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Almost another Denver CO Tragedy


My blades will find your heart
Ok im really fucking confused here, and probably wrong
This is what I understand. This guy does something completely legal (buys guns and ammo, and movie tickets) his mom then tells the police about him buying said products. He is involuntary detained for 90+ hours because that is a law I guess, and then confesses these plans to shoot up the theater?? Seems almost on the level of thoughtcrime, was he at the theater with the guns or something at least?
Who the flying fuck cares. If they hadnt stopped him there would have been another massacre. If you say you are going to shoot up a walmart or theater, then the police have the right to lock you up and get you mental help. Better safe then really really sorry.


Do not touch me again.
Ok im really fucking confused here, and probably wrong
This is what I understand. This guy does something completely legal (buys guns and ammo, and movie tickets) his mom then tells the police about him buying said products. He is involuntary detained for 90+ hours because that is a law I guess, and then confesses these plans to shoot up the theater?? Seems almost on the level of thoughtcrime, was he at the theater with the guns or something at least?
George Orwell made a killing off of people like you.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Ok If i were to jump in on this now political conversation I would say one thing and most people wont like it

Our country is being Tyson ass raped by the amount of prisoners we have in prisons across the country so how do we keep them out of prison? People who offer nothing to society, the world but problems and harm towards others due to their actions?

Well first off we have tougher penalties for their actions as well as less sanitized jail cells and bottom of the barn food. Im talking terrible food and scraps.

Lethal Injection for the following:
^^^To remove them quickly without our tax dollars going to them

Add thieves to this list as well, idgaf. I got my car broken in to last night, I left my wallet in there whilst at the gym. Credit Cards, license, gift cards, cash, all taken. Needless to say, I want this motherfucker D.E.A.D. Impose the harsh penalties you cited above on society, and sit back on your porch while your kids ride their bikes safely down the street without being accosted by scum. How many walls are covered in Graffiti in Singapore? How many convicted murderers spend more than 10 days in jail in China? They take you out back, put a slug behind your ear, and charge your family for the bullet. If the justice system wrongly accused .001 of every person, well so be it. Off with their damn heads I say, society has turned to cozy mush.



Dojo Trainee
I was at Skyfall tonight. Pretty good movie. I always think of this kind of stuff. Thats why i carry concealed every day.

Sprinfield Xdm .45 (3.8)

Fuck these cowardly pussies shooting up defenseless people.


Command Grabber
More good, law abiding citizens need to start carrying concealed weapons. That's a good way to prevent things like this. Also, we shouldn't be allowing people with mental illnesses to be purchasing firearms. WTF


Dojo Trainee
Pig Of The Hut

The problem with ridding the world of guns is that you honestly truly cannot do this. There will always be guns, and more importantly those who use them for recreation or self defense would be basically the ONLY ones without them. Which does not do much. Gang bangers, psychos, or anyone else with the right connection can and would have access to firearms.

Aside from that i am against tampering of the constitution. You dont see our government getting rid of their nuclear weapons, nor any other country? Why should we give up our firearms?

Its not the gun. Its the individual, and you can never get rid of psychos. If not guns, then it would be knives, improvised explosives. Etc Etc Etc.

I wish people would try and think deeply about the situation before blaming it completely on firearms. Because a lot of people including myself LOVE firearms, collect them, compete in shooting competition, hunt etc. And its not fair.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
If you're going to recommend banning guns, explain how you will also keep guns away from those who don't care for laws.
Otherwise you're simply disarming the people who would more likely protect others with their legal guns.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Go to hell.
Pretty ignorant thinking here. When the second amendment was adopted in 1791... People were using muzzled loaded weapons ffs... Breech loading weapons werent popular until 60 years later. You want to allow muzzle loaders? That's fine by me... You can't kill 15 people in 5 seconds with one of those. All of you pro gun people don't even know the history of the stuff you're trying to defend. Like the other guy said... Yeah it would have been better if the aurora shooter was using nail clippers... 12 people would be able to celebrate the holidays with their families this year
I'm sorry who are you? When Maxter calls you out, you shut the fuck up sit the fuck down and take some fucking notes.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Pig Of The Hut

The problem with ridding the world of guns is that you honestly truly cannot do this. There will always be guns, and more importantly those who use them for recreation or self defense would be basically the ONLY ones without them. Which does not do much. Gang bangers, psychos, or anyone else with the right connection can and would have access to firearms.

Aside from that i am against tampering of the constitution. You dont see our government getting rid of their nuclear weapons, nor any other country? Why should we give up our firearms?

Its not the gun. Its the individual, and you can never get rid of psychos. If not guns, then it would be knives, improvised explosives. Etc Etc Etc.

I wish people would try and think deeply about the situation before blaming it completely on firearms. Because a lot of people including myself LOVE firearms, collect them, compete in shooting competition, hunt etc. And its not fair.
Yea i defintely said in my post its far more the individual

Compare it to mk

Kabal has all the tools (Guns) but its mainly the player behind the character lol