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Creepy Stories thread.


I miss you
Hey! So, you already thinking in tonight's halloween? Or maybe you are a non-american like me and therefore there's no halloween. One way or the other, it's always nice to have good creepy stories thread.

As a suggestion, I'd say that the better stories are the ones coming from their own protagonists. No creepypasta here, please. Just true stories.

Well, maybe you want me to go first? :)

When I was 12, my school made a camp trip to Tandil, a city known for it's Moving Stone.

The real stone fell in 1912, but they made a replica, and the local major decided to put it in the same spot. Until this days, the stone still moves, gracefully balancing itself.

We stopped in Popy's Ranch, in the outskirts of town. In the third day of our visit, suddenly a lot of the kids started to get ill. Aparently, there was some kind of virus in one of the meals. Luckily for me, I felt great, in part because I skipped that meal. Because so many people got sick, the plans for that day got suspended and the kids who were fine (probably 15 out of 100) went to a little excursion to the Moving Stone with Christian, the main coordinator and our P. Ed. Teacher.

Well, this wasn't our first excurtion going on foot. Two dogs, named Esteban and Indio, joined us in every other excurtion that we did before. They were the classic street dogs which the Ranch adopted. So, we started our journey. Everything went fine, until we reached the feet of the mount.

Just before starting to ascend the mount in which the Moving Stone rests, we found a very strange circle formed with stones. It was quite simple, but it was OBVIOUS that someone or something, at some point, arranged the stones to create a circle. We looked at it and our coordinator said that it was probably just some kids playing.

Tandil was, during The Desert Campaign (Campaña del Desierto) circa 1880, one of the last frontiers of the "Civilized" Argentina as they gained ground battling and murdering every native village.

Well, when we reached this circle, Indio and Esteban, the dogs, suddenly started to bark ferociously, with surprising rage, at each other. They were so angry, that finally we decided to leave them behind, because we thought sooner or later they would stop fighting and join us back.

We finally reached the Moving Stone. We had an awesome lunch, eating burgers, fruits, chips and fresh water, contemplating the beautiful landscape. An awesome view, and sharing the food with friends make any meal tastier.

After eating, and fooling around for a couple of hours, we decided to make our way back to the camp. Shit started to get real when we were back at the feet of the mountain. The circle was still there. One of the dogs was crying inside, it looked extremely terrified. The other dog? We never heard about it again. When we were leaving the mountain, the dog that was still there wasn't even trying to follow us. As it were trapped inside that circle.

That was some wacky stuff. But the darkest thing was yet to come.

After dinner, once again, the kids who weren't sick went with our coordinator to the woods to start a little fire, chilling out a bit, and share (ironic, uh?) some scary stories.
One kid from a grade below me was telling how he saw a ghost in the bathroom, or some shit like that, when we heard some noises. As if someone was close to us, in the woods. It sounded like somebody was walking around making loud steps. Some people got scared as hell, and actually some kids ran back to the main house, where some of the ill kids and other adults were there chatting.

Ten or eleven people were left, including me, the coordinator, and a friend of mine called Lautaro. The coordinator went to investigate, and some kids (including me) went with him. I must admit, that most of the times I tend to be a coward in this type of things, but there was one girl which I kinda liked and you know, you gotta look like a macho man. We went deep into the forest, and we saw what it looked like an humanoid figure. Wearing a sometype of hat. It looked like a very athletic male. It stayed still, like a rock. We advanced, convinced it was just a tree, and when we were like 20 metres away, we started to ask ourselves: "Dang, it really looks like a dude". The coordinator ordered us to be quiet, and he advanced to be almost like 5 metres away from the figure.

And then, the figure disappeared. IT JUST FUCKING DISAPPEAREDThe coordinator walked back to us and told us: "Ok, time to go back".

Well, this is the end of this story. Maybe that figure was just some leaves, or just some rocks stacked together. What happened to the other dog? No clue. The coordinator told us a year after these events that noone of the two dogs came back. Hope you liked it. And hope you guys share some of yours!


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
Sadly. I don't have any good scary stories. the first time i read about Slender man though I was scarcest i have ever been of something in my life. I don't really believe in ghost, aliens, demons, ect, but something about Slendy absolutely scared the shit out of me. I more or less didn't sleep for the next two nights, and my day consisted of telling myself slender man isn't real.

so if you haven't heard about him, look em up =)

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
A morbidly obese drunk woman on a wheelchair once grabbed my arm as I walked by, and said, "You're so beautiful," with her eyes passionately glowing as she stared into my soul.


Ayy Lmao
I almost fell back while sitting down. Shit was scary as hell, I think time froze for like a split second when it happened.

I ordered a large burger once, and ended up getting a medium....WITH mustard! I hate mustard!


There have been 3 different times in my life where i blinked and in that instance hours past by without any memory of what happened in the time i lost

and no i have never done drugs :/


Online Punching Bag
Speaking of sort of creepy I've had numerous times that I've had the radio turned down really low, I think I'm listening to one song I recognize, I turn it up, but it's not that song, but then the radio stations plays the song I was thinking of next. Maybe I'm psychic.


A prop on the stage of life.
My brother and I were arguing about who would take a bath first when I was 5 and he was 7. Suddenly something lifted us off the floor, for a second only. Almost like some dog had appeared underneath us. We didn't bathe that night.

Also, today, I saw this girl walking up some stairs, and she had a NICE ass. Then she turned around and to my surprise...was white. Yea, I got nothin' really.