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MK Survived 2012


Blue Blurs for Life!
Puts their foot down....how? Beyond banning people from tournament then how can they be threatened with any type of punishment? 70 percent of what they would've gotten and give the rest to charity or something?

I understand what you're saying and I agree that it'd be great if it was but it's just not realistic.
And do you know why it's "not realistic?" Because a large majority of people accept it that way instead of realizing the potential for change...potential they have in their hands. Sad reality is, not everyone cares for the same goal, but that doesn't mean we should not try.

I'd rather try and make some kind of effort to better our community, futile or not, instead of condoning what we shouldn't condone.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
For those saying drama happens, remember that some of the drama we've had has resulted in death threats being made at one point to hardworking members. Think about that for a second.

Yes it happens, but it's not that often for communities to get to the point that the MK community has gotten to at points.


Puts their foot down....how? Beyond banning people from tournament then how can they be threatened with any type of punishment? 70 percent of what they would've gotten and give the rest to charity or something?

I understand what you're saying and I agree that it'd be great if it was but it's just not realistic.
You don't ban someone from tournaments. Tournaments can be some of the most prolific places to solve problems. People meet face to face. They have to face each other IRL. No more keyboard cowboy. Eye to eye, man to man(or woman, etc.)... Real life, living breathing, FEELING people. True consequences... not something you hide from behind your screen. PROBLEMS GET SOLVED LIKE THIS.

What you do, however, is put your foot down by choosing to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

What if people simply didn't post in threads like "Who do you want to blow up and why?" People would eventually stop creating them.

As long as that type of manufactured drama is tolerated...(sidebar: as a moderator I can't simply delete them, they're not breaking any rules) by the community, then people will continue to create them if they're supported. Stop supporting the drama and watch it disappear.


Man of Tomorrow
For those saying drama happens, remember that some of the drama we've had has resulted in death threats being made at one point to hardworking members. Think about that for a second.

Yes it happens, but it's not that often for communities to get to the point that the MK community has gotten to at points.

Did not know of this, that's pretty awful. But then Fantasy Football analysts get death threats for bad calls. People are stupid and petty.

Well we're constantly shit on from members from other communities, just trying to watch MK at a major and talk to others while doing it is a hassle because people just make fun of us and our game. So we all have a bit of a chip on our shoulders.

Yes, MANUFACTURED drama can be dealt with and stopped. I'm speaking about the true drama and pettiness in the community.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Did not know of this, that's pretty awful. But then Fantasy Football analysts get death threats for bad calls. People are stupid and petty.

Well we're constantly shit on from members from other communities, just trying to watch MK at a major and talk to others while doing it is a hassle because people just make fun of us and our game. So we all have a bit of a chip on our shoulders.

Yes, MANUFACTURED drama can be dealt with and stopped. I'm speaking about the true drama and pettiness in the community.
It's mostly the trolls that trash us lol. Most other people just let it be and even join in on the hype. I heard even Yipes ended up watching MK.


Man of Tomorrow
It's mostly the trolls that trash us lol. Most other people just let it be and even join in on the hype. I heard even Yipes ended up watching MK.
Oh, there are definitely people trolling but it's such a large amount of people. I have never seen something like that for another game.


Well we're constantly shit on from members from other communities, just trying to watch MK at a major and talk to others while doing it is a hassle because people just make fun of us and our game. So we all have a bit of a chip on our shoulders.
You can choose to ignore it or to feed the trolls. Feeding them only enables them... don't be an enabler.

Yes, MANUFACTURED drama can be dealt with and stopped. I'm speaking about the true drama and pettiness in the community.
Refuse to address it publicly. People don't realize the power they have... the power of SILENCE. If you go to lengths not to offer advice and force people to handle their problems with each other, they can't rely on an entire community to fix their petty issues. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.


Man of Tomorrow
You can choose to ignore it or to feed the trolls. Feeding them only enables them... don't be an enabler.

Refuse to address it publicly. People don't realize the power they have... the power of SILENCE. If you go to lengths not to offer advice and force people to handle their problems with each other, they can't rely on an entire community to fix their petty issues. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

I never feed em but I still see it. And so do the people that may be watching MK for the first time. I honestly believe the hate MK gets turns people off from our game.

Refuse to address is publicly? Like how? If top player A acts like an ass and top player B is calling them out while top player C is defending A vehemently then even if it's stopped on TYM there are still tons of other outlets: Twitter, Facebook, Streams, Podcasts, Youtube, at tournaments, etc......There's only so much we can do as a community to detract these types of blow ups, friction, drama, what have you. It still has to come down to the people we're addressing.


I never feed em but I still see it. And so do the people that may be watching MK for the first time. I honestly believe the hate MK gets turns people off from our game.

