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damn son, why was Cinderella's step mother such a scumbag?


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Never understood why she got so much satisfaction from seeing her step-daughter full of misery.
She wants to get rich and her daughters are what she considers her best bet, not that trash Cinderella. Also, as is the case with a lot of evil queens (In Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, even Alien) the older female's most deep rooted goal is that her lineage continues through her offspring... which in this case is only possible If one of her REAL daughter's screws the prince not Cinderella.

Also, a studio's job is to sell tickets, every great hero needs a villain. This is the heart of good story telling. However, the best villains of all time are believable, and have relatable goals and world experiences. The evil stepmother is a foil to the protagonist that is not only evil, but is somewhat familiar and recognizable. She has a true motivation and from a certain perspective could even be seen as the hero.

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