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Feeling isolated - together


Dojo Trainee
Who here feels isolated from their various social groups? I know everyone feels lonely from time to time, but I'm talking about a more habitual issue. I think my problem is that I am so used to isolating myself, that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You avoid connecting with others, then people genuinely can't connect with you, and then since you don't feel connected, you avoid them...

I will plainly admit that this is of my own doing. I have more in common with my friends than not, but I am so used to looking at the negative, it's the first thing I go to. At the drop of the hat, I can make a list of things that make me "weird" or "different" but really if I spun it around, it could be the things that make me "special" or "unique".

This comes to my attention because I notice I am more excited to visit TYM than Facebook these days. I am more interested in sharing with people who are strangers, but at least I know we share a similar passion. Nobody is going to not understand why I spend a lot of time playing Mortal Kombat. In my group of friends, well, I'm the only person who even owns a copy of Mortal Kombat, let alone plays video games this much.

There are other things in my life (skateboarding, watching the TV show Reba on DVD, not drinking alcohol) where I don't have many friends, if any, who are passionate about these interests or even understand where I'm coming from. I do have some wonderful friends who are not judgmental and really put in a lot of time and effort to understand me, or listen to rant about how the MK meter system is so brilliant.

I've written a few zines, where I've written personal articles about things that are important to me. That's one way to share my passions and ideas with friends and family. Sometimes low self-esteem makes me assume that people aren't interested, so I don't bring it up. (Reba is secretly a brilliant show)

I should probably invite friends over more often and have more heart to heart talks. I've gotten back in touch with my old best friend from grade school, and it's nice to kind of reconnect with someone that I (still) have so much trust in and feel comfort. And I'm lucky that my boyfriend is unbelievably accepting and non-judgemental. It's not my best trait, as I still resent my family members for various things, but I'm working on it.

Anyway, just mouthing off - and would be interested in hearing other people's thoughts/experiences. Obviously I'm spending my time alone, on the computer, typing on a message board - so that means that I'm not spending face-to-face time with humans. (you guys could be all Lin Kuei cyborgs for all I know [cyber initiative is going to be on the ballot in 2016]) One of my biggest problems with Facebook, is that I always log on hoping that someone will have written about me or written to me. And when I log on, I see pictures and here stories of everything everyone is doing without me. It creates this defeated longing that really doesn't make sense. I don't post everything I do (I went on a road trip, I bought a new skateboard, I cleaned my house, I biked to a burrito place) and if I did, other people might feel the same way (I wish I was invited to join him at the burrito place). So it makes me feel more excluded than I actually am (everyone is doing stuff all the time and I'm not invited) only because I willingly go on and read about it. Anyway, this isn't meant to be a post about Facebook, just about the topic of perceived isolation versus reality.

The reality of isolation? Well, I guess I don't really need to focus on that aspect. It's a lose/lose situation. It's like a 0-0 match up. If I focus on the reality of my being isolated, well, then I'm convincing myself that I'm right - I am isolated. It's more important to just admit that the feeling is there, whether it is real or not. Time to do something productive. So, talking with others is productive so here I am!
Jesus fucking Christ, you pretty much just wrote exactly everything about me.

Ever since I became home bound from school i've pretty much stopped talking to friends and shit. Exactly my feelings when I go on to facebook hoping to have a few alerts or something. But nope. I just sit at home reading comic books, playing MK and browsing the internet..

Kinda fuckin sucks


Command Grabber
You just needed to vent-mission accomplished, but it just sounds like you need attention. You're in Chicago you should be able to
find someone with similar interests no matter how odd they are. Isn't there a big MK scene up there? Nobody is going to talk about you unless you do something. Go out there and make an impact. Go to a foreign country, start drinking, 360 hardflip off someones house, cause some drama, punch your boyfriend in the face. This is the land of opportunity.
What do you mean home bound from school? As in time off from school and living at home?
Pretty much every week day I go to a tutor, and teaches me for an hour every day, I have really bad anxiety issues at the moment so this is a temporary "Solution".


A prop on the stage of life.
Where do I begin? Lets see...Childhood friend(s) are irrelevant to me. They live different lives in different places. High school friends? I hardly keep in touch with like 2 or 3 of them, as I have little time. Maybe I'll give them a call tomorrow and see if they're busy, I actually do have tomorrow off work...Anyway, I have a small group of friends and we have gatherings once every couple of months, but its so tedious to set up and it feels like it gets harder every time. I'm not terribly upset, as I've come to find that simply interacting with people is the root of all my problems, friend or not.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like I relate to patrick bateman from American Psycho. I've seen the movie several times, and that last scene of monologue starts to make a little more sense each time I see it. I tell my co workers "you know that feeling when someone pisses you off and you're murdering them in your head....oh you don't?" I'm constantly brooding when people are around me. They just piss me off simply by being near me. Now thats not to say that I can't go out with people with common interests or some friends, but most days I'm stuck at work with a bunch of strangers and I don't like it. Co workers piss me off with their laziness, the general public pisses me off with their need to get stupid coffee, and I get pissed because my job is just a fucking paycheck. I don't care about where the "aged sumatra beans" come from. Its fucking coffee, buy it or leave bitch, I have more important things to worry about. I'm happy to have a job, but most of the time I'm not happy to do it.

This place is kind of an escape from all that. I wouldn't say I'm as attached as the OP is, but I do enjoy some of the stuff that goes on here. Not lately though, tbh. I don't really have any other forums I visit. I guess I could always make an account for the Dark Souls forum. I post in the starcraft forums once in a really, REALLY long time, but people there are so snobby and into just starcraft it makes me sick. Mods included. Other than that, its youtube, facebook, and occasional episode of OnePiece for me. Now that my life story is out of the way......

tl;dr - I have very little friends who I rarely hang out with and people suck.


Dojo Trainee
Gotcha - I'm working on overcoming depression issues, so I think I can related. Ha - we should hang out and start a club!

How long about you been doing tutoring? any plans to go back to school?


Dojo Trainee
Killphil thanks for posting. I hear you about Patrick Bateman. I don't know where this anti-social loathing comes from. So many people I know feel like that.

The new mental disease from modern living?

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Oh and btw, I get the same feeling when on Facebook and I love the Reba show. Watched like 3 episodes today lol


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
you're not alone man, I don't think it is all that uncommon, epically at certain ages. Like you and others on TYM, I'm in the same boat. I don't have many friends, I don't go out to much, and pretty much spend my time, on the computer, doing school work, or playing MK. I'm not social awkward, in fact, I love meeting new people, but Ever since i moved to Texas from St Louis it has just been very hard to get much of anything going friend wise. I have put myself out there mutable times In school and though BMX, and i have met lots of people i can kinda shoot the shit with when we happen to be in the same place, but no one i can really call on a Saturday night, or consider a buddy. It used to really upset me, why couldn't i find friends? was there something wrong with me? I had a pretty hard time with depression for about the first two years i lived in Texas too.

If there is one word of advice I can give you, or anyone else, just be happy. Life sucks sometimes, but the best thing to do is be happy for what you have, and in time everything will get better. I can't really say I have found friends but I'm ok with that, I know it will happen in due time. If you aren't in school, you need to be, even if you don't meet people, school is amazing.

as far as Facebook goes, it has always sucked lol. for the most part, Facebook is just a website for people to go "Hey! look at me! YOLO, SWAG, MAN I GOT SO DRUNK LAST NIGHT! HAHAHA LIKE MY STATUS!" even when I had a bunch of friends i didn't like facebook to much lol

keep your head up man :) there is nothing wrong with a little isolation, everything will get better in time