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Mortal Kombat 9 @ EVO 2013 Possibilities

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
So far the TTT2 has been poor in support for their game and Im tired of reading how it's a lock for evo 2013 when in fact when its all said and done it may not deserve it with titles like MK9 still going strong and TTT2 showing poor numbers

Id be ashamed if Injustice first major pulls in 48 people

Seasonings beatings #s
2 year old dead MK9 had 42
brand new first major TTT2 had 48

With this being said I see the following for upcoming events:

MLG Dallas MK9: 80-90 and we get picked up for 2013 (TTT2 Looking like it'll pull 30-40)
Nec 100+
Final Round 50+
SCR 50-60+

I feel like MK9 has a great shot at EVO 2013 after surveying the scene so far for Persona, TTT2, SCV, DOA5


MK9 is blowing these games away at most events so as of now lets all walk around with our heads held high because damnt we have a tremendous chance and the evidence speaks for itself that we should be invited back to EVO 2013

We are an interesting community - TTT2 forums are dead

It'll be interesting to see how these upcoming events and their games compare with mk9 #sDont get me wrong TTT2 is hype in Atlanta but the forums are boring and the community is sleeping
they are all good game indeed and I was wondering this too the other day. mk has more participants than any of these games and it is really just AE that overwhelms MK with its big community.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Some of these later turnouts like NEC and SCR may not matter. They've likely already got a good idea what the lineup will be. They're announced in early January or late December.
the forums here arent what they used to be either, but its getting on its feet again i think. i think the site being down for so long was the worst what has happened to the community so far


the forums here arent what they used to be either, but its getting on its feet again i think. i think the site being down for so long was the worst what has happened to the community so far
FYI - this is one of the reasons why at about 8:15 AM EST every morning that the site "turns off" for about 10 minutes... we've taken action to ensure that disaster doesn't happen again. Believe me... I know first hand about how shitty it was.

  • UMVC3
  • DOA
  • TTT2
  • MK
Seem to be IMO the most active and community driven games ATM.
  • SCV
  • Persona
  • Skullgirls
  • BlazBlue
Seem less active


Come On Die Young
I still don't think it will be there. Though you're right in that some games people think will make it (TT2, Persona, DOA) aren't showing the numbers they should for an Evo main game. TT2 pulling low numbers gives more headway for Injustice, but getting <300 entrants at Evo 2012 implies that we'd get even less at Evo 2013 and they probably wouldn't bother with that.


I doubt it makes it to EVO 2013. I really hope it does and I will try to support this in anyway possible. But with Injustice releasing just before EVO, why would NRS want to put any kind of support towards an older game?
FYI - this is one of the reasons why at about 8:15 AM EST every morning that the site "turns off" for about 10 minutes... we've taken action to ensure that disaster doesn't happen again. Believe me... I know first hand about how shitty it was.

  • UMVC3
  • DOA
  • TTT2
  • MK
Seem to be IMO the most active and community driven games ATM.

  • SCV
  • Persona
  • Skullgirls
  • BlazBlue
Seem less active
Imo you guys are doing what you can to make this site work, so its all good. I agree with that list there but I think mk has a better chance than DOA has. And I actually think those are going to be the games for evo next year.

The thing I fear most is injustice replacing mk.


From what I remember DOA was free to enter with $500 dollars to win at Summer Jam and I don't think they even got 20 entrants.


Regardless of turnout for ttt2 namco is too big of a player in evo to not include it. P4A is on the bubble the community is hit or miss but arksys could pony up some cash as incentive for it making the cut.

Iirc sfxt is out so that could be our opening.

Regardless though I think mk9 needs a big time community ran tourney either as a side tourney at evo 13' or an all out mk festival in chicago at GGA.


EVO 2013 will be

Tekken Tag 2
PS All-Stars

Anyone who doubts All-Stars should think twice. Seth is lead designer. It's a Sony game, and Sony sponsors EVO.
MK9 had a good run. I hope you guys put some of that prize money away.
This list looks very honest... I'll give you that. I was going off of current games and their livelihood.


Mid Tier
TTT2/DOA5 community's remind me of the SCV community, too many elitists, and no one willing to teach anyone new anything,

P4A didn't really have a player base other then other Anime players, and they don't really like it.

Canada Cup next weekend will have almost every game there except SCV, I'll pst the numbers when I know them, MLG and T13 screwed our MK numbers, but it will be fun either way


Alternative-Fact Checker
Evo tends to be an onwards and upwards kind of event, always with the new stuff showcased AND, more importantly, trying to cater to every crowd. Tekken 6 was featured for years, and I have a feeling TTT2 will be on account of general history trends + Tekken is strong internationally.

DOA5= Dead in the water. Will never be at Evo again, and the only way it could would be if it drew huge numbers...which it hasn't yet. Aside from turnouts, politically, the game's history is not so good with the people that run Evo, which is a huge blow.

P4: Arena= Interesting, because while this game can get numbers, it faces a huge issue: New BlazBlue and Guilty Gear are almost out, and that will split the game's audience, IMO. Still, the game has a big pulse, as their are many top Marvel players, along with the usually top anime players, that make up its fanbase. Will definitely be a contender going in.

SCV: Stick a fork in it

Playstation All Stars Battle Royale: May not be the joke it appears to be. With several people with great fighting game achievements on the dev team, a special showcase at the previous Evo, and enough Playstations at Evo to club several thousand baby seals, we might just have our dark horse.

BB: Dark Phantasma: This COULD work, but it only has a few months to establish the game still has a pulse, and that may be two months too little

Skullgirls: The playerbase has shrunk a lot since they have been waiting on a new patch, and idk when that comes out. Regardless, I don't think we'll see it on the main stage.

