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Regarding Recent Incidents and Drama


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
As of late, there has been a HUGE wave of drama among the community...that literally has been polluting the site to no end. Like, to the point where it's not even worth viewing the site anymore. It's been the ONLY thing that really gets any sort of discussion as of late. Some of the stuff going on has even ended in some of our finest members of the MK community, our brothers, finally throwing in the towel and leaving for good.a

Seriously? Are most of our members like 2 or some shit? Is drama REALLY the first thing that comes to mind when you feel like posting on TYM? I understand, a little drama here and there involving two players prior to a tournament can generate some hype, but tbh, it all goes further beyond that. You have to be fucking kidding me. As it stands, I feel like this community deserves NOTHING. Why? Because you guys sure do act like you don't deserve anything, or want anything for that matter. Like, come-fucking-on guys. This is supposed to be one of the premier sites for MK discussion out there. Upon looking at some of this stuff, sure doesn't look like it. It just looks like a bunch of people who love to create drama for no reason, who happen to like MK.

We are better than this. We are TEST YOUR MIGHT! Have a little more pride in your community and represent yourselves better, people! We shouldn't be having this sort of issue in our community. I know we're a very tight family of sorts, but why not be a family of nothing but love instead of a totally dysfunctional, dramatic one? We gotta get it together...because if this continues, don't be surprised when nobody gives an absolute fuck about us because no one wants to deal with the childish antics.

S'all I gotta say. Over and out.


My mom tells me I'm pretty
I probably don't really notice the drama because I post in threads without reading any posts. Much like this one, except I read the part about TYM members being 2 ;_;

I also don't care much for drama. All I wanna do is play my pokemans and League of Legends (GotPaidGotLaid hmu for games iiiight y0)


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Yeah, I can honestly say I have been at the site much less frequently than I normally have been. Every time I come on and I always seem to have an "Oh God, what now..." type moment. I am just trying to learn Sonya mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :p (shout outs to MortySeinfeld for his awesome guide)


Plays too much Civ
What is hype?

I think a lot of the issues can be pointed to this question. As you said, a bit of drama can create hype but I think there is a bigger issue of people feeling drama is the only way our community will build any hype.

It's a weird parallel but I look at League of Legends tournaments and I don't see any drama that we see here. I don't see teams trying to start trouble and I don't see much trash-talk. I also notice where the hype comes from, the fans itself. They are the ones dictating who they think is better and it creates fans of a team/player but the players are able to remain detached from it.

We have too many players fishing for props, trying to start drama for no other reason than to start it up (Just because a valid point is behind it doesn't mean it has to be drama by default), and too much fake drama.

I think people are mainly tired of the drama because most of us know it's bull. It's WWE-esque in that it feels like they are trying to convince people hate each other when you then see them talking with one another at a tournament.

People say they want this community to be earning the cash that e-sports does. I don't see why self-created drama is the way to go when the best drama and storylines are the ones the players aren't creating themselves.


Do not touch me again.
It's just fallout from OBS. What other community has a show dedicated to blowing people up?

Also, who gives a fucking shit?


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Anyone else miss the glorious "____ Top 5?" era? Seems we need another EVO announcement to turn VSM back into counterpicking schizophrenics just to restore some sanity to this site.

Or maybe we just need everyone to button check with Mileena the next time Chris G is at a tournament..


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I feel like you're just fishing for drama.
Trust me, I am not. I'm honestly tired of seeing members of our community leave over all this shit.

Also, OBS isn't even the problem. Hell, they've been doing REALLY GOOD things as far as getting some of the people behind MK in on the show.


I don't know what you mean "as of late", this has been going on for a while now. Before it just used to be diluted by other discussions, now that all the rest of the discussion has died down the filth rises to the top.


Online Punching Bag
We've just gone from complaining about the characters themselves to complaining about the people who play them. As they seem like minor celebrities around here now this is like a tabloid, what did this guy do to that guy ect. It's not good to joke about everything all the time, but revolver is to trying diffuse the tension a bit instead of it all being a big rage fest. I try and stay out of this stuff unless it's directed at me personally, but why would it? I don't claim to be that good and everyone loves me.


A prop on the stage of life.
I'll tell you what I was told the last time I tried saying anything against stuff. "Ay yo don't worry bro, its all about dat hype!". Who gives a shit if sarcasm can't be received over the internet. No big deal.