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[Dec 29, 2012] Frosty Faustings V (Northbrook, IL)

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
Original thread announcement can be found here: http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?threads/dec-29-2012-frosty-faustings-v-il-1000-in-pot-bonus-ggxx-ssf4ae-umvc3-p4u-tt2-sg-more.167690/). The remainder of this post will NOT be my own words, but copied directly from the SRK thread.

Without further delay, I am proud to present Frosty Faustings V. Chicago's major winter tournament series. With a brand new version of Guilty Gear on the horizon (Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R), what a perfect way to show your support for the Guilty Gear scene! This year we have a lot of awsome things planned, and the hype is going to be bigger and better than ever! More games, more events, more faustings!

For now, this thread is being made as a place holder. Many things are still in the planning process. I will constantly be updating this thread so keep an eye out. The date is set so start checking your travel plans early while tickets are still cheap!

Registation: Please post in the thread which games you plan to enter.

When: Saturday, December 29th, 2012
Nickel City
555 Waukegan Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: 847.559.8727

Official Tournament Games: (This is a tentative list. Games listed as main games are guarenteed to stay as main games. Other main games or side tournaments may be added and I will update main game list.

the main event...
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (plus R?): singles $500 POT BONUS!!!
(Since the GGXXAC+R console release date is unknown at this time, I am unable to say which version we will be running as of now. If R comes out in time, I will run R. If not, we will be playing regular AC. If there is no console R by then, I will look into the possability of running arcade R. If we run arcade R, I will probably run a regular AC console tournament too so that we can play both). 1st place winner will get $500 bonus on top of the tournament pot winnings!

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (plus R?): teams
Waseda style 2 on 2

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition ($200 pot bonus)

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 ($200 pot bonus)

Persona 4 Arena ($100 pot bonus)

Tekken Tag Tournament 2


Mortal Kombat 9

King Of Fighters XIII

Other games that may be added:
Guilty Gear high stakes / regional exhabition / GGgenerations / special event
Soul Calibur V
BlazBlue (latest console version)
Street Fighter X Tekken
Melty Blood (latest console version)
Arcana Heart 3
Vampire Savior

more team tournaments


11:00 AM: Registration
12:00 PM: GGXXAC, SSFIVAE, MK9, P4A tournaments begin
The remaining 4 singles tournaments will start a few hours later depending on how quickly the brackets for the first 4 games advance so that we can start switching out consoles.

Finals for all games will be streamed. Brackets for all games will run until the finals, in which case they will be paused until ready to be streamed.

GGXXAC teams and special exhibition will start after GGXXAC singles finals.

KOF special exhibition will start after KOF singles finals are finished.

Consoles for each game
UMvC3 – 360
P4A – 360
MK9 – PS3
TT2 – PS3
SG – PS3


About me and Frosty Faustings: I used to live in Chicago and am one of the most well known Guilty Gear players from the US. I have been living in Japan for over 5 years. Every year, I visit Chicago and run Frosty Faustings to help out the scene and get some games in with everyone. Please come support this event!

Frosty Faustings history threads:
http://shoryuken.com/2012/01/09/frosty-faustings-iv-tournament-results-and-archive/ - FFIV results
http://shoryuken.com/2011/12/31/powerup-podcast-episode-72-frosty-faustings-iv/ - FFIV Power Up Podcast with ElvenShadow
http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.ph...touts-thread-jan-8th-2011-nickel-city.125024/ - FFIII results
I've already been to Chicago for UFGT8. I do not have the support of CoCo as I am not hollywood enough for them. You and GGA both can fuck off, I want nothing to do with this.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Hmmmmm, I want to go and it would be cool if we could get some sort of group travel like a hummer limo or maybe parachute in together from a plane. You know, standard Ohio travel.

I think the dates need to be fixed on the main post though. Can someone just post the tournament dates because I am sure the whole thing won't be ran in 1 day in like 6 hours. I need to make sure I have the days free before I can look into it. Is the tournament on PS3 or 360? If it is on 360 someone is going to have to provide me a 360-ps3 converter while I am there because I am not buying one as I never plan to play a game on that system. Yeah I am a diva.


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
Yo guess what...
I will be there...
FrothyOmen... I hope you reconsider coming back to Chicago, You beat me last year at UFGT8 and sent me out of the tournament.. How are you going to deny me our Runback?????


Hey, this is only a million miles from MN. Much less than a billion like the other tournaments. I'll probably make it to this.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
Hmmmmm, I want to go and it would be cool if we could get some sort of group travel like a hummer limo or maybe parachute in together from a plane. You know, standard Ohio travel.

I think the dates need to be fixed on the main post though. Can someone just post the tournament dates because I am sure the whole thing won't be ran in 1 day in like 6 hours. I need to make sure I have the days free before I can look into it. Is the tournament on PS3 or 360? If it is on 360 someone is going to have to provide me a 360-ps3 converter while I am there because I am not buying one as I never plan to play a game on that system. Yeah I am a diva.
It'll be run in one day. It was last year. Was also run on PS3. If not, you can use my dual modded hitbox. Everyone says it's easy, so you should be fine.

GGA Wafflez

the kid
as the number one team (GGA), and state (Illinois), Illinois will obviously take this one home. we are, by default, the best, as we counter each of our so-called brothers from ohio in matchups who share with us the title of best region in the U.S., and also the world.
m2dave, come so i can own you
FrothyOmen, come so we can determine smoke of midwest w/ @Ribzz and have that 3-way jax off