cyber’s car were too funny. Thanks to both of you guys for making ect4 and my trips back from vsm too fun

@Vito and Hito - Fun times with the casuals. Too bad we didn't play more often.

Sorry If I forgot anyone.

People / Scenes.

West Coast - Cool as hell. Both the guys in LV and EGP
GGA- One day I will make Chicago but I did go to SB. All you guys are cool.
COCO- Had fun at seasons beating and special shouts to all the smoke talent there.
ATL - All you guys are awesome, Pig I am sorry but cyrax and kenshi is 5-5 , accept it.
PHILLY and Maryland - Awesome scenes, special shouts to relaxedstate and khaotik. Fun as hell to play with at tournys.
MAK - Cool scene, special shouts to Nordic and Blackula. Fun times

KH - Cool group, love all the hype they had at Dallas

Dallas - Damn mygod lui kang and also gamerblake for taking my 5 dollars while commentating his own money match.

People I met in tourneys - Too many guys man. All cool in my book.

Everyone I ever beat in tourney from May to December. Hold that shit nahhhhh.
-w1nter barz :p

TYM Community – Thanks for all the laughs and tech and general discussion you guys give to lurkers like me on the forum. You are a big reason the tourney scene still exists. Even though at times you guys will post the dumbest shit, have the worst opinions I have ever heard about players or overhype the fuck out of the wrong people in tournaments, you guys are awesome.


Premium Supporter
Love you man. :rolleyes: Can't wait for your return. Keyboard FTW


Man of Tomorrow
I only met you once at Season's Beatings but it was great playing casuals with you. Instantly became one of my fav players after that lol.


Just a slightly above average player.....
Canada is still a 2.5 and Florida a 2.6 :) take care winter your cyrax was great to watch on a tournament to tournament basis and seeing your game play adapt and become what it was. Hope to see you down the road in injustice or where ever else your keyboard takes you!

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Hopefully team yardley will see you again soon man, your an awesome player and guy. Every time we hear somebody say shots fired we laugh because it reminds us of you.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I will miss arguing with you. One of my favorite nemesises. Peace.


My mom tells me I'm pretty

no :(


I heard rumblings of w1nter Warz taking a break a month or so back. So sorry to hear this but I think it's great when people take initiative and will push a passion aside to complete a goal in their life. I didn't get to formally meet you at NEC, but hopefully I will at a future tournament. Good luck Winter!


i Use a modded cyber now
w1nter warz dude to me it sucks more that you moved back to canada. You became a big part of the VSM crew and the main guy to crack jokes with. Your honesty and blunt statements made for some of the funniest conversations to date. I wish you the best and really wish we would have been able to hang out more while you were in NYC. Remember even though you were here for a short time you've become part of the VSM family and will always be considered a NY player.

PS:If i decide to go to a canada tournament you better be there!


I'm a literal Sloth
Dude, if I go to any Toronto tournaments you better be there, me and you can talk shit to each other, to everyone else, and always have a good time.

Gunna miss you buddy


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
w1nter warz, Good luck finishing up your school buddy. It was hella fun meeting you and getting to play casuals @ Season's Beatings. I am assuming you probably still have some of that Melt sandwich left since it was about 3 months worth of food...

Also, I am glad your keyboard survived your pop-off after beating Forever King


Hey everyone, for people that don’t know . I have finally returned to Canada and now will be going back to school to finish my degree. I decided to focus on school more and push aside mk for a long while. I will not be entering tournys in 2013 except maybe Toronto regionals or majors to support my scene. Maybe go to casuals just to say hi to my Canadian friends. I will be back when I finish school and get a full timr job but I just wanted to take the time to thank all the friends I made in NYC for making my internship fly too too fast. Also wanted to thank people I met in tournament for making my experience in tournaments that much better.

J360 and KT Smith - Thanks for seeing me before I left. Also thanks for all the fun times at VSM. Special thanks to J360 for all his tips and ideas regarding cyrax. Without you, I would have never been able to make my cyrax what it was in tournaments.

Maxter CD jr and CRAZY DOMINICAN – Thanks for the hospitality I would receive from you guys and your mother when I came over for casuals. Special thanks for letting me spend thanksgiving dinner with you guys and your family. Also thanks for all the sessions. Sessions helped me a lot. Even when cd jr would talk trash. I do wish I could have beaten your jax in tourney once though and also maxter in dallas…..jerks.

