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Your musical guilty pleasures


I don't play Runescape
Your irl friends aren't here TYM. They won't see what you like to listen to when you're alone. You know, always looking behind your back and making sure those headphones are tight in there, because if anyone were to know... Well, it'd be embarrassing for a second or two.

I like to listen to Train, Maroon 5, and Aqua every once in a while v_v



Come On Die Young
My normal musical taste - post rock, trip hop & instrumental hip hop, ambient, death metal, black metal

Then there's this -



Fuck you; fight me.
My normal musical taste - post rock, trip hop & instrumental hip hop, ambient, death metal, black metal

Then there's this -

Isn't this the same guy from The Medic Droid? They wrote Fer Sure.

My guilty pleasure is definitely crunkcore (Brokncyde, Hollywood Undead). I listen to gangster rap, powerviolence, hardcore, and folk.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
ah man have loads than differ from the normal thing id listen to, ABBA & miku hastune be the main two i get shit for.
dont care for the term "guilty pleasure" though, if it gives you pleasure why should you feel guilt? shame maybe lol but not guilt

here a french song someone showed me that i couldnt stop listening to for months...