Refuse to address is publicly? Like how? If top player A acts like an ass and top player B is calling them out while top player C is defending A vehemently then even if it's stopped on TYM there are still tons of other outlets: Twitter, Facebook, Streams, Podcasts, Youtube, at tournaments, etc......There's only so much we can do as a community to detract these types of blow ups, friction, drama, what have you. It still has to come down to the people we're addressing.
See that "Post Reply" button on the bottom of the page? When you type a response to a public problem... stop and think for a second, then hit the refresh page button on your browser instead of the "Post Reply" button on the forum. Same goes for twitter, facebook, streams, podcasts, etc. Simply do your part by not responding to them.

By adopting the mindset of "well, everyone else is, I can't stop it, so I'll just do it anyway", you're doing two things:
1. Being part of the problem
2. Choosing to lay down your personal power of silence over that nonsense

If you choose to lay down your personal power, then that's fine, but then don't say "They'll never stop", at least be honest and say "I'LL never stop".


Man of Tomorrow
Again, I agree with what you guys are saying, I just don't think it's as easy as you make it out to be. Even if you ask the community to stop replying to this crap it's still up to them. You wanna test that out? Open up the "Enough is Enough" thread and make a new thread or post in that thread saying "Don't respond to that/this thread, it does nothing productive for our community and you are just helping snowball useless drama". I'd like to see if people stop.

Edit: I'm not saying NOTHING should be done but thinking a handful of prominent people saying "hey, don't feed into the stupidity" will stop the stupidity is wishful thinking.


Again, I agree with what you guys are saying, I just don't think it's as easy as you make it out to be. Even if you ask the community to stop replying to this crap it's still up to them. You wanna test that out? Open up the "Enough is Enough" thread and make a new thread or post in that thread saying "Don't respond to that/this thread, it does nothing productive for our community and you are just helping snowball useless drama". I'd like to see if people stop.
I never said it was easy... all I said is it was the answer. It's easy for ONE PERSON to refuse to respond. People who see things as "The glass isn't half full...it never had anything in it...and woe is me, how come I'll never ever get a drop in my glass anyway?" will always respond negatively.

I know the difference between the things I can change...and have accepted the things I cannot.

I will not try to change your responses...but I can change my response to you...even if it to stop responding. Many times that's more powerful than anything I can ever say.

Easy? No. Possible? Hell yes.


Man of Tomorrow
I never said it was easy... all I said is it was the answer. It's easy for ONE PERSON to refuse to respond. People who see things as "The glass isn't half full...it never had anything in it...and woe is me, how come I'll never ever get a drop in my glass anyway?" will always respond negatively.

I know the difference between the things I can change...and have accepted the things I cannot.

I will not try to change your responses...but I can change my response to you...even if it to stop responding. Many times that's more powerful than anything I can ever say.

Easy? No. Possible? Hell yes.

Possible but not likely is my thing. I may simply be too pessimistic on this topic as I've never seen something like this work.....but then I've never seen a community with the problems of MK.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

What Phil said. All of what Phil said. Repeatedly. Over and over.

MK is the only game for me, but we are our own worst enemies when it comes to the things that drag us down.
But my hope is that the momentum MK has built over the course of the year will crash headfirst into the influx of players and hype that Injustice's release will bring about, which will give those who will still be a part of MK9 when that day comes all the furious motivation they need to give this game its second/third/fourth wind and keep it alive until the next NEC/SCR/FF.

Here's to the "MK Survived 2013" thread I hope is in our future.

We can do it. It can be done. Absolutely.
This is how legends start. When the games refuse to die.
There is no sense in giving up or jumping ship now.
Why should we? Isn't this how a community gives birth to a true longevity-bearing game/scene? When the mass of its players, no matter how big or small, widely or thinly spread, love and revere their title of choice enough to go to astronomical lengths to put it on the map and make the world take notice of it? VXG? MLG? Maybe EVO 2K13?
Injustice means NRS has tunneled its way into a continuum seat at the table of the FGC.
And with it comes all of Kombat, old and new (and KI, l'est we forget), and a loud, raucous, piping-with-life, fury-ridden pack of wolves who want nothing more than to give you the best MK-related show you'll ever fucking see with your face.
They can't escape us now. Say what you will, we are in, no matter who thinks otherwise.
So I say we bare our fangs, make ourselves known, and stop waiting for the flatline.

There is NO reason for this ga,me to die. At all.
You want your beloved MK to carry on in the annals of FGC history? You want any remote possible popsicle's chance in hell of a UMK9 or a final final FINAL version/re-release? Do YOU want one more EVO?
Then the ONLY way you're gonna get it is if you raise your voice, clench your fists, and fight for it.

We can keep going.


