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NRA Condems Games In Wake of CT. Shooting


Warlock Nerd
Blake's logic is true though. The knife needs a wielder to do damage as well. It's not a matter of how many were killed... or even if they were only injured...

Think of it this way: Similarly to a fighting game... Fighting games don't understand thought. They don't understand codes of honor. Ultimately, they only understand winning and losing which is decided upon only by the people wielding the characters contained in them.

Weapons are much the same. They don't understand thought, or logic. They don't have bias. They don't understand codes of honor. Ultimately, they only understand their intended purpose(shooting for guns, cutting for knives)...what they shoot or what they cut, and the amount of damage done is decided upon only but the people wielding them.
yes, his logic does make a lot of sense, but your never going to be able to prevent something like this from happening altogether. even in a perfect society, there will always end up being an imperfect person. you cannot keep such random acts of insanity/violence/terror from happening in a society that is built upon free will. every now and then somebody is going to use that freedom to take a weapon and attempt to destroy the world around them. that person can do MUCH more damage with a gun than with a knife. MUCH MUCH more


yes, his logic does make a lot of sense, but your never going to be able to prevent something like this from happening altogether. even in a perfect society, there will always end up being an imperfect person. you cannot keep such random acts of insanity/violence/terror from happening in a society that is built upon free will. every now and then somebody is going to use that freedom to take a weapon and attempt to destroy the world around them. that person can do MUCH more damage with a gun than with a knife. MUCH MUCH more
Never did I disagree with you...nor did Blake. Actually, the question was whether guns kill people or if people kill people. Blake said people kill people... I agreed and showed with logic why he's right.

Blaming the gun for killing someone would also be like blaming the spoon for making you fat.


Come On Die Young
Last I Heard the dude only played mario, dance games and World of Warcraft. The same shit that the guy in Europe played.
I'm eagerly awaiting the NRA's studies showing why Dance Dance Revolution causes fits of violent rage.

Blaming the gun for killing someone would also be like blaming the spoon for making you fat.
Bitch I eat my ice cream with my hands.


Warlock Nerd
Never did I disagree with you...nor did Blake. Actually, the question was whether guns kill people or if people kill people. Blake said people kill people... I agreed and showed with logic why he's right.

Blaming the gun for killing someone would also be like blaming the spoon for making you fat.
hey, lets keep spoons out of this. i dont think anybody wants this to turn into a silverware debate ;)


In my opinion, blaming video games/guns is just a crutch to push some hidden agenda. They can easily get away with it because there is a GINORMOUS amount of emotion involved with this particular case. The blame is on his mother because they were her weapons, and she took him to the range knowing he had problems. I'm' watching the news now, and they're talking about having armed guards at schools. These types of events are like natural disasters. You can brace yourself for the impact, but can you stop the storm itself? Furthermore, how can this really be prevented? How can someone really predict these types of events? What if the next time this happens (God forbid) the shooter has an assault rifle? Btw are VERY easy to obtain illegally....

It all comes down to the individual. A kid could play GTA and go steal a car, or that kid could have sense enough to know that it's just a video game. It's the same concept with weapons.

The Borax Kid

Wayne LaPierre is a shitstain upon humanity. Fuck the NRA and the blood on their hands.

Gun control doesn't mean taking away people's guns or their right to own them. That is just an NRA talking point many have bought into.

It means that military grade arsenals, like the semi-automatic A-15 the shooter used, that can fire hundreds of bullets a minute, and make kids into swiss cheese, shouldn't be sold to civilians, ever. Just like rocket launchers or tanks aren't.

Gun fetishists treat their toys like the most important thing in the world because they are delusion paranoid dumbfucks.


Get staffed bro
yes, his logic does make a lot of sense, but your never going to be able to prevent something like this from happening altogether. even in a perfect society, there will always end up being an imperfect person. you cannot keep such random acts of insanity/violence/terror from happening in a society that is built upon free will. every now and then somebody is going to use that freedom to take a weapon and attempt to destroy the world around them. that person can do MUCH more damage with a gun than with a knife. MUCH MUCH more
My thoughts exactly. I wonder how any sane person can possibly defend the need for automatic weapons to be bought and owned by jo public. From someone looking at the USA from outside it seems so simple to at least partially resolve.


hey, lets keep spoons out of this. i dont think anybody wants this to turn into a silverware debate ;)
I personally have two sets of silverware... one for meat, one for dairy... yes, I'm part Jew...

But seriously, that's exactly the point. People are the wielders... the weapons are only the instruments people use.


" Bros before Hoes"
Blake's logic is true though. The knife needs a wielder to do damage as well. It's not a matter of how many were killed... or even if they were only injured...

Think of it this way: Similarly to a fighting game... Fighting games don't understand thought. They don't understand codes of honor. Ultimately, they only understand winning and losing which is decided upon only by the people wielding the characters contained in them.

