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What non-physical items do humans need? [Philosophy]


No, I was referring to all OTHER living species. As in a large percentage of all extant species. I know primates are social, but many are not and if you consider the 75% of all species that exist are nocturnal, a very large portion of them are solitary. Most of Earth's social or socially-tolerating animals are diurnal.

On the other hand I disagree about love, needing it and craving it. The farther I stay away from people the less I feel myself needing social interaction, tbh. You just think you need it cuz you haven't taught yourself to go without it. it's totally understandable as /quote]

Well um not sure why you mention other animals then, because www are primates, and being social seems to help US more than being isolated he's other animals.

As far as love goes in a later post I linked to a study about love in primates that I believe backs up not pposition.. and I think most pyschologists agree we need it. Will you die without? Probably not, but I doubt your mental health will so as well, just like not all disease kills you, but can make you very sick.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
huh? aj1701 U have to learn how to quote or something cuz this whole "Find the hidden post" isn't a fun game lol

NEEDING anyone besides yourself is a form of codependency and it's actually UNhealthy, dude. If you can't be OK by yourself then you shouldn't BE with anyone else until you can do that on your own, man.

As far as love in the higher-mammals goes sure I agree ...species like Elephants, Apes, Monkeys, Whales and Cetaceans, as well as some other unexpecteds like Canids and Felines fall into the category of strong maternal and family bonds, however I doubt the definition of it is actually "love"....but it might be some type of equivalent.

Again though, back to square one, just like humans animals are individualistic and while one member of a species may appreciate "love" other individuals of the same species may reject it altogether. I only argue these points because the things many of the posters here have mentioned are not required and I have spent many years without them, not needing, requiring or desiring them.

Personally I believe we are BETTER OFF on our own.....

....and I'm still probably mentally healthier than 90% of the people in existence.


huh? aj1701 U have to learn how to quote or something cuz this whole "Find the hidden post" isn't a fun game lol

NEEDING anyone besides yourself is a form of codependency and it's actually UNhealthy, dude. If you can't be OK by yourself then you shouldn't BE with anyone else until you can do that on your own, man.

As far as love in the higher-mammals goes sure I agree ...species like Elephants, Apes, Monkeys, Whales and Cetaceans, as well as some other unexpecteds like Canids and Felines fall into the category of strong maternal and family bonds, however I doubt the definition of it is actually "love"....but it might be some type of equivalent.

Again though, back to square one, just like humans animals are individualistic and while one member of a species may appreciate "love" other individuals of the same species may reject it altogether. I only argue these points because the things many of the posters here have mentioned are not required and I have spent many years without them, not needing, requiring or desiring them.

Personally I believe we are BETTER OFF on our own.....

....and I'm still probably mentally healthier than 90% of the people in existence.
Well it was in response to something reo said. I'm on a tablet, so it's not really easy for me to find. But you don't need me, just Google primates require love and you should find stuff. Again I'm not talking about codependency, that's a disorder, and it's not the same as requiring love. Remember love doesn't just have to come from a significant other, it can be family, close friends too. You value research, and it's out there, I looked for a while before replying to reo, so I know it exists and pretty easy to find.

Are you really saying you have not a single person in this world that loves you? Have you ever been to a therapist? People can have disorders and not even really see it... humans are good at that kind of thing. And I mean no offense, I wouldn't be surprised if I were screwed up myself, lol.


What Tony Robbins says:
1. Certainty/Comfort. We all want comfort. And much of this comfort comes from certainty. Of course there is no ABSOLUTE certainty, but we want certainty the car will start, the water will flow from the tap when we turn it on and the currency we use will hold its value.
2. Variety. At the same time we want certainty, we also crave variety. Paradoxically, there needs to be enough UNcertainty to provide spice and adventure in our lives.
3. Significance. Deep down, we all want to be important. We want our life to have meaning and significance. I can imagine no worse a death than to think my life didn't matter.
4. Connection/Love. It would be hard to argue against the need for love. We want to feel part of a community. We want to be cared for and cared about.
5. Growth. There could be some people who say they don't want to grow, but I think they're simply fearful of doing so—or perhaps NOT doing so. To become better, to improve our skills, to stretch and excel may be more evident in some than others, but it's there.
6. Contribution. The desire to contribute something of value—to help others, to make the world a better place than we found it is in all of us.
But, I need flight ability. Does it cut as non-physical?

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
Well it was in response to something reo said. I'm on a tablet, so it's not really easy for me to find. But you don't need me, just Google primates require love and you should find stuff. Again I'm not talking about codependency, that's a disorder, and it's not the same as requiring love. Remember love doesn't just have to come from a significant other, it can be family, close friends too. You value research, and it's out there, I looked for a while before replying to reo, so I know it exists and pretty easy to find.

Are you really saying you have not a single person in this world that loves you? Have you ever been to a therapist? People can have disorders and not even really see it... humans are good at that kind of thing. And I mean no offense, I wouldn't be surprised if I were screwed up myself, lol.
No, I'm perfectly fine. I'm just cold. Very cold. lol I'm not the only person in the world who doesn't need/require/care about affection, love, kinship, etc. There ARE other people in this world besides "the norm" and there's nothing wrong with them. I don't offer much emotion and very little sympathy cuz i think people already get too much of it in the 1st place. The only love the majority of people need IMO, is TOUGH-Love.

I'm so tired of hearing "Poor me" from people who never been through a god damn thing in their life. LOL It's pathetic. Try living everyday of your life in physical pain for 20 years, then we can see who really is the "poor me". (not you directly, AJ)


We do need other people. Have since we were infants. We need them for protection, reproducing, food (bear with me on that even though its a physical item) and so on.

If our mothers had just plunked us in a bassinet somewhere and swam away ... Ggs. Even if we get raised until we're able to function independently of her, we still have to find other people to reproduce with. And humans mature and reproduce too slowly for one care giver to suffice. We're not bears that can protect our babies, find food, and remain healthy without at least a partner, or preferably, a community.

It's a group effort to have children, build shelters, defend territory, raise crops and livestock for food. We're not terribly strong, so we need others to help us acquire even the most basic needs.

Interestingly enough, humans are born with very few parental instincts. It's mostly learned behavior. Our ancestors weren't reading "what to expect when you're expecting" or watching Ricky Lake documentaries. We were depending on other women helping us. Many other countries are shocked American couples raise children with usually only one adult staying home. But that's another topic.

At any rate, we have complex social needs from birth and onward. The whole nature vs. nurture debate has been settled, and it's a combination of both. Every so often you hear those terrible stories about feral children. They're usually taken in by dogs. Another pack animal with complex social behaviors.

Tragic, but an impressive testament to just how adaptable we are. Which is a big part of how we've managed to make it this long.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
nothing wrong with faith. But honestly, some people are just plain downers who talk about nothing but death and life being pointless and blah blah blah. What blowjob are these people not getting that they are just that depressing? jeez.

oh and btw. Lets not forget pure unbridled CHAOS!!!! :D