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Mains and everyone else


Joker waiting room
For quite some time i was wondering who to main, i didnt much like maining sub but i was best with him.

right now i very much like sub because i feel i have to work for my wins but its still easier for me to win with that character because i know exactly what to do based on experience.

secondary, tertiary, i cant decide, i mostly like rushdown chars, then a mix, like sektor, shang, etc

right now i cant find anyone for that role, i play 70% of the male cast at a high lvl and know almost all the techs, yet im still looking to play new chars like kabal, reptile or jax right now

anyone else having this issue?i wanna say x or x is my secondary/tertiary but then i wanna play this character, oh, that character too, and this one and that one, etc.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I learned a long time ago that commiting myself to anyone not named Cyrax or Sub-Zero is a silly idea.

My lineup is ever changing, ever moving about.
The more you learn, the more you know, the more bodies you can leave in your wake.

G4S Ermacio

Orbs... Orbs everywhere
I learned a long time ago that commiting myself to anyone not named Cyrax or Sub-Zero is a silly idea.

My lineup is ever changing, ever moving about.
The more you learn, the more you know, the more bodies you can leave in your wake.
i agree with this completely i have at one point mained every character in the entire cast besides sheeva(i hate her with a burning passion). i wish i could stick to one or two characters some times but then the game wouldnt be as fun

Lt. Boxy Angelman

i agree with this completely i have at one point mained every character in the entire cast besides sheeva(i hate her with a burning passion). i wish i could stick to one or two characters some times but then the game wouldnt be as fun
Sheeva: Great specials and damage and an awesome armored move, but horrible normals and terrible size. But I <3 her.
I've done the same with everyone but Kano and Cyber Sub-Zero.
I, like m2dave and many before him, think Kano was nerfed halfway to hell, and I've just never been a fan of Robo Frio's fighting style, or shooting Ice Bombs when all I want is some damn D3/3/332 pressure.
I am slowly becoming victim of this, at first I stuck with Mileena, but then Raiden looked cool, and I had to learn Cage. Then it was "hey, rushdowns fun" so there was Lao and Sonya, then it was "Well I could use a zoner" Boom, Freddy. Now I'm learning Kabal so I can learn how to fight his stuff.