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MLG Top 8 Thread Predictions - Accompanied by JamesMK's predictions

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
JamesMK Top 25 MLG Predictions

1. Reo
2. JR
3. Maxter
4. Pig
5. CD
6. Showtime
7. Winter Warz
8. Dizzy
9. Tyler Lantern
10. B Wizz
11. Emp Scar
12. WoundCowboy
13. PL
14. PokChop
16. GGA 16 Bit
17. Big D
18. GGA Han
19. Gamerblake90
20. Gross
21. GGA Waffelz
22. TORO
23. kh Cat
24. Mygod_88
25 Billstickers

Special Notes: Goldfish goes 1-2



Now Post yours and discuss


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Top 8 inpo

pig of the hut
perfect legend
16 bit
m2dave (if he ends up going if not i replace him with CD)

wildcards: showtime and gross


Do not touch me again.
1. REO -- going by his comment at Raleigh about him having to lose a tournament (TTT13) in order to win the next one
2. CDJr
3. Maxter
4. Perfect Legend
5. Showtime
5. Pig of the Hut
7. WoundCowboy
7. 16 Bit
9. HAN
9. Scar
9. GamerBlake90
9. CrazyDominican
13. Pokchop
13. Dizzy
13. MyGod
13. B-W1zZ

DJ L Toro

OK my top 8 in my dream fantasy world where i level up in 15 days more than i have the entire run of the game looks something like:
1) OBS DJ L Toro (playing as Daniel_Name because mlg wants me to pay more money to change my name, fu** that)
2) OBS EMP KN POS SOB MOM EAT LOL FAT GAG REO (did i get all of the sponsors?)
3) CD JR
4) Pig Of The Hut
5) KH Scar
6) mygod (note Pig Of The Hut, for 24 jamessmk said mygod, not midnight)
7) GGA 16 Bit
8) GGA Dizzy
9) Gamerblake90

(my real top 8 has the other 8 in there, not me, lol)