Do not touch me again.
A (not big, but existent) part of the problem with this community is the TYM mods who would rather pre-emptively close potentially heated threads than actually letting the problems resolve themselves. In most cases, drama threads are closed before the person called out in the OP even has a chance to defend themselves. This kind of hyper-moderation has had some serious side-effects:

1) the in-b4-lock mentality of going apeshit with putting people on blast, where threads balloon to 11 pages of pure trash talk to see who can spew the most bile before mods lock the thread

2) has created the 'need' for the On Blast Show, which allows for anyone called out in blow-up threads to actually respond to any allegations. The problem is usually just exacerbated, though, by the hosts of the show, who instigate and pick sides.

I say, just create a sub-forum for drama threads and be done with it.
Absolutely not Billstickers. If people would conduct themselves like fucking adults then maybe we wouldn't have to close so many threads. And we aren't even that aggressive in our timing of closure; frankly we look the other way for quite a long while until the thread devolves to (as you admit) apeshit bile spewing. Hell, we even re-open threads after people have had a chance to drink their ovaltine and unrustle their jimmies a little bit. Don't pin it on all of the people that are working to give YOU, the loyal member, a satisfactory experience within reason of site rules.

In my opinion, everyone needs to just grow up, and understand that a little drama is healthy. The ends to which it is taken here seem very unreasonable and extravagant to me.


Absolutely not Billstickers. If people would conduct themselves like fucking adults then maybe we wouldn't have to close so many threads. And we aren't even that aggressive in our timing of closure; frankly we look the other way for quite a long while until the thread devolves to (as you admit) apeshit bile spewing. Hell, we even re-open threads after people have had a chance to drink their ovaltine and unrustle their jimmies a little bit. Don't pin it on all of the people that are working to give YOU, the loyal member, a satisfactory experience within reason of site rules.

In my opinion, everyone needs to just grow up, and understand that a little drama is healthy. The ends to which it is taken here seem very unreasonable and extravagant to me.
I even told Tim I was going to leave this alone, but damn... Frothy, you nailed it.

DJ L Toro

STORMS FrothyOmen BillStickers
I think the mods should be more totalitarian about closing "bile spewing" threads. That's why i think the best move TYM made in 2012 was picking up GamerBlake90 as a mod. at first blake sorta just let things happen and only stepped in when he had to, but he's quickly become the "stop your stupid shit NOW" mod. It's sad that a bunch of adults (not counting sonicfox, MIT, curbo, redeyes, and other actual kids... actually sonicfox and MIT are some of the more well behaved people on here) need people to mommydaddy them online, but that seems to be the case. I dont think there should be a drama subforum, i dont think drama should be in the forums, leave that for OBS (and if you're planning to put someone on blast let them know in advance so you can either settle it or you can both get on). I think things like money match/grudge match challenges are appropriate for this site, but not the shit talk that usually follows. etc.
Bill i think if you dont lock threads then people think "free pass to troll." that doesnt work.


Positive Poster!
9.95 Phil said it all. All I have to add is just dontay let the game become anything but a game. If it takes over your life gtfo and find a girlfriend.


STORMS FrothyOmen BillStickers
I think the mods should be more totalitarian about closing "bile spewing" threads. That's why i think the best move TYM made in 2012 was picking up GamerBlake90 as a mod. at first blake sorta just let things happen and only stepped in when he had to, but he's quickly become the "stop your stupid shit NOW" mod. It's sad that a bunch of adults (not counting sonicfox, MIT, curbo, redeyes, and other actual kids... actually sonicfox and MIT are some of the more well behaved people on here) need people to mommydaddy them online, but that seems to be the case. I dont think there should be a drama subforum, i dont think drama should be in the forums, leave that for OBS (and if you're planning to put someone on blast let them know in advance so you can either settle it or you can both get on). I think things like money match/grudge match challenges are appropriate for this site, but not the shit talk that usually follows. etc.
Bill i think if you dont lock threads then people think "free pass to troll." that doesnt work.
Blake is an awesome mod as well as our entire staff. Some may just not realize how hard it is to keep everyone happy and enforcing site rules that have been in place since day 1. Drama is fine... it's when a thread is attacking a member or open just... well, I don't know sometimes.

I mean, right now you have REO, Maxter, 16 Bit, CD Jr on twitter ranting about things... some say it's just a game, but no... it's not. We've turned it in to much more than that long ago. Regardless, we love all of you guys or we would not work every day of the week, making it a priority, to make this site what it is for everyone. It saddens me to hear some of the comments that good friends of mine like REO and Maxter have said about things... but what exactly do you want me to do about it? No, we're not about to get rid of moderators. Another thing some need to realize is that these decisions are discussed between all staff members trying to come up with the best and most appropriate call. Sometimes it goes over well... other times, it doesn't.

We love you guys... and that's what I'll end this with. (my comment, not the thread)


Do not touch me again.
i just think that the accused arent given a proper platform to state their case. People are allowed to say whatever they want in the OP and it will stay forever in the netherrealm for all to see, meanwhile the person who was blown up cant do anything about it if they dont see it before the thread is locked.