Street Fighter x Tekken: A plethora of negativity from the Evo staff at the prior Evo has this game's chances, even after its new patch is released, on life support

The games that will be locks are definitely going to be SF4 AE 2012 and Ultimate Marvel and KOF XIII, based on numbers alone. TTT2 will probably be the next, since 3D players usually get a game to play.

The kicker will be if Evo decides to go back to 5 games or 6. If it's just at 5, they may go with the odd choice of PS All Stars Battle Royale thanks to its heavy connections, or P4: Arena due to its decent turnouts at all the events it has been at, but if there's 6 I can see MK going back.

Another factor will be if they want to pull another stunt and announce a game to be there before release, ala MK9 and SFxTekken. For many reasons, SFxT was a debacle when it was announced, and I have a feeling the Evo staff wouldn't want a repeat. Injustice will more than likely be sitting out this Evo.

Tl; Dr: MK9's shots depend on a 5 or 6 game lineup, and whether or not Evo is looking at P4: Arena or PS All Stars Battle Royale very seriously


No matter what you say or do, Tekken WILL be at EVO2013.


ROFLMFAO, have fun failing at whatever you're attempting on doing here. MK will NOT be a "main game" at EVO2013. Better hit up Focus Fire in advance and get them to run an official side tournament.


AE and MvC3 are always going to be shoe ins no matter what.

After that, it's really a crapshoot. IMO, TTT2 will make it in due to the fact that Evo is also something of a forum for a lot of developers to show off something. I seriously doubt they will give Namco the cold shoulder, especially with how much Harada and his team has supported the idea of something like Evo to begin with.

Who knows where the anime fighters will be at. If you ask me, we will have a chance at seeing GG:ACP there just because of the name alone. Unless that is the new BB gets enough steam to overthrow it, but as everyone knows, for some reason a lot of people who hate BB love GG. And that is more than enough for some to think that GG can draw in more numbers than BB can at Evo.

KOF13 is going to be really interesting. If you go by what the MadKOF guys say, the scene is dying in Korea and if they shift their focus, then a lot of the hype will be gone, unless some big time players from Japan make it. I think it's fair to say that a lot of the FGC is finally taking Latin America seriously when it comes to fighters. And with KOF13 being on there, I can easily see this being one of the premier World tournaments for that game if the numbers show up.

I wouldn't know anything about Skullgirls because I've never played the game but I was always under the impression that as much as the FGC wants to have a hard on for a game made by someone within the FGC and who has roots to older fighters, it would not have made it in.

DoA is not going to get in. This is mainly due to the fact that a lot of the community would rather play online than ever meeting up at an offline tournament. That's always been the bane of that community so I seriously doubt we will ever see it at Evo.

I seriously cannot see a scenario where MK does not get in the roster. The game always has solid numbers at every tournament that has it in it's game lineup. Yeah, it may not be in the hundreds like AE and MvC3, but the fact is that it usually is always the third or fourth game with the most entrants. If they do not put it in, it's most likely because Injustice would have taken over as the main NRS game prior to Evo.

B Pryme

No matter what you say or do, Tekken WILL be at EVO2013.


ROFLMFAO, have fun failing at whatever you're attempting on doing here. MK will NOT be a "main game" at EVO2013. Better hit up Focus Fire in advance and get them to run an official side tournament.
If tekken is at evo 13 it will not be at the next one after. Face the damn facts, tekken is not hype to watch for non tekken players, historically MK is however. You fanboys should just really bind together and go start your own tekken forum so we don't have to hear you crybabies whine any more. It's like pig said look at seasons beatings, and enough with the "our community lives in asia" bullshit or whatever excuse you're going with now.

tldr; tekken is not hype and whining about how it is, is even less hype.

Ps. Pig you are the shit and netherealm should hire you to be apart of their marketing team!!


Injustice is going to kill MK9's tournament scene. MK9 wont be at Evo, but Injustice has a really good shot.


Play Monster Hunter!
  • AE2012 duh
  • MVC3 also duh
  • TTT2 It might not be as popular as some had hoped, but there is no way its not making EVO
  • P4A Most popular ANIME game.
  • KoF13 The hype kind of died down a bit as all the casual players moved on to new games as its way too hard for the average FGfan, it had a 1000 this year, but at least half of those only signed up because of the free shirt.
DoA, Skullgirls, and BB have no chance in hell.

That leaves MK and Injustice, the positive thing about the MK crowd is that we don't really overlap with anyone else, so just throwing MK in the lineup will pad the EVO numbers an EXTRA 150+ players, which is more or less a good thing.
Injustice is more a less the sequel to MK9 and it will be new and shiny and WB will be supporting it much more then MK, so if any NRS game gets on, it will be Injustice, and if it gets in or not will have very little to do with its quality, as the game will come out after the announcement is made, just like what happened to MK9.
I think the 5-6 games that will be at Evo this year will be:

- SSF4:AE 2012 Edition
- UMvC3
- KoFXIII (International Draw)
- TTT3 (3D Fighter Draw)
- Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Mortal Kombat 9/Persona 4 Arena/Sony Playstation All-Stars (This is dependent on the strength of the communities of each respective game at the time a decision is made for the Evo 2013 Game List)

I actually think Injustice will breathe some life back into the MK community inherently because I would imagine a lot of MK players will be hopping on that game to play competitively in tournaments.

The fact of the matter is, Mortal Kombat brings a different scene to tournaments that is separate from the other communities (most Capcom players play SSF4:AE and UMvC3 so you have the same people attending).

Injustice is going to be very popular leading into Evo next year as a new game, and given that our community will flock to it, it has the potential to inherently keep Mortal Kombat 9 relevant (our players will end up competing in both).

If our players are attending major tournaments for Injustice, and Mortal Kombat 9 also happens to be at those same majors, there is a greater potential for cross-pollination between the two games.