Weapons are much the same. They don't understand thought, or logic. They don't have bias. They don't understand codes of honor. Ultimately, they only understand their intended purpose(shooting for guns, cutting for knives)...what they shoot or what they cut, and the amount of damage done is decided upon only but the people wielding them.
The basis of my logic is that no matter what measures are taken at some point some crazy person will try to do something similar so why not minimize the number of potential casualties. With Guns its just too easy to deal massive damage. I read somewhere online that some nut case was stabbing school children in China (Henan province) at the end only 11 died. I dont want to imagine what would have happened if he had a gun.


yes, his logic does make a lot of sense, but your never going to be able to prevent something like this from happening altogether. even in a perfect society, there will always end up being an imperfect person. you cannot keep such random acts of insanity/violence/terror from happening in a society that is built upon free will. every now and then somebody is going to use that freedom to take a weapon and attempt to destroy the world around them. that person can do MUCH more damage with a gun than with a knife. MUCH MUCH more
That's exactly how I see it too.As long as anyone can conceal a weapon in a fast food joint,store,mall,school,park,homeless shelter,library,movie theater,the list goes on.More shootings are bound to happen.


The basis of my logic is that no matter what measures are taken at some point some crazy person will try to do something similar so why not minimize the number of potential casualties. With Guns its just too easy to deal massive damage. I read somewhere online that some nut case was stabbing school children in China (Henan province) at the end only 11 died. I dont want to imagine what would have happened if he had a gun.
But then your argument is about gun control, not about what actually kills people.

No doubt that you're right, if he had a gun more would have died...but that was in HIS control, not the knife's or a potential gun. As a matter of fact, the weapon he had was in his control... what IF he chose a gun? Again...it's the people behind the weapon that do the killing.

The Borax Kid

How many goddamn more massacres with high ammo capacity military grade assault rifles do we need in this country before the "personal responsiblity" argument is no longer treated as intelligent public policy? Because it really is dumb as shit.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
We should start having armed guards on every street corner, outside every business, bank, store, bathroom, park, amusement park, toys r us. Lets start living our lives in fear trying to prevent things that can't be prevented like Mattman said. Also, lets hold violent video games partially responsible for random acts of evil in this world. That sounds about right.
Bunch of old ass white geezers that don't know what the fuck are they talking about and are looking to blame something, and discuss a topic they are not even active in nor know much about. These old fucks need to drop dead.


The 2nd Amendment was created when the American military was in it's infancy and did not have the money to fund a large army. This was also pretty much after the USA had gotten independence from the British empire. Due to a small army, and law enforcement being anything up to a days ride away, it was important to arm the population so a citizens militia could be relied upon in the event of a threat to national security.

Today is the 21st century and a lot has changed in over 200 years. Those that think that guns are needed to defend against a rogue american government are survivalist nuts that think Obama is the second coming of Hitler and have no idea how a hand gun is no match for a Reaper Drone, Viral Bomb or a Naval ship blasting the shit out of you, two miles from the coastline.

An argument could still be made that for home defence, guns have stopped a burglar or home invasion.

Here is a table I came across:

Note the percentage of deaths where guns were involved, compared to those of blunt objects, bombs, hand to hand, etc.

People forget, it's afar easier to shoot someone when its all over in one pull of a trigger. Looking someone in the eye and continually bludgeoning them to death with a rock or hatchet is an entirely different matter.

Unfortunately, guns are far to enshrined in American culture now. There are nearly 300 million guns in circulation....that's almost one for every citizen that exists.

By tightening up gun laws, you simply drive illegal guns underground. Unless the 2nd Amendment is completely scrapped, which will never happen, then I see the only alternative is to turn schools into mini fortresses. You dont see maniacs going postal in banks, prisons or military compounds. But then what? If schools become "gun nut proof", what then? Movie theatres? Supermarkets? Open parks? Theme parks? Where does it end?

The Borax Kid

Do people just pretend that "guns" all belong in a tidy single category, and ignore that a hunting rifle is not the fucking same thing as a high ammo capacity semi-automatic military grade assault rifle that is easily modified to be even more powerful in making people into swiss cheese? What is the point of such a weapon beyond being a killing machine?

These tiny dick gun fetishists who like to show off their new toys are not respectable in the least, not like actual game hunters or people with real training in firearms that save lifes.


Her son was not special needs. Special needs and mental illness are not the same thing. I have a special needs relative, and they wouldn't know how to do anything like load a gun, or operate a car. I understand there are levels of special needs, but this shooter was mentally ill. The media stuff is just silly.
Asperger's Syndrome is not mental illness... it's a true disease that made him special needs. Someone doesn't have to have Down's Syndrome or be developmentally disabled to be "special needs".

Asperger's Syndrome is an Autism Spectrum Disorder.



" Bros before Hoes"
But then your argument is about gun control, not about what actually kills people.

No doubt that you're right, if he had a gun more would have died...but that was in HIS control, not the knife's or a potential gun. As a matter of fact, the weapon he had was in his control... what IF he chose a gun? Again...it's the people behind the weapon that do the killing.
People will always kill people the best you can do is limit their ability to do that.


Read the article, the blame does not go completely to games. Just like it does not go completely on the gun, or the person.

I think what should be said is that when you have someone mentally troubled or for lack of a better word fucked up. Maybe killing people all day on a game helps desensitize that person to a point where its not a big deal..

Most people are smart enough to know that a sane person is not gonna kill people from playing cod or halo a few hours a day.