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SoCal Regionals 2013: NYChris G to take on GGA 16 Bit in a Money Match


Man of Tomorrow
Why does he have to be nice? Michael Jordan has a reputation (and has had) for being a major tool, but he's Michael Jordan. You don't have to be best friends with Chris to admire how he plays.

Sure, but when the play ends who are you? The guy who complains and basically says "you didn't beat me, I (or some outside force) beat me"? No matter how great you are that isn't a good way to conduct yourself.
Its clear 16 Bit is only trying to get a friendly exhibition going with a nemesis of his. It has little to do with money.

16 Bit beat REO and then beat him in the runback. When a champion beats the same contender twice; thats it. The contender doesn't get to keep challenging him infintely until he wins. Thats silly. REO had his chance. 16 Bit no longer has any obligation to play him until fate decides otherwise.

Whats worse, is that its against KABAL. Who would want to MM a 3-7 matchup not in their favor? Who would place a bet when the odds are clearly not in their favor? Its ridiculous. I think even 16 Bit will admit you gotta play out of your ass to beat the best Kabal in the country...TWICE.

Give the guy a break. He's like, one of two people that even have a chance against Reo right now. The more they play, the more the law of averages kick in that Reo will win just because of the matchup. So unless you wanna see nothing but Reo winning every major from here on out, I'd say let 16 Bit keep whatever advantage he's got over Reo and lets see if Reo can overcome it when it matters most: In Tournament.
chris g already beat 16bit, and then again when they met in a run back. why the hell should chris g give 16 bit another shot? 2 strikes, you're out.

chris g has no obligation to play 16 bit at all. 16 bit should have another taste of his own hypocritical medicine.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
chris g already beat 16bit, and then again when they met in a run back. why the hell should chris g give 16 bit another shot? 2 strikes, you're out.

chris g has no obligation to play 16 bit at all. 16 bit should have another taste of his own hypocritical medicine.

Obviously the context of Chris G returning to the game and playing Kenshi is the reason.

And it's true, he has no obligation. Had he turned it down I'd have said fair enough and dropped it. I wouldn't be salty about it. Unlike you. I mean...Reo.


Forecast calls for missiles
chris g has no obligation to play 16 bit at all.
No SHIT. Please show me an example of someone who was ever OBLIGATED to MM someone else.

16 bit should have another taste of his own hypocritical medicine.
Wow. There are many different things we can rip on people about for changing their minds over. Playing MM's is not one of them.

To every ignoramus who brought up *hypocrisy*... just, wow. Please grow a brain. A spine and a sack might be in order as well.
No SHIT. Please show me an example of someone who was ever OBLIGATED to MM someone else.

Wow. There are many different things we can rip on people about for changing their minds over. Playing MM's is not one of them.

To every ignoramus who brought up *hypocrisy*... just, wow. Please grow a brain. A spine and a sack might be in order as well.
did you listen to all the shows and podcasts where 16 bit would preach that he does not do money matches? i have over heard that statement in a span of months which led me to respect 16 bit for being that "dude" with his "thing". now all of a sudden 16bit wants to do money matches cause he is upset chris g is coming back and it just brings memories of 16bits back being blown out. 16 bit used to be that cool dude that never did money matches and would preach on about it. know your facts before you come out like this dog


Forecast calls for missiles
did you listen to all the shows and podcasts where 16 bit would preach that he does not do money matches? i have over heard that statement in a span of months which led me to respect 16 bit for being that "dude" with his "thing". now all of a sudden 16bit wants to do money matches cause he is upset chris g is coming back and it just brings memories of 16bits back being blown out. 16 bit used to be that cool dude that never did money matches and would preach on about it. know your facts before you come out like this dog
I understand, but those facts mean precisely nothing. I know he preached. This is not a silly money match taking place in someone's hotel room. It is an exhibition match, but one that required financial incentive in order to get both parties and the audience properly involved. Yeah they are the same thing, but not. Your revulsion is so misplaced
Man I love 16 Bit and respect him a lot but I'm going with the fighting game messiah, Chris G. He is the number one Marvel player in the world for a reason and is completely familiar with the mechanics of MK9. Training with the Dominicans (specifically CD Sr.) allows me to justify this pick. Plus Kenshi/Kitana is 7-3. It would be disrespectful to place a bet but I'm going with Chris G.
forget disrespect, 20 bucks 16 bit
I understand, but those facts mean precisely nothing. I know he preached. This is not a silly money match taking place in someone's hotel room. It is an exhibition match, but one that required financial incentive in order to get both parties and the audience properly involved. Yeah they are the same thing, but not. Your revulsion is so misplaced
its a money match. did you read the tweet? 16bit said chris g lets do a money match. people like u are just trying to make it seem like not a big deal because of how stupid it makes 16 bit look. turning a money match to a exhibition match is just for hype. its still a money match


Forecast calls for missiles
While on the subject of money matches, I would like to present the idea that they are silly IF the two parties are truly interested in besting each other and not just gambling. You wanna gamble, that's fine. But there's a reason I don't gamble at the park when we are playing basketball or football. Motivation to win should come from a desire to be the better player, that's it.

How about instead of money on the line, the prize becomes permission to say, with total conviction, "I AM BETTER THAN YOU." Shit would get crazy. Better yet, in a perfect world MK would have its own dedicated ladder. Everyone would be ranked, and everyone could make a certain number of challenges at certain heights, depending on certain variables and criteria, and these ladder matches would happen in place of the usual MM's going on all around the hotel. This idea would be tough to realize, but once it was established, Christ Geezus it would be so much cooler.


