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Tech New Naked Xray Combos

DJ L Toro

Open Space
X, jk,divekick,f3,spin 47%
This is 1% less than dash1dash1dahs1dashplum flower, but it's i hell of a lot earier and more damage than doing the 24,1+3 and missing the 2 or without one dash1
EDIT: This combo is hella inconsistant. In order to catch the f3 you need to jkdk toward the top of the arc and f3 as soon as you hit the ground.

X, jk, divekick, 1111,plumflower 55%
same damage as dash jkdk 111 but easier

I checked on these forums and havent seen anything better. Can we update the BNB page please?

DJ L Toro

:( stupid record mode. i hit the combo but it registered as a drop wtf. oh it also turns out if you time it perfectly you can squeeze in more 1s before the plum flower for 1% more each. 4 is the most comfortable and consistant though.

DJ L Toro

Even though theyre both easy, this gives worse wakeup options, less damage and is the easiest to drop.
is it substantially less damage? the most recent combos i've seen it's 1% and the same respectively. The corner one is a lot easier than the current posted one IMO (which has dash1 then jkdk,111 plumflower). I could see the open space one being impractical though. i havent been able to hit it today even though i didnt drop it once last night.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
is it substantially less damage? the most recent combos i've seen it's 1% and the same respectively. The corner one is a lot easier than the current posted one IMO (which has dash1 then jkdk,111 plumflower). I could see the open space one being impractical though. i havent been able to hit it today even though i didnt drop it once last night.
Well a few % difference may make the difference you never know :p

But the command grab enders always give better wakeup situations than just a spin. But do whatever suits you most.

DJ L Toro

Well a few % difference may make the difference you never know :p

But the command grab enders always give better wakeup situations than just a spin. But do whatever suits you most.
then the corner one is the best naked Xray corner combo out right now as far as i know. we need to update these forums

DJ L Toro

Its similar to the one I do,

X-Ray 1, JK DK (as many jabs as possible) 2,4
yeah, but i think it scales less if you jkdk first. might be wrong. The reason i looked into it was because i hate dashing out of xray and you can just hold the diagonal and it'll jump when the xray ends taking out the need to time it. because JKDK is higher damage i want to get that in before the jabs because it'll scale more if you jab earlier. maybe i'm wrong though, im still experimenting with it, but this seems to be the optimal route.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
I wanna say you can get 49%% mid screen with just 1 1 1 spam, I do think 55% is the max you can get off a naked corner xray.

And as foxy pointed out, after a plum flower you can instant dive kick to position your self right in front of your opponent or you might even get a tele shenanigan.

Also, I've been trying to combo off of F2 after an Xray in the corner. Somebody should toy with that.
I do the f3 spin 24 combo, because it looks better and does same damaga as 1111 version but it builds meter because you did a spin in the combo.