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Injustice Tourney Standard Console - XBOX or PS3?


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I always wondered why MK was played on PS3, Xbox is by far the more superior system. Xbox never lags offline, PS3 has random lag and I know certain stages lag on PS3. Xbox does not have laggy x-rays, PS3 does. Ermac's x-ray takes like 5 minutes long to watch on PS3 lmao. Xbox does not have gay banned Kratos stage. Xbox does not have ass low-tier Kratos. Everything about Mortal Kombat 9 is better on Xbox, tournaments should have never started to be on PS3 for this game.

Oh yeah and Xbox has a better dpad
As i've said I'm new to MK9 so I don't know about everything else you said, but that D-pad thing is 100% wrong. Back in 2010 the D- Pad was complained about so much on the 360 controller that microsoft put out a new controller with a different d pad altogether. I found this out as a fan of bullet hell and everyone was up in arms ready to burn their 360 pads over Deathsmiles. Its why even though I PC game with a 360 controller I resort to keyboard or stick for bullet hell these days. Just more responsive and no over steering induced by the raised nature of the pad itself requiring more force on the input press than the low rider buttons of the PS3. I don't even own a PS3, but can vouch for this after having played shmups on both my 360 and on my brothers PS3. Inputs were more responsive on PS3's pad. 10 minutes of bullethell between consoles and you'll tell the difference pretty easily in your steering.

Also I agree with Frothy on the tourney reasoning. I said it myself on page 1. Tournies determine the console standard unless there is something majorly busted. Most other games are PS3 at tourney due to MLG and Sony money and players tend to pack sticks to tournies with fighters that aren't named Mortal Kombat and those are expensive to buy or dual mod. Some converters do cause lag and folks tend to hardwire dual conversion over ever attempting them these days. In this kind of scenario its rare a game overall turns into a 360 title unless their are major drops in the game. Even small ones are generally okay enough for tourney guys not to go switching systems on folks. Really sucked for me showing up to a local for UMVC3 only to find it was PS3 and I didn't own a stick for that. I had NO idea how to even use the pad for my inputs and zero muscle memory for combos. I couldn't even use my team anymore and everyone was acting like I should have expected it'd be PS3 because everything is at tournies.

All talk on inferior or superior is subjective and ludicrous in this dimension of the scene. Its simply what are people most accustomed to and lets cater to that to sell more entry tickets for the tourney.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
The ONLY legit reason I can come up with for making it standard on 360 is this......... all of the other games are on that system..... so getting streams and setups would be quicker, you woudl KNOW which converter to bring..... you wouldn't need two different ones..... etc etc.

The controller thing is not legit...... because LBSH.... if you go to a tourney..... you're going to use whatever controller you see fit.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Idk man, playing with that "godlike" etokki converter at UFGT8 I was getting dropped inputs in casuals. Its hard to say if it was the input bug or the converter itself, so I may be biased in saying that. You can't use the Kratos stage as an excuse, but I'll give you hell, so thats 1 more banned stage. The whole "xray lag" argument is kinda childish if you ask me. How often do people do xrays, and more importantly, is the extra 1-2 seconds it takes going to break your day? I already own several ps3 pads, and people who have ps3's are already set. In the end its not so much the console but your controller that will sway your decision: Are you a stick user who needs to dual mod because a certain tournament is played on the "other" system, or are you a pad user who has to either learn to play with the other console's pad or get a converter? Btw, is there stuff like this in a game such as AE where the porting process messes up the integrity of the game itself? Sorry if I sounded like an ass too.
You're good dude lol.

I'm not saying buy the eTokki converter. There are multiple brands. CDsr and Maxter's converters are really good...I believe they allow you to convert PS2 and PS3 controllers to either 360 or PS3. It's cheaper in the long run if you go PS2+converter, since the combo is still cheaper than buying a new PS3 controller. Those things are far too expensive to replace every time when you fuck them up from playing so much. If you have a stick, it should ALWAYS be dual modded anyway if you're gonna be traveling for tournaments.

As far as the game differences, the Hell Stage ban is a big deal because it is the smallest stage in the game as well.

These problems exist in other games as well. AE is slower on PS3 and has extra input delay...while Marvel has slowdown on PS3.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
You obviously forget every tournament that gets run by Keits.