Brain Dead Bro
did you listen to all the shows and podcasts where 16 bit would preach that he does not do money matches? i have over heard that statement in a span of months which led me to respect 16 bit for being that "dude" with his "thing". now all of a sudden 16bit wants to do money matches cause he is upset chris g is coming back and it just brings memories of 16bits back being blown out. 16 bit used to be that cool dude that never did money matches and would preach on about it. know your facts before you come out like this dog
He already said that he knew Chris G wouldn't be interested in doing this "exhibition" without making it a money match so he just called it a money match. Chris G is 16 Bit's nemesis, and he wants to have an exhibition with him.

I also feel it's to prove to people like CDjr that Kenshi isn't "braindead" and no one can just pick him up and compete at a high level with him right away.


"More deadly than the dawn"
I presume Chris G is pretty full of himself as he placed pretty well at EVO, I heard his pool was pretty free, I dunno though, I don't know who was in it.


Dead Kings Rise
Jesus, this whole situation is like a family sitcom. A bad family sitcom.

"Will 16 bit actually do the MM? Will Christopher Gsus be able to take the upset of the year? Who will win? See you next week on TEST. YOUR. MIGHT!!!!
Jesus, this whole situation is like a family sitcom. A bad family sitcom.

"Will 16 bit actually do the MM? Will Christopher Gsus be able to take the upset of the year? Who will win? See you next week on TEST. YOUR. MIGHT!!!!
16 bit: hey Christopher, care to money match that new kenshi of yours?
Queue audience lols
Chris: yeah sure
Queue audience "oooohhhhhhs"and "daaaaaaaamnmms"


PSN: Skkra
I presume Chris G is pretty full of himself as he placed pretty well at almost every game he enters at any event. I heard his pool was pretty free, I dunno though, I don't know who was in it.
Corrected your post. The dude is just good at fighting games, period. He often goes deep in any MK tournament he enters, and again, he doesnt play the game, and he's beating people who main MK9!

I can't believe some people are still even bitching about this whole thing.

"OMG 16bit says he doesn't do money matches, and did you hear what he just did? CHALLENGED SOMEONE TO A MONEY MATCH. My god. What a disgrace of a human being. Why doesn't he just hang himself with the cord of his controller?"

Why don't people just sit back and prepare to enjoy what is going to be a hype set from the hypest man in the community! Do said people really have nothing better to do than get their panties in a twist over this? If people put half the effort into playing that they do bitching on TYM, maybe they'd actually be good at this game and could create their own hype. LIKE 16BIT.


"More deadly than the dawn"
Corrected your post. The dude is just good at fighting games, period. He often goes deep in any MK tournament he enters, and again, he doesnt play the game, and he's beating people who main MK9!

I can't believe some people are still even bitching about this whole thing.

"OMG 16bit says he doesn't do money matches, and did you hear what he just did? CHALLENGED SOMEONE TO A MONEY MATCH. My god. What a disgrace of a human being. Why doesn't he just hang himself with the cord of his controller?"

Why don't people just sit back and prepare to enjoy what is going to be a hype set from the hypest man in the community! Do said people really have nothing better to do than get their panties in a twist over this? If people put half the effort into playing that they do bitching on TYM, maybe they'd actually be good at this game and could create their own hype. LIKE 16BIT.
You're absolutely right that he's very good at every game he plays. My point was that he had a much easier time than other people, should EVO be the reason he wants to get back into the game. That's all.
I don't think you're aware of how little sense your posts make.
You are a complete blockhead, choose to call it a challenge or whatever, bottom line is that its still a MM. Go back and read his tweets. All I'm trying to reiterate is that, he should have admitted he wouldn't fulfil REO's challenge based on all what you guys are trying to explain. He shouldn't have said he doesn't do MM and then later challenge someone to a MM. If you are retarded enough not to be able to read plain English, then that's your problem. I'm done posting on this topic, put me on blast for all I care.


Come On Die Young
You are a complete blockhead, choose to call it a challenge or whatever, bottom line is that its still a MM. Go back and read his tweets. All I'm trying to reiterate is that, he should have admitted he wouldn't fulfil REO's challenge based on all what you guys are trying to explain. He shouldn't have said he doesn't do MM and then later challenge someone to a MM. If you are retarded enough not to be able to read plain English, then that's your problem. I'm done posting on this topic, put me on blast for all I care.
I'm referring to your logic. I don't care how eloquently you put it. You don't seem to understand that it's a different situation. 16bit vs reo would be a serious money match, but with 16bit vs chris g it's just for fun. Maybe you're just not familiar with this community too much.
@ GGA 16 bit, I'm really sorry if I caused any misconception, trust me I believe you are a great player who deserves all the props. I actually sit up to watch all the tournaments held in the United States though my time zone is GMT. I have your match with REO as one of my favourites in my MK collection and I meant no disrespect. I loved that scene where you thumped your chest after defeating REO. I am just trying to say we should say things as they are and not otherwise, especially your comment about not doing MM. You should have just explained why you didn't think it was not a viable idea, hell I also wouldn't have done the MM with REO. You now look to have contradicted yourself by calling for another MM afterwards. I was just trying to make a point. Anyways, hope you understand me...