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NRA Condems Games In Wake of CT. Shooting

The Borax Kid

Do that without limiting my ability to defend myself.

By the way, the NRA has always been soft when it comes to defending the Second Amendment.
Wow, what bullshit. The NRA are the worst gun nuts around. You don't need a high ammo capacity semi-automatic military grade assault rifle that is easily modified to be even more powerful to defend yourself.

A handgun, a shotgun, or a single shot rifle will do just fine.


Wow, what bullshit. The NRA are the worst gun nuts around. You don't need a high ammo capacity semi-automatic military grade assault rifle that is easily modified to be even more powerful to defend yourself.

A handgun, a shotgun, or an ordinary rifle will do just fine.
Military grade rifles are usually fully automatic, semi-automatic weapons are completely necessary. By the way, handguns kill more people than "assault" rifles. Obama even said that in one of the debates.


My blades will find your heart


We all know games arent to blame. Or movies. Or guns to a degree. It's the PERSON that is to blame. Having access to guns just makes a bad situation worse.

I do wish people would stop going on about knives. It's a COMPLETELY different weapon to a gun, does no where near the level of damage a gun does, and being a so much more personal method of killing, it would be harder to stub/bludgeon someone, that shoot.

The problem isnn't games, otherwise every democracy in the West would have the same problem. America DOES have a higher than normal, violent sub culture than other democracies. I dont think there is getting away from that. Whether that is due to presence of readily available guns, I don't know, but serious investigation needs to be done.

I mean for ffs, 11 more people were shot today in Pennsylvania, 4 of those shot are now dead. When is enough, enough?


I say the solution is to have a few teachers with concealed carry permits...not to turn the entire school into an "armed fortress."

Also, Id be looking into what type of medication these mass shooters are usually on.

The Borax Kid

I say the solution is to have a few teachers with concealed carry permits...not to turn the entire school into an "armed fortress."

Also, Id be looking into what type of medication these mass shooters are usually on.
Arm the teachers, incredible. Ignore all the evidence that an armed society has never stopped a mass shooter with a plan, and will actually make things worse? Suicides go way up, and kids will grab the gun.

How about the rest of us don't have to live in fear to placate the worst elements of society, the kind who would think of stupid fucking ideas like that?

You want to raise taxes to arm every school in America? How about armed security guards everywhere? Idiotic.


My blades will find your heart
Phil, I already know this, but it is a mental illness. I am familiar with special needs facilities in my own public educational system, and they are no place for kid's with aspergers. Many of the children in special needs classes have down syndrome, or other more debilitating special needs. Those kid's do not have the same mental development as most people with aspergers. A lot of people think Bill Gates has aspergers. Daniel Tammet has aspergers , and is a savant. Jacob Barnett has aspergers, and he is a child prodigy. Many of the children in the special needs programs I am familiar with have a below average IQ. They are kind, fun loving kids, but they can barely understand how to do simple addition. I guess what I'm saying is that , yes, there are no medications that will alleviate aspergers like you can do with depression, or schizophrenia, but there are some medications that autistic people can take to help a little bit. But there are no medications to help special needs people improve their mental development.

I have aspergers(or did, I grew out of the more major symptoms) and I agree it is more of a mental thing then special needs.

Some normal symptoms:
Very introverted(We usually live inside our own heads, this is still prevalent for me today)
Social Awkwardness
Very High IQ(That is where you get those names from, High IQ is found in most aspergers cases)
Very focused on details
Not Familiar with Social Norms
Sometimes OCD
Not very good social skills

And more of course.

His case was undoubtedly very severe, and was also most likely mixed with more disorders. The fact is his parents should have seen that there was a problem and helped him, but they didnt and now we all know what has happened.


"More deadly than the dawn"
People will blame anything if they don't understand it.

Dynasty Warriors was blamed for the kindergarden shooting too. That in itself is a load of nonsense.
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The funny thing is, he's sort of a little right. America needs to have a conversation about the culture of violence, but video games are hardly the only culprit. Having this discussion means talking about the gun fetishists too.

What's disgusting me about this whole thing is how conservatives are now talking about mental illness, when the guns are on the line, when they've been the ones primarily responsible for closing down mental health centers.


Master of Quanculations
We should start having armed guards on every street corner, outside every business, bank, store, bathroom, park, amusement park, toys r us. Lets start living our lives in fear trying to prevent things that can't be prevented like Mattman said. Also, lets hold violent video games partially responsible for random acts of evil in this world. That sounds about right.
you know, we have armed guards in mexico. I mean they aren't everywhere, but sometimes you'll see 2 guards walking around. No one feels like they're constantly living in fear. They aren't policing the people. They're just there incase of violence. You get used to it after the initial surprise of seeing them. But I'm in total agreement that the solution to increasing public violence is armed partrol. Not everywhere, just put a couple guards here and there. I'd prefer that over having whatever teacher is licensed to carry a gun having one in class all day. Give me a couple trained professional officers over the public any day.


Arm the teachers, incredible. Ignore all the evidence that an armed society has never stopped a mass shooter with a plan, and will actually make things worse? Suicides go way up, and kids will grab the gun.

How about the rest of us don't have to live in fear to placate the worst elements of society, the kind who would think of stupid fucking ideas like that?

You want to raise taxes to arm every school in America? How about armed security guards everywhere? Idiotic.
Who said anything about raising taxes? Just to arm a couple teachers. Whatever, keep living in fear man...

If you don't want your kid in a school with a few armed teachers, don't put your kid in that school.


