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Why do you use the character you use?

I main Kratos because he seems kind of lonely everywhere. (TYM, sub-forum, tourneys)
I like his character as well.

Noob Saibot because he is my favorite MK character.

Stryker because he is my 2nd-favorite MK character, along with the fact he is an ordinary human mall cop-turned-S.W.A.T. Officer-turned-Earthrealm Protecter.


Stryker and Jade have the most elegance, grace and style both in terms of their designs and their gameplay, they are a blast to play. I love their counterzoning, defensive styles, they fit my playstyle really well.

They both were colossal trolls in story mode too, which was funny and fitting.

I've played them since Trilogy days, will probably always be my mains in every MK game.


I was a fan of Ermac since MKT, but in this iteration of MK I thought that his costume was just ridiculous and ugly, I wanted Ermac's MKIII costume but they never put it on consoles.

Since then, I didn't know who to main so I watched a tournament, and ultimately Konqqr inspired me to try out Kitana, and from there on Kitana has been my main.


Cold day in hell...
Sub-Zero because he is my favorite MK character. Lao because he's fun. Kabal because he's S+ and I now believe I need a character that loses no matches because I need an advantage, real talk.


Smoke because he's been one of my favorites since Shaolin Monks, Cage since he was my best in MK2 and I was so disappointed they didn't bring him back in MKDC I wanted to main him now.


Master of Quanculations
I play Kenshi and Quan because they've been my favorite MK characters for years. Kitana because she's incredibly fun to play and I like being annoying.


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NetherRealm Studios
Sektor is just aesthetically pleasing, sinister, and stylish as a cyborg. His human form on the other hand...


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Cage Jax and Stryker because they were always my favorites. Human guys with funny qualities.

ones a douchebag, one is black, and the other is a fat cop.