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Who cares about upplaying and downplaying?

DJ L Toro

In the end all that really matters is playing right? If you beat someone it's not that they got beat by a good or bad character but they got beat by a person playing that character. Yes some matchups are better or worse, but upplaying or downplaying ultimately doesnt matter when it comes to playing a match.
That being said i have come to the conclusion that tier lists dont matter, matchup charts are fine, and if you have a problem with how people talk about their character just play them and beat them because that's all that matters.


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
Downplaying can psychologically hamper with your mindset going into a MU. Smoke players (just an example) who downplay their character versus rushdown against Johnny Cage can ultimately ruin their confidence in trying to poke out of his rushdown pressure. You're right that above all else it's about the player, but a lot of emphasis and argument about "downplaying and upplaying" is to prevent certain characters from being shunned of their true potential and to help level up the community and its pessimists/manic optimists.


Mid Tier
but all the information you need you can get from honest matchup discussion and playing the game. who cares if you're b or c tier?
most people that up play or downplay think there are being honest in there match up discussions,

MU numbers are just on paper advantage and disadvantage numbers, they have no bearing on how you personally will do against another certain player, so if thats what you getting at then ya it doesn't really matter, but if you where new to the game and wanted to have a bit of an idea who you should pick up if you were going to get into it very competitively at a high level then it is important that they are acurate

DJ L Toro

most people that up play or downplay think there are being honest in there match up discussions,

MU numbers are just on paper advantage and disadvantage numbers, they have no bearing on how you personally will do against another certain player, so if thats what you getting at then ya it doesn't really matter, but if you where new to the game and wanted to have a bit of an idea who you should pick up if you were going to get into it very competitively at a high level then it is important that they are acurate
By matchup discussion i mean the "how to approach this matchup" discussion, not the 5-5 4-6 10-0 discussion. In the case of picking up characters then i say only have 2 tiers: viable and unviable characters.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Can't agree with this thread more.

Whether a character is god-tier or shit-tier, it still comes down to the player. The sooner people understand this, the better. I mean it's best to have an accurate guide to fall back on if you're trying to learn the game, but as you attend more tournaments and evolve, you'll see that a great deal of things are possible.
I feel kinda bad for people who are just now picking up this game.There is only very few who can just now pick this game up and develop good fundamentals and the knowledge to be able to compete against people who have been playing just about every damn day since the game came out.I wouldn't really recommend a newbie to look at the tier list to determine who he will use because he may see that kabal have the most success out of the cast but kabal may not fit his play-style and more than likely he would just give up because he'd get frustrated with trying to do ndc's consistently.same goes for the rest of the top characters.And we still have to consider the many other aspects of the game for someone to be able to play competitively.Someone new should just browse through the cast to see who fit's his or her play-style the most and it won't happen overnight.Some of us go through 2 or 3 characters in a span of a few months until we find who suits us best for competitive play.some people go through the entire cast.If you are going to select your main gun off a chart because of that desire to win,you should at least have an all around solid understanding of the mechanics of the game and the common tendencies people use with certain characters.And the only way to get that understanding is to watch streams,this website,and most important of all......PLAY ALOT.My character is on the bottom on the tier list and the thing that makes me enjoy this game the most is the sense of accomplishment I feel when I beat someone who was chosen to win before the match had even begun.the tier list should be fully dismissed but at the same time we shouldn't put so much weight on it.