This is directed to all the players who believe the reason I beat JOP was because of a "bug".
Well then this proves you shouldn't use Kabal's invincible glitch at MLG if you care what people will say. Just sayin.The reason I made this video was because I had to put up with players saying this for over a year. Apparently the word is there was a recent podcast (or whatever) where players were calling MK9 a horrible game because JOP outplayed me at EVO and lost because of a bug and faulty game glitches. It amazes me how full of shit people can get. This was the final straw on the topic because I'm tired of people spreading biased shit.
Totally using that excuse.Next time I'll lose I'll claim it's because my zipper wasn't correctly zipped and therefore putted pressure in an unpleasant fashion in the groin area which caused me playing a match impatiently to zip it correctly which is why I lost.
I mean really, how far are excuses gonna go? (ps I'm clearly not gonna use the zipper excuse, but you can use it)
JOP hates TTT2 as well.tekken has ''hitbox problems'' as well, which they stated in the very same podcast, funny how they are shitting on themselves without realising it.'
as a matter of fact the tekken thing is a real hitbox problem(ogre's mids) while mk's hitbox problem is just a small hitbox which raiden doesnt even suffer from really.