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The Weekly TYM Mains Tournament Round 2 (Oct. 13)


Really poor turn out on the PSN side guys. Why commit to something only to not show up? Poor form, but willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

Vggs to KILLA_solid and Espio. Considering it was you two I was up against, I don't feel too bad going out 0-2....who am I kidding, I'm salty as fuck.

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Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Daaaaaaaamn. I totally forgot :( been at band practice. Sorry chance, cossner, ghost face ...I'm a dick

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2


The Janitor.
Fuck i forgot about this lol, i had my xbl back in time to but i gave up on Nightwolf pfft fuck him, better luck in round 3? is there a round 3 please?

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
So, who won? Need to get your info via pm to send you your game :)

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2


TYM White Knight
Great games to everyone, a special holy shit to Big D who reset the grand finals against me with his Sindel. Went down to the last round 3-2 in my favour. He impressed the hell out of me.

Great tournament great experience. Can't wait for round 3!

Big D

Relevant In An Irrelevant Time
I hate J360 for first nominating Sindel for me. Character is TURRIBLE man. GGs though. Tonight was fun!