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MK9 Tournament/Casual Player Hugging Discussion Video

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
See no one knows me, but I will be hug raping everyone I meet irl that I've talked to on these forums.

Blake,pig,joker I'm coming for you.

Sent from Cyberdyne Systems

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
I will not hug an ermac player.

I most certainly will not hug m2dave(not out of dislike, but...he doesnt strike me as too HUG hungry)

I will hug anyone of the MKD/A era (excluding dave)

I will hug all STB members!!!

I always shake hands before a tournament match

I always attempt to shake hands after a tournament match

Grudges stop after a tournament game has been played

Never make an excuse for a loss

my hugs n rules :)


Getting better with age
16bit said:
3. Pig of the Hut and Chris G
This may be wrong of me, but I get the feeling hugging Chris G would be like hugging Hakan in SFAE...
Someone's gonna fly Ultra 1 style :\