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What non-physical items do humans need? [Philosophy]


Biology and philosophy and arguably some psychology are separate entities. My apologies for being somewhat off topic.

All mammals have emotions. I'd strongly recommend the Savannah principle or the book "why beautiful people have more daughters" for more insight into how our biology shapes our behavior.

For example, women are more likely to be religious or faithful to some code of conduct due to their biological inclination to take fewer risks. If she's wrong, she doesn't have much to lose.

All of our wants and needs (including things like love and faith and altruism) have strong reproductive or other self serving motives behind them. And millions of years of evolution shaping those desires into the reason we do pretty much everything we do and feel and believe in.

I see people as big fancy monkeys. But it's also interesting and beautiful.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
What are you going to die from set aside food, water, shelter, breathing, reproduction and excretion? I'll stfu if you can name ONE thing NON-physical, just like in the title of your thread. NEED = you'll perish without it. The whole thread is nothing but "Wants" and "preferences".

Again, it is scientifically inaccurate.
As for faith, i believe we need it.
For whatever reason, when people see that word, they automatically think of religion. While its the most popular use of the word "faith," its not the entire and correct definition.

Please stop associating the 2 as being the same thing :3
That last statement we commonly believe. Science will lead us into the future. But not alone, and not without philosophy.
Lacking a need doesnt mean termination (or in humanities case, death).
It may malevolently modify the function.

I like to think im better off with these non-physical needs than without.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
My apologies for being somewhat off topic.
Au contraire . I thought you were one of the ONLY accurate posts I read so far going by the thread's misleading title and easily one of the best posts thus far as well. bravo.

That last statement we commonly believe. Science will lead us into the future. But not alone, and not without philosophy.
Lacking a need doesnt mean termination (or in humanities case, death).
It may malevolently modify the function.

I like to think im better off with these non-physical needs than without.
I think you should just change the name of the thread. What thread states and what it contains are 2 VERY different things. i think this is very important for it to be a good thread, which it DOES have potential to do, but the message coming across is just very comfusing as to when you begin reading. From a Scientist's point of view, I'm just sitting here like "WTF???"

I'm sorry, but this is how science works. I can't change reality to suit others. I merely abide by it.


Lose without excuses
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In their mind the teachings of the bible (or any faith based text) expresses the world as god intends it to be, or a general outline at least. Faith is seen as truth in the sense that their doctrine tells us the way of things. They believe in the "truth" if that makes any sense. At least, that is how I think religious people see it.
They believe what they believe is the truth. They have faith that the faith they have is faith in the truth. It's ridiculous. They're willing to be wrong about their faith, while running around thinking they're right. Believing in something in hopes that thing is true, is not a pathway to truth, at all. I mean, if you want to live in delusion and not face reality on reality terms, that's obviously your choice. Just don't claim it's somehow "the truth" when the only basis you have for it being the truth is faith.

This wasn't directed at you WoundCowboy, btw.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
They believe what they believe is the truth. They have faith that the faith they have is faith in the truth. It's ridiculous. They're willing to be wrong about their faith, while running around thinking they're right. Believing in something in hopes that thing is true, is not a pathway to truth, at all. I mean, if you want to live in delusion and not face reality on reality terms, that's obviously your choice. Just don't claim it's somehow "the truth" when the only basis you have for it being the truth is faith.

This wasn't directed at you WoundCowboy, btw.
There's twice as much proof in Convergent Evolution than all religions COMBINED, yet there are still millions more people who believe religion over evolution. .....and we wonder why people can't understand blatant facts that are presented and explained right in front of them LOL

The fact of the matter is people believe in what they want to believe, and don't care about science, proof or reality. There is no place in this world for reason, ration or logic.


Lose without excuses
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There's twice as much proof in Convergent Evolution than all religions COMBINED, yet there are still millions more people who believe religion over evolution. .....and we wonder why people can't understand blatant facts that are presented and explained right in front of them LOL
While you bring it up, I don't believe in Evolution. I accept the overwhelming evidence for it. When people say "Evolution is just a theory", I just respond with "So is the theory of gravity, and when is the last time you floated away?". :coffee:

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
They believe what they believe is the truth. They have faith that the faith they have is faith in the truth. It's ridiculous. They're willing to be wrong about their faith, while running around thinking they're right. Believing in something in hopes that thing is true, is not a pathway to truth, at all. I mean, if you want to live in delusion and not face reality on reality terms, that's obviously your choice. Just don't claim it's somehow "the truth" when the only basis you have for it being the truth is faith.

This wasn't directed at you WoundCowboy, btw.
I know what you mean, but I think the key distinction that religious followers make is that they don't hold their faith "in hopes" of it being correct; it is assumed to be correct. My problem with religion is not in the beliefs or teachings. I think texts like the Bible and the Quran have some important philosophical and human insights, however, there is a problem with the institutions (the church) that try and impose their faith on others. This has led to horrible wrongs and bigotry (something that still persists).

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
I think it's also important to mention that i can't really see World War 3 being started because of lack of love, compassion or social interaction.....

....but i could easily see it started by survivalists fighting over a glass of water and loaf of bread.


This thread is so vague. Are you talking about what non-physical items humans need in today's society and time to be accepted as the norm, or just in general to survive? What part of the world are we talking about here? Most of the answers are likely going to be biased or related to how an experience in life has led them to believe so.

How is love a need? There are people out there that don't even know what "love" is and still continue living. Love for the same sex in certain countries will get you killed. So if you are trying to survive, this is the last thing you need to survive. Confidence is not a need, you can live your life without being confident as well. Religion is not a need to some, but for some it will become one if you plan to survive in a certain area.

So many variables and things come into play, this thread's question is pointless. There will be no right answer unless you specify the question and conditions better.


Lose without excuses
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I think it's also important to mention that i can't really see World War 3 being started because of lack of love, compassion or social interaction.....

....but i could easily see it started by survivalists fighting over a glass of water and loaf of bread.
Are you saying that there isn't anything non-physical that humans need? Your mind doesn't need to be healthy along with the body?


We are "Naturally" bottom tier. We have no physical adaptations that would allow us to survive outside civilization.
You're argument is not valid. We are at the top because we are mentaly superior. Physical adaptations mean shit; an asteroid managed to wipe out creatures we probably couldn't compete with physically. Were the only animals on this planet that are close to being able to colonize another planet. From a survival stand point, that greatly increases the odds of not being wiped out. Our continued evolution lies in space.


The human mind has been proven to have the capacity to stop the heart and kill. The inherent survival instinct prevents more of us from doing just that.

Humans don't need love and compassion to survive? How about all the old people that die due to 'heartbreak" and "lonliness" when their mates of 50+ years die. Or people that self-destruct when their children or pets die. How about people that turn to drugs or hookers because of "lonliness"?

Humans do need faith. Humans do NOT need religious faith. It could be something as simple as "I have faith that I am going to place well at NEC because I've trained hard and learned my weak matchups" or "I have faith that good things will come my way as long as I work for them and be a good person".

Having said that, while humans don't need religious faith, what we do need is answers. Religion is one way of getting those answers. Questions like "Who am I?" or "Why am I here?" or "Where did I come from?". We all need answers to these and similar questions in order to survive. A life without wants and desires is no life at all and is a very real (and more sad) death than any physical one I can think of.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Perhaps, like food and water, some need these "non-physical needs" more than others, whereby lacking such things deteriorates (and may lead to the death of) a human.
Similarly, adding these needs will improve and/or enlighten a human.

This is based on the individual and their specific environment(s).

@Reo and Justice


REO I'm not going to elaborate much, but people do need love, and even if they've never received it, they still crave it. People are hardwired to want to be close to at least one other person, probably because we can't really survive alone. Someone denied love especiallying when young has a hard time functioning.

AREZ God of War I don't know where you're getting your information from but most primates are social and mainly function as a community, not individuals.


Online Punching Bag
I would assume we need social interaction. Talking to no one gets boring and depressing fast. Not even saying in a physical need for sex or companionship but just something to keep your mind stimulated.

Faith not so much, I exist to keep on existing since I have no children or any sort of a legacy to pass on. When I die I figure I'm going into the ground to decay and that's pretty much it. Maybe I'm wrong but nobody really knows for sure.

Faith in a religious sense to me can be helpful as a sort of moral compass for those who may not naturally understand right from wrong and need to be reminded "if you do this you go to heaven, if you do this you go to hell" some people need to be scared into not being a douche. I know a couple of newborn christians and they used to be fuck ups, alcoholics and assholes. Of course part of that might have been because they were drunk most of the time. But at least their church keeps them in line even if they are a little weird at times.

My main philosophy has always been to go with the flow and as long as you aren't hurting anyone to each their own.

I could say I'm a very solitary person but the amount of time I waste on this website in my free time and flirting with women at work I'd say social interaction is the only thing I really may need.


REO I'm not going to elaborate much, but people do need love, and even if they've never received it, they still crave it. People are hardwired to want to be close to at least one other person, probably because we can't really survive alone. Someone denied love especiallying when young has a hard time functioning.
Love is not a need for every single person out there. Of course to understand this subject you must realize no matter how much you feel inclined to believe so, not everyone is like that. People are different. Believe it or not, there are people out in this world who are not hardwired love birds. They live life every day without the thought or crave to search for another person. Sure, they are uncommon, but do not deny that they exist. That's just disrespectful.


Too little, too late...
Surely Love, receive it and to deliver, without love we are a simple biological machines, not even animals, is something as simple and complex to what cannot be resign, embedded in our design, love is happiness, even a way to deal with adversity wherever you look, give , receive it and feel it for yourself too. From the moment we arrived to this world we need love and throughout the course of our life.


Love is not a need for every single person out there. Of course to understand this subject you must realize no matter how much you feel inclined to believe so, not everyone is like that. People are different. Believe it or not, there are people out in this world who are not hardwired love birds. They live life every day without the thought or crave to search for another person. Sure, they are uncommon, but do not deny that they exist. That's just disrespectful.
I'm not saying everyone needs a soulmate, but we require love. Remember we are still very much ruled by our biology, as much as we've been able to make steps to be rational as well.


There are plenty of scientific studies out there in this area.