Its not the guns, its just America.
Look at the regularity of these sort of things in other places with the same privlieges you guys have.
Its our media glorifying these people. What ever happened to the guy who did the same thing in china last year, with a knife no less? Exactly he was shot in a back alley and left no impact in the media.

Video games are not a great source of personal enrichment obviously but are not the cause for situations like this.

What I want to know is if Lanza's mother had intentions of institutionalizing her son why was the families AR-15 not locked up?
In my opinion this is a case of poor gun ownership. I understand not everyone can afford a safe but all quality gun manufactures povide breech locks with their guns and should be used.

It baffles me how people can sign away their amendment rights for a false sense of safety.

As with my usual politically charged comments quotes with the sole purpose of arguing against my OPINION will be ignored.
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bad player
AssassiN[be] ^that was the clip I was looking for! Its been broken down exactly how to handle these things and everytime the news networks do exactly the opposite, all you hear is the bodycount over and over. This needs to change first and formost.


Phil, I already know this, but it is a mental illness. I am familiar with special needs facilities in my own public educational system, and they are no place for kids with aspergers. Many of the children in special needs classes have down syndrome, or other more debilitating special needs. Those kids do not have the same mental development as most people with aspergers. A lot of people think Bill Gates has aspergers. Daniel Tammet has aspergers , and is a savant. Jacob Barnett has aspergers, and he is a child prodigy. Many of the children in the special needs programs I am familiar with have a below average IQ. They are kind, fun loving kids, but they can barely understand how to do simple addition. I guess what I'm saying is that , yes, there are no medications that will alleviate aspergers like you can do with depression, or schizophrenia, but there are some medications that autistic people can take to help a little bit. But there are no medications to help special needs people improve their mental development.

This isn't really a conversation that I want to get into on a very deep level.

Essentially what you're talking about is called co-morbidity, which is the presence of one or more disorders or diseases in addition to a primary(core) disease or disorder.

People with Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Asperger's Syndrome (which is an ASD) are very often affected with OCD, ADHD, Depression, ADD, Anxiety, etc. All of these can be can be medicated, but the core disorder of Autism cannot be medicated.

According to your logic, anyone with Asperger's Syndrome, which is defined as a Persuasive Developmental Disorder(PDD, which are a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of many things including basic life and motor skills, communication, and socialization), can take some magical "Autism Medicine" and eventually be cured or have the core disorder of Autism somehow alleviated. This simply isn't true.

Direct from Autism Speaks:

-Autism affects 1 in every 88 children, boys being 5 times more likely to develop it than girls.
-Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the USA.

The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders) is rumored to be removing Asperger's Syndrome from one of it's next revisions, forcing all people with ASD's(Autism Spectrum Disorders) such as Asperger's, to simply be labeled as "Autistic".

Just because someone is high functioning doesn't mean they aren't special needs.

Just because someone is a "savant" (I hate that word, it assumes that the person is stupid outside of their one realm of expertise), doesn't mean they don't suffer the effects of their disorder. Some have learned to live with it better than others... just the same way some of the alcoholics and drug addicts in our society have managed to live their lives and go to work as normally as we do. That doesn't mean they aren't affected or that any medicine will magically cure them.

I agree that there are much lower functioning members of our society who are greater special needs, but to call anyone with Asperger's or Autism not special needs is simply incorrect. By saying they don't belong in any special needs classes or integrated classes is to actually call people with Down's Syndrome and other developmental disabilities outright stupid, and that isn't correct either.

Don't mind me... I volunteer with the NJ State Special Olympics as a 16 year veteran Chaperone, head coach and volunteer with fund raising for Autism related events.

My wife works directly with the Autism population on Long Island as well.


People will blame anything if they don't understand it.

Dynasty Warriors was blamed for the kindergarden shooting too. That in itself is a load of nonsense.
I'd understand Dynasty Warriors getting blamed if you got a free Katana with every purchase but that's just silly.


Online Punching Bag
"American scientists baffled at Canadian's ability to play video games and watch television without shooting each other."

Onion twitter from a few days ago lol.
Our killers prefer knives it seems. There was a serial killer from my city that was known for using screw drivers as his signature weapon. Maybe we should ban Home Depot.


A prop on the stage of life.
PS4 + Xbox 720 - Rated AO (Content rating by ESRB)

For real though, there is supposedly "conclusive" evidence that seems to sway either way on this issue. In one we have those who play violent games more likely to have violent THOUGHTS, not outright be violent. On the other its "we have control group who watches nothing, a group that watches a rated G movie, and a group that watches a slasher gore film". That particular set of experiments ended up quite the opposite of the first: Our rated G viewers (supposedly) had more violent thoughts and were susceptible to violent tendencies within X amount of time of viewing said film/clip. Its a big circle, and I tire of hearing all the "evidence" one way or another. As far as I'm concerned, there isn't a disparity from someone who can't figure out where the game world ends and real life begins, and those who simply freak out and try to beat up their brother for deleting their 80 hour WoW character.

I tire of all the talk about it, as there is ALWAYS someone, somewhere who has research findings or some crap that leans the argument in one way or another.


EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
IDK I think they might be right.

Sometimes Mortal Kombat does make me want to kill someone, namely anybody who plays Kabal...


Administrator and Community Engineer
IDK I think they might be right.

Sometimes Mortal Kombat does make me want to kill someone, namely anybody who plays Kabal...
Wonder Chef I love you man.. But this is not funny and kind of tasteless in the serious context of this thread.

Still <3 you though :D

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Wonder Chef I love you man.. But this is not funny and kind of tasteless in the serious context of this thread.

Still <3 you though :D
idk I think the shooting was serious, but this NRA statement is pretty silly to me

I think it's far enough outside the realm of "serious time"