IDK if it's the way PS3 handles USB or if it's the game itself, but there's a difference in timing between the two consoles. GGA goes so far as to bring out the Xboxes when we're preparing for a tournament that will be running the Xbox version of MK.
This is really all you need to know about the difference between the games.

There IS a timing difference. It was pretty evident the first time I played on ps3 as well (the monitors were the same Asus).


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
PS3 obviously because the xbox360 controller is the worst thing ever. I stopped reading the OP once I hit the misinformation of the ps3 lagging by 1-2 frames which is not true. If that was true obviously we would all be playing on xbox's.


Mid Tier
People choosing PS3 just because of the controller are silly,


including Evo, so you need to get a converter and stuff anyways because sony is too cool to sell a wired First Party controller.

People that say and truly believe there is no difference between the 2 versions have not played both, or are totally brain washed by Sony,

360 is the superior version for this game, if it goes the same for the next game, then it's gotta be 360,

I will be playing on Wii U just to be different and have something to complain about in the forums ;)


As someone who runs tournaments I can pretty confidently say that since most To's own multiple ps3 systems for evo standard tournaments, that ps3 is the odds on favorite for injustice. I won't be buying an additional system just to run injustice at my locals nor will I force players to have to buy new sticks and or pads for a different system. If injustice does happen to become an evo game it'll be on ps3 without question so better get used to that now anyway.


Btw... I have limited time on the Internet as I'm still blacked out here on Long Island. Phone Internet is spotty at best and I'm in a somewhat decent spot right now. No promises when I can respond again.


Just a slightly above average player.....
Psfree. Lbsh Sony gave evo all the ps3 setups that's why they use them . It's funny how before Sony stepped in and tossed money almost all tournaments where run on the cheaper yet superior system.
You can buy a stick dual-modded or have somebody else do it for you.

Also, the PS360+ (a PCB [computer chip] that lets you use your stick on ps3 and 360) is extremely fool-proof, there's no soldering required, so it's very easy to install yourself.

You can buy them from the following websites, both are reputable:

As for the system Injustice will be played on, nobody wants to decide because the game isn't out yet and nobody knows which system it will run better on. I've already tried to have discussion about it and was blown up for preferring 360 by all of the ps3 players, basically.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
In all honesty it will probably be PS3 because most prefer the D-Pad on it (I am trying to be nice here) but it makes sense to get a fight stick dual modded anyways.
It's not about the controllers! Why does everyone say it's about the controllers. It should be about which console runs the game better, but in the end it's always going to be about who gives the community the most money. In the past, that's been Sony, but at grassroots tournaments who knows what the standard is going to be. I'm still hoping for Xbox, but if Injustice ends up running better on PS3 then that's obviously the choice to make, barring esports money dictating otherwise :\


You can buy a stick dual-modded or have somebody else do it for you.

Also, the PS360+ (a PCB [computer chip] that lets you use your stick on ps3 and 360) is extremely fool-proof, there's no soldering required, so it's very easy to install yourself.

You can buy them from the following websites, both are reputable:

As for the system Injustice will be played on, nobody wants to decide because the game isn't out yet and nobody knows which system it will run better on. I've already tried to have discussion about it and was blown up for preferring 360 by all of the ps3 players, basically.
well, you definitely got my attention with the "no soldering" and "very easy" comments....gonna research it right now...thanks.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
It's not about the controllers! Why does everyone say it's about the controllers. It should be about which console runs the game better, but in the end it's always going to be about who gives the community the most money. In the past, that's been Sony, but at grassroots tournaments who knows what the standard is going to be. I'm still hoping for Xbox, but if Injustice ends up running better on PS3 then that's obviously the choice to make, barring esports money dictating otherwise :\
The only issue I really honestly see with the ps3 is x-ray slowdown. If xbox did run it a ton better it would be the tournament standard because the community would not stop complaining about it ever until it got resolved.
The only issue I really honestly see with the ps3 is x-ray slowdown. If xbox did run it a ton better it would be the tournament standard because the community would not stop complaining about it ever until it got resolved.
PS3 lags by 1 frame.


A prop on the stage of life.
Ps3 also has hell banned. Anything that has to do with Kratos is a non issue, so it shouldn't be brought up. Xray slowdown is a non issue. The issue is the lag, and I really can't say anything to defend it. It is what it is.