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Practice Mode Percentages...

Hey guys. First of all, I just registered to this site/forum and I am very happy to be a part of this community. You guys did a great job in creating a place where MK fans/enthusiasts can share their knowledge with each other.

Now, on to my problem, I'm not sure if this was already brought up in another thread, I tried looking for a possible answer but couldn't find anything.

Anyway, I was wondering about the percentages for each hit that pop up when you would be training in the Practice Mode. More often than not, they would not match up with the Combo Percentage Counter (the one that always displays combo damage percentages for every game mode) when making a combo.

Say for instance with Sub-Zero:
When you make a combo (B+FP, BP, FP) the percentages for each hit would come out respectively as 5%, 5%, 10% and the Combo Percentage Counter shows the correct total as 20%.

But if you were to make the combo (B+FP, BP, BK) the percentages for each hit would come out respectively as 5%, 5%, 9% but the Combo Percentage Counter shows the total as 18% whereas it should be 19%.

So my question is, which percentages should I take as the true damage percentages? I had once tried an experiment and it seems though that the Combo Percentage Counter is not the correct one. Is this a flaw of the game or am I just missing something?

A response to this would be greatly appreciated as I am very confused about this matter. Thanks for your time.


Maybe its because of the damage scaling that the fighting engine has. I havent checked about the issue that you are talking about but the only thing that I can think of is the damage scaling. Ofc I dont know after which number of hits the scaling kicks in.
I'm pretty sure it's not the damage scaling as the separate percentages of each hit in the combo would still show that they are scaling downwards when doing a long combo. It is just that the Combo Percentage Counter would not add up in the end by 1%. Thanks for your reply by the way.


I always assumed it was damage scaling, but I didn't look into it all that much.

There are a lot of weird things in training mode. The hit levels are incorrect, the record function is useless, it doesn't save your settings when you change characters, sometimes auto-block fails, etc, etc, etc.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
The record function is awesome but could have some more options :)

I think the damage % issue is only with certain characters because I was practicing Ermac combos yest and did them online, same %.


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
It's scaling. The floating numbers are the original damage the move would do and the combo counter shows the scaled back version.

The only hit in the combo that doesn't get scaled is the very first hit. Some do get scaled more though. Some get scaled less.

For example (just creating my own percentages here). If Kabal did his B+1,2,1 pop-up. Lets say each hit would read 4, 7, and 4 respectively That would be 15% However the combo counter lets say it reads as 14%. That would mean the very first hit did full damage but .50% was taken off the 2nd hit and .50% was removed from the 3rd hit.

That is basically how the Damage scaling works in game, and your combo percentages are your final scaled total.


For anyone that tried to record inputs for training mode.. do you lag? For some reason I have a lot of slowdowns during my recording sessions. My ps3 is brand new.. literally bought 2 days before mk9 launched. Any issues for you guys? It doesn't lag right away , but it begins to when I start combos.


It's scaling. The floating numbers are the original damage the move would do and the combo counter shows the scaled back version.

The only hit in the combo that doesn't get scaled is the very first hit. Some do get scaled more though. Some get scaled less.

For example (just creating my own percentages here). If Kabal did his B+1,2,1 pop-up. Lets say each hit would read 4, 7, and 4 respectively That would be 15% However the combo counter lets say it reads as 14%. That would mean the very first hit did full damage but .50% was taken off the 2nd hit and .50% was removed from the 3rd hit.

That is basically how the Damage scaling works in game, and your combo percentages are your final scaled total.
Actually the numbers you see on screen are scaled. For example, Scorpions Brimstone combo (2,1,2) actually does 5%-3%-9% when each hit strikes the opponent outside of a combo. However when you do the entire combo, the last hit changes to 8% making it 5%-3%-8% yet the total damage for the combo remains 15% when it should technically be 16%.

My guess is the scaling algorithm is using raw damage values while only displaying the nearest whole number. So when you see 3% on the second hit of a 2 hit combo, it's probably more like 2.9% or something close to that.

For anyone that tried to record inputs for training mode.. do you lag? For some reason I have a lot of slowdowns during my recording sessions. My ps3 is brand new.. literally bought 2 days before mk9 launched. Any issues for you guys? It doesn't lag right away , but it begins to when I start combos.
And YES! It annoys the hell out of me. It only happens every other moment or so on mine, but ALWAYS as soon as I start recording, as in right when I'm about to jump in and try a combo. Makes good practice for online haha.


For anyone that tried to record inputs for training mode.. do you lag? For some reason I have a lot of slowdowns during my recording sessions. My ps3 is brand new.. literally bought 2 days before mk9 launched. Any issues for you guys? It doesn't lag right away , but it begins to when I start combos.
I would rather NRS remove the existing record feature and give us something that helps players. A video recording feature has no real purpose. Why do I need to record a combo when I can just execute the combo whenever I want?

One of the many issues I have with training mode is the lack of a helpful recording feature. Something like most other fighting games have, in which I can record the dummy performing a combo, move or setup, so that I can test safety, how to escape a setup and various other extremely useful things.

If I want to test anything in MK, I have to rely on a second person (which is very inconvenient). If I want to test something in MvC3, SF4, SSF4 or Tekken 6, I don't need anyone else.
Thanks for your replies guys.

I'm thinking it is a certain algorithm that rounds up to the nearest number or something like that, but it is just strange because I don't find it consistent...

So again with Sub-Zero, if you were to make two Ice Blasts in a row, the first one would freeze your opponent, then the second one would hurt him and the floating percentage that pops up would indicate 6% but the Combo Percentage Counter would show "2 Hits - 5% Damage". So then, this would mean that if you were to do this 20 times in a row (5%*20 = 100%) then you would completely take out all his life bar on the 20th try with a perfect 100% (obviously starting out with his life bar full). But when I had tried this, his life bar completely depleted before the 20th try. This means that the Combo Percentage Counter is not correct and some rounding of numbers must be happening or just simply it is a strange flaw.

Any other thoughts on this?


Thanks for your replies guys.

I'm thinking it is a certain algorithm that rounds up to the nearest number or something like that, but it is just strange because I don't find it consistent...

So again with Sub-Zero, if you were to make two Ice Blasts in a row, the first one would freeze your opponent, then the second one would hurt him and the floating percentage that pops up would indicate 6% but the Combo Percentage Counter would show "2 Hits - 5% Damage". So then, this would mean that if you were to do this 20 times in a row (5%*20 = 100%) then you would completely take out all his life bar on the 20th try with a perfect 100% (obviously starting out with his life bar full). But when I had tried this, his life bar completely depleted before the 20th try. This means that the Combo Percentage Counter is not correct and some rounding of numbers must be happening or just simply it is a strange flaw.

Any other thoughts on this?
It's a rounded figure. I highly doubt the algorithm is using percentages. Each hit does a raw number of damage and we don't know what that is. To the computer 5% could be a number like 23 or 23.983645893658. It's likely that the damage done by iceball rounds to 5% but it's actually doing 5.4% or something like that.
Thanks for all your input guys. It has helped me to better understand what is going on and verify my suspicions. TestYourMight is awesome! :bigsmile: