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Tech Sweep after hit ex forceball

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I didn't see a better place to post this, and idk if this is known or has been tried in play before, but by the frame data it seems to work. Sometimes when you are using cage and you go for an ex forcball trap, your opponent will let go of block trying to poke out and get hit by the ex forceball. Now, most cages would just say cool some more damage, and they still have to block fwd 3. However, I was looking at the frame data, and ex forceball is plus 24 on hit, and cage's sweep is 22 frames. This means that the sweep, even if you take the slightest dash, should be garanteed. Cage's sweep is also plus 3 on block, so if cage is p1 he gets a free fwd3 and if he is player 2 they have to d1, which is obviously punishable. So if this happens you get just a little bit more chip and meter. Now, if your opponent says fuck this, I wanna get out, their best bet is to take the sweep. This means that they will stand block or not block at all. So cage does fwd33, if they dont block its a nutpunch hitconfirm, and if they are stand blocking to take the sweep, you can jail them into another exforceball if you have the meter. Other options are d4, and because they are trying to get hit by the sweep they will get hit standing, giving you major adv, or 11f1 for the same reason. The good part about this tech is that even if you guess wrong, you are getting damage and a knockdown(they get hit by sweep) or they block a string in crouching(they respect the sweep) which can still be converted to pressure.

GGA Dizzy Mikemetroid Claude VonStroke


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if the sweep hits, f3 and you go past the person, and you can jump over and make their wake up go backwards/ confuse the fuck out of them.

Good shit my man.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
HGTV Ermacio I used the Soapboxfan sweep (that's what I am calling it now lol) on you a couple times on Saturday night... you did not try to take the hit though, did the thought cross your mind?


I'll have to try this out. I don't have access to the game right now. Personally, I like to use hard knockdowns against opponents with throws to bait wakeups or continue pressure with d4/f3 for characters with poor wakeup options. With the sweep, I can see the benefit of being at advantage if blocked, as well as avoiding any counters your opponent may use against your throw (tech or whiff punishing it).


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In theory it would work well. However, the problem is sweep being 22 frames making the window of opportunity pretty small, considering you have to react to them accidentally getting hit by ex forceballs up close. If you are hit confirming, you will hit them with nut punch otherwise, so you will only be reacting to it happening, which can make it pretty hard to time to make it tight considering you will likely need a small dash.
you dont do d4 either because you already are at + after ex forceball, if they block d4 youre just giving them an opportunity to get away.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
you dont do d4 either because you already are at + after ex forceball, if they block d4 youre just giving them an opportunity to get away.
I was just listing options, it was just an example that a low poke would hit because they would be standing. and hey damage is damage, sometimes you need the extra few percent, and if they are willing to take the sweep why not? But the likelyhood of them taking the sweep is pretty small anyway, so most of the time you are just going to get a blocked sweep into frame trap, which is still more meter and chip than normal.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
In theory it would work well. However, the problem is sweep being 22 frames making the window of opportunity pretty small, considering you have to react to them accidentally getting hit by ex forceballs up close. If you are hit confirming, you will hit them with nut punch otherwise, so you will only be reacting to it happening, which can make it pretty hard to time to make it tight considering you will likely need a small dash.
That is what I said at first, but after practicing it some I can confirm that a naked exforceball hits, take a slight dash and sweep, and my friend could not jump or armor out. I will try to use it when I can mid match and post back how well it works.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
a couple of things to try
after ex forceball hits f4 if they block it most likely a d1 will be coming out on reaction from your opponent, block said d1 and blow their backs out with f33nutpunch or b3 if your feeling like a boss.

mid screen combo ghetto reset, jip f4 2,2,2,2,d1 (dash foward and f4) if they tech roll they will be hit on most wake up attacks except spin and a few others, if they do not wake up attack but block bait for d1 from opponent, blow them up or ex nutpunch them, if your playing online watch for cross over fgtnoops. i have done this on sooo many comebacks and it really works, once you do it a few times they will adapt though and just do a normal or cross over or safe armor ( rain, kabal, sonya, kenshi), this is the best against characters like mileena noob sektor shang (especially because he is free on wakeup) reptile ect. in the corner you can do 8 2's or a lot of 11's and d1 to let them drop fast and f4 if they try to poke f4 will hit them. try it out guys its gimmicky but it works alot.


I was just listing options, it was just an example that a low poke would hit because they would be standing. and hey damage is damage, sometimes you need the extra few percent, and if they are willing to take the sweep why not? But the likelyhood of them taking the sweep is pretty small anyway, so most of the time you are just going to get a blocked sweep into frame trap, which is still more meter and chip than normal.
Dude, your on XBL? I'm bout to add you


The Ignore Button Is Free
dude, i've been using this ever since you bought it to light and i love it so much lol. i guess people arent aware that johnny's sweep is positive on block, because i've gotten f33 nutpunch every time after a blocked sweep lol. good shit man