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Question License plates for MK players


Insuperable gets this license plate sine he is meme taken flesh.
Plates for Georgia
cyusstrike: slw-stdy (slow and steady)
Vip3r: btr-N-dave (Better than Dave)
Beer Guy Ed: ATL MK (Atlanta Mortal Kombat)
Smarrgassm: prpl db4 (purple roundhouse)
gdf: Xraynow (X-ray now)
BEENEEWEENEES: Kano r 1 (Kano is number 1)
ATL Redd: not redd ((Not Redd)
Pokchop: HYPEman
Lord of the Fly: RDSLIDE (Red Slide)
What's the story behind GDF's name?

(I do have one for me, it's "Absent")