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What are you thankful for in MK9?


bad player
I'm thankful for all the hype and insanity that makes this game and community so unique. And for all the shows that have kept the blowups and feuds fresh for people like me who barely get to travel and have no scene.


I'm thankful that a website for MK exists where the users take the game seriously, not themselves.

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


Come On Die Young
I'm thankful that 95% of the community still doesn't punish cutter
I'm thankful for ex pretty kick on wakeup
I'm thankful for such an awesome scene in NY and everyone there who has helped me get to where I am in this game
I'm thankful for such awesome MK friends outside my scene like Robot1cColumbus, GuamoKun, Cossner, 16bit, PigDaHut, and many others
I'm thankful for MLG for preserving our scene when it was starting to look done
I'm thankful for babalities and how they make me feel inside

But most of all, I'm thankful that even being with my family on this day, the MK community is still worth enough to me to tell them how thankful I am for them.


bad player
I'm thankful that 95% of the community still doesn't punish cutter
I'm thankful for ex pretty kick on wakeup
"The Revolver Special"
I'm thankful for MLG for preserving our scene when it was starting to look done
But most of all, I'm thankful that even being with my family on this day, the MK community is still worth enough to me to tell them how thankful I am for them.
^this and this ;_;


The Gruff
I'm thankful that this game still has a STRONG standing community even after a yearand a half(?), and continuous downplaying from other FGC communities.

I feel like this is particular community within the FGC feels way more at home AND welcoming than say the MAHVEL Community.

On that note:
Stay dysfunctional MK Community :p

Miss Kanzuki

I'm thankful for friends I've met who will be lifelong brothers! This was the first game I really took seriously and the friends I've made makes the enemies I've made seem insignificant.

Tom Brady

I am thankful that the MK community has a main stream title again so that the fans of the game can compete in the game they love. I am thankful for this community and the love and support they show me. Most importantly, I am thankful for the TRUE friends I have from this community, together we really are like a family.


I'm thankful for tele 3 and the 2,1 string. I'm also thankful for finally being able to exploit Kung Lao's sick corner game, and how awesome his wall combos look.

I'm thankful for how awesome it feels every time you catch your opponent in Scorpion's vortex and they guess wrong.

I'm thankful for how good it feels when you catch your opponent with a net, and they happen to have 60% life and no meter.

I'm thankful for that awesome yell Johnny Cage makes when he punches someone in the nuts.

I'm thankful for X-Ray cancels into grabs with Sub-Zero. That shit never gets old.

I'm thankful the game is actually good, despite its flaws.

I'm thankful for the game going strong on the tournament scene and the top players' dedication towards it.



I miss you
I'm thankful for NRS finally taking MK to its glory, and bringing every character from MKT + Quan back. The original characters. Fuck the other ones.

I'm thankful that through the game I love I found this awesome community who although having their own discrepancies, they are all good people willing to help you at any time, especially in hard times like I faced.

I'm in forever debt with you guys.



Derpin Errday

Dojo Trainee
Kabal getting patched.....wait...no
All the bugs taken out....wait...no
The lower tier getting buffed....wait...no
The online being great....wait...no

Now that I think about it...NOT A DAMN THING.

Fuck this game till Injustice.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I am thankful that the MK community has a main stream title again so that the fans of the game can compete in the game they love. I am thankful for this community and the love and support they show me. Most importantly, I am thankful for the TRUE friends I have from this community, together we really are like a family.

Im also thankful theres a chance you may make a HUGE mistake and pick raiden on me rather than KOOOOOONG LAO


TYM White Knight
Kabal getting patched.....wait...no
All the bugs taken out....wait...no
The lower tier getting buffed....wait...no
The online being great....wait...no

Now that I think about it...NOT A DAMN THING.

Fuck this game till Injustice.
Did I face you with Noob online yesterday in ranked?


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
im thankful for alot of things to do with mk9 and what its done for me....

finding out about TYM and becoming the baraka mod,
my first tourny win with baraka,
my first tourny win with mileena,
having a offline scene in my country and all of TYM's staff help promoting that scene.
NRS's patch v1.05 aka rise of the tarkatan patch :)
meeting new people/friends through playing the game i love,
getting to commentate at tournies (i have SO MUCH fun doing this)
somberness for his frame data which id be lost without,
tom brady/pig/reo/jamesmk/triforce/homeboytyson and alot of other characters in our community giving me so many hours of entertainment,
writing my name into goggle/youtube to see videos of me playing/when i was interviewed for a irish gaming site (i know its sad but i dig it)


Blue Blurs for Life!
There is so much about MK and this community to be thankful for, I don't know where to start. All I can say is, thanks to everyone here who gives me reason to do what I do. This is what I live for and all other moments of my life will be centered around this.