REO and Tom Brady- Reo, thanks for all the kabal help and all the fun times me, you soup and gamma would have during casuals. Your trolling knows no limit and is unmatched by anyone else in the community. However, I will never understand how you can troll people to the point of being pissed but then be so defensive when being trolled back. Was finally great to hang out with one of the guys I met through kaillera lol. Tom, thanks for trying to talk to MLG about the keyboard and the other things you had done for me. I still remember from the on the edge tournament where you said “let the game develop”. I tried to incorporate that idea of patience into my gameplay best I could. Both you guys are awesome.

Gamma and Insuperable – Was great times at tournaments and casuals. I think I did a good job at giving you guys the knowledge to handle the cyrax matchup. Thanks for the fun times and special thanks for soup making damn and mann officially a part of my vocabulary.
@Riu48 – Thanks for all the sonya experience. You are also a very cool guy in my book and damn you for taking me out at nec13 lol.

@ClaudeVonStroke – Thanks for all the times I would stay over at your place after redbank or when I would come over for casuals. You are funny as hell and without you, I would have never known how good cluckuchicken was. Thanks for also showing me around Princeton and screw you for making me break my fast at Hooters lawl.

rev0lver – Casuals at your place were too fun. Talking about the mk community while playing made it all better. It was great leveling up together and for both of us to get out of pools at evo was extra dope. I know for a fact your tourney placements do not reflect your true skill and hopefully soon you will show it like you should’ve after evo.

Shock summoning , 9.95 , @DarkRob – It was great to finally play the old school mk community in umk3 , though I think I never got to play rob though …sadface. Thanks shock and summoning for all the fun times at redbank or at your workplace. Thanks phil for the cookies and I had a blast at your 24 hour charity stream. Also thanks to Dark Rob for the casuals we had in mk9.

@JamesMk - You are one of the most interesting person I have ever met(Top 5 for sure ). Your ability to move forward after partying hard or drunk amazes me. I guess it would be tough for me to get out of generation p. Awell, thanks for all the fun times also. Your ability to criticize anything you don’t like and overall humor made vsm nights go by too fast.

@Rapzilla – Thanks for the casuals at your place and the barbecue you had. Another cool guy in my book

Cibernetico and Shadow Zero Kyo – Omg, all the stupid discussions we would have in cyber’s car were too funny. Thanks to both of you guys for making ect4 and my trips back from vsm too fun

@Vito and Hito - Fun times with the casuals. Too bad we didn't play more often.

Sorry If I forgot anyone.

People / Scenes.

West Coast - Cool as hell. Both the guys in LV and EGP
GGA- One day I will make Chicago but I did go to SB. All you guys are cool.
COCO- Had fun at seasons beating and special shouts to all the smoke talent there.
ATL - All you guys are awesome, Pig I am sorry but cyrax and kenshi is 5-5 , accept it.
PHILLY and Maryland - Awesome scenes, special shouts to relaxedstate and khaotik. Fun as hell to play with at tournys.
MAK - Cool scene, special shouts to Nordic and Blackula. Fun times

KH - Cool group, love all the hype they had at Dallas

Dallas - Damn mygod lui kang and also gamerblake for taking my 5 dollars while commentating his own money match.

People I met in tourneys - Too many guys man. All cool in my book.

Everyone I ever beat in tourney from May to December. Hold that shit nahhhhh.
-w1nter barz :p

TYM Community – Thanks for all the laughs and tech and general discussion you guys give to lurkers like me on the forum. You are a big reason the tourney scene still exists. Even though at times you guys will post the dumbest shit, have the worst opinions I have ever heard about players or overhype the fuck out of the wrong people in tournaments, you guys are awesome.
We will miss you a lot champ =(.


TYM White Knight
Meeting you at Toryuken was one of the best experiences of the trip. You made me feel at home and welcome. You were easily approachable and insanely hype. Thanks so much man, can't wait to see you back.


I'll always root for yah brother :)

PS - Sorry about that stumbling high five during the vsm rumble ;)

PS II - make sure to separate your Porn Keyboard from your MK Keyboard #stickykeys


Going to miss you man. :( Indeed it was a ton of fun with all those post VSM driving home convos we had. Good luck where ever you go from here. Cheers!