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Information I Need From NEC


Administrator and Community Engineer
Hey Guys -- I actually want to start collecting this information for every future tournament (including Injustice, when it comes out). But for now, NEC is a good start. So I need the following (for MK9):

  • Each match played
  • The score, and the characters used
  • Places, from 1st to 5327th
Who should I talk to? It's probably too much work to have players keep track of their own info.. But having this data will greatly speed a couple of things I'm trying to do for the community. And if we start collecting it now, we won't have to worry about it for the future.

I think the easiest thing to do is to record this data alongside the bracket.

Every legit sport has stat tracking and whatnot.. And esports is quickly becoming legit :)

So, anyone who has suggestions for who to speak with -- or if you know who's keeping track of the brackets -- let me know.
9.95 Dark_Rob would you guys be willing to take pictures of the brackets when complete and send them off to Crimson? Assuming that's allowed, of course, it should make his job quite a lot easier if you wouldn't mind!



  • Each match played you'll get this from the brackets
  • The score, and the characters used not likely - this would require our pool runners to do double or triple the amount of work that's already being asked of them.
  • Places, from 1st to 5327th this is easy and will be provided and posted
Let me touch further on the score and characters used.
-This will require 1 "recorder" per station to do this... someone who just sits there and records information. Characters chosen, match score, etc. This would have to be totally independent of the pool runners' responsibilities.

Ultimately, the tournament running smoothly is our utmost priority. Anything beyond that is gravy. I won't sacrifice the focus our staff needs to have on efficiently running pools, recording wins/losses, setting up on-deck matches, finding players, etc. since, in terms of the tournament outcome itself, none of the requested info on match scores or characters used matters. Unfortunately, this is not a realistic request.

If you want this information, it would be prudent to ask for volunteers from the player-base attending the tournament who would be willing to watch a station and record names/match scores/character usage.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Let me touch further on the score and characters used.
-This will require 1 "recorder" per station to do this... someone who just sits there and records information. Characters chosen, match score, etc. This would have to be totally independent of the pool runners' responsibilities.


If you want this information, it would be prudent to ask for volunteers from the player-base attending the tournament who would be willing to watch a station and record names/match scores/character usage.
9.95 Ok.. Maybe we can just get as much of it as possible; or maybe I can ask people to recall their matches when they're still fresh.

As far as recording matches to the bracket, how does that currently work? And how much extra work is it for runners to write (3-2) beside a W or an L?

Just trying to get a mental picture of how it's setup, so I can think through this.


9.95 Ok.. Maybe we can just get as much of it as possible; or maybe I can ask people to recall their matches when they're still fresh.

As far as recording matches to the bracket, how does that currently work? And how much extra work is it for runners to write (3-2) beside a W or an L?

Just trying to get a mental picture of how it's setup, so I can think through this.
We use a program called Tio tournament organizer. It will give us a list of who beat who, but not individual match scores. The brackets are no longer done by hand, so that would force our pool runners to have to keep and preserve a list in order to do that.


9.95 Dark_Rob would you guys be willing to take pictures of the brackets when complete and send them off to Crimson? Assuming that's allowed, of course, it should make his job quite a lot easier if you wouldn't mind!
Hmmm... well it has been since Evo that I've been to an event. In short, this is what I do at tournaments. 9.95 knows this. What I strive to do is keep everyone at home as updated at possible even if it is just through twitter. I'll be taking pictures and video. Just keep an eye on the TYM twitter.


9.95 Ok.. Maybe we can just get as much of it as possible; or maybe I can ask people to recall their matches when they're still fresh.

As far as recording matches to the bracket, how does that currently work? And how much extra work is it for runners to write (3-2) beside a W or an L?

Just trying to get a mental picture of how it's setup, so I can think through this.
Just follow the Test Your Might twitter. All of your problems will be solved.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Also I wanted to know, I saw that Tio keeps track of the full match history -- does anyone save their Tio files from previous tournaments?


Administrator and Community Engineer
stop the "player ranking" stuff
If you want to discuss what I'm working on with me, I'm more than happy to talk about it.. But trying to be an obstruction when we haven't spoken about it, and you clearly don't understand what I'm doing, is pretty counterproductive.

I'm trying to be diplomatic and show restraint with you trolling other threads I've made.. But I'm going to have to politely ask you to cut it out until we talk man-to-man.